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Keysight EMPro 2020


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Keysight EMPro 2020 Update 1 x64


Keysight EMPro 2020 Update 1 x64 | 3.0 GB

The PathWave development team is pleased to announce the availability of EM Design (EMPro) 2020 Update 1. This release includes increased robustness by leveraging an updated FEM Mesher and enhanced flexibility to calibrate ports. Continues to be a leading 3DEM modeling and simulation environment integrated with the ADS 2020 design flow.

Keysight has announced the release of its updated PathWave * Design 2020 software suite. The new suite includes updates to the electronic design automation software to accelerate design workflows for radio frequency (RF) and microwave, 5G, and automotive design engineers.

The new releases of flagship products included in the software suite are:

PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS) 2020, PathWave RFIC Design (GoldenGate) 2020, PathWave System Design (SystemVue) 2020, and PathWave RF Synthesis (Genesys) 2020.
The PathWave * Design 2020 software suite accelerates product development by reducing the time engineers spend in the design and simulation phase. Its libraries and customized simulators reduce setup time and automation improvements reduce manual work. The software seamlessly integrates circuit design, electromagnetic (EM) simulation, layout capabilities, and system level modeling, reducing time needed for importing and exporting designs and fixing errors associated with changing tools. Improvements in data analytics allow for rapid analysis and timely design decisions.

PathWave EM Design 2020 Update 1.0 continues to be a leading 3D electromagnetic (3D EM) modeling and simulation environment, which is also integrated with the PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS) 2020 design flow. This latest update release offers some increased robustness by leveraging an updated FEM Mesher and enhanced flexibility to calibrate ports.

PathWave EM Design 2020 Update 1.0 is a major update release with the addition of these key capabilities:
FEM improvements
- A new calibration control has been added that prevents the removal of mutual inductance between two calibrated internal ports.

Issues Addressed:
- When using EMPro with a dongle license (hardware key), the GUI or simulator could get in a hanging state.
- Changing the meshing order could lead to a crash
- Selecting simulation results to reuse could lead to a crash
- Changing the frequency plan could lead to a crash
- In the Python 3 version of EMPro, the EMI Emission Calculation tool didn't initialize the waveform
The Python API documentation has been updated
Starting with the 2020 release, the online help gets a new user interface. The new UI improves overall online help usability by providing the following key benefits in addition to several other minor benefits:
- Table of Contents Sidebar: Displays collapsible Table of Contents for the entire documentation. The left-double-arrow icon collapses the sidebar, and the right-double-arrow icon displays the sidebar back again.
- PDF Button: Allows you to instantly generate PDFs of the latest documentation anytime, including current page's children pages. Currently, the PDF generation option is available only for 2020 release. For other releases, you can switch to their Printing Manuals page and download the existing PDFs like earlier.
- Product Release Switcher: Allows you to view the current page in other supported releases listed in the drop-down menu. Once you select a release from the drop-down menu, the current page is updated to show the content applicable to the selected release. The Table of Contents is updated as well. With this, you bookmark URL of only one release and then switch to other releases from this drop-down menu.
- Latest Documentation: The documentation available in the new UI is always kept updated for all supported releases. These updates are available to you as soon as they happen at our end. This provides you 24x7 access to the most recent and technically accurate documentation.

Electromagnetic Professional (EMPro) is a 3D modeling and simulation environment for analyzing the 3D electromagnetic (EM) effects of high-speed and RF/microwave components. EMPro features a modern design, simulation and analysis environment, high capacity time- and frequency-domain simulation technologies and integration with ADS, the industry's leading RF/microwave and high-speed design environment.
PathWave * EM Design (EMPro) 2020 continues to be a leading 3D electromagnetic modeling and simulation environment, which is also integrated with the Advanced Design System (ADS) 2020 design flow. This latest release offers some new capabilities to reduce simulation time (FEM performance improvements, easier to use Python scripting, adaptive meshing) and increase design efficiency (improved parameterization, FEM native field visualization).
* The PathWave software platform facilitates a completely new product development culture that creates an environment where design and test engineers can speak the same language. At Keysight, we call this new product development philosophy TestOps.
TestOps empowers you to develop, deploy, analyze, and release new products more accurately and quickly.
This video shows how design engineers can create parameterized 3D components in EMPro, then simulate them with 3D EM in Advanced Design System (ADS) as part of a larger design, with full access to 3D geometry parameters in ADS. EMPro is Agilent EEsof EDA's platform for full 3D modeling and electromagnetic (EM) simulation.

Keysight Technologies Inc. is the world's leading electronic measurement company, transforming today's measurement experience through innovations in wireless, modular, and software solutions. With its HP and Agilent legacy, Keysight delivers solutions in wireless communications, aerospace and defense and semiconductor markets with world-class platforms, software and consistent measurement science.

Product: Keysight EM Design (EMPro)
Version: 2020 Update 1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 3.0 Gb

System Requirements
Operating System
Practical Minimums: Windows 7 SP1, 64-bit
Recommended Basic: Windows 10, 64-bit
CPU: 2.33 GHz, 64-bit, x86 quad-core processors or higher
Hard disk: 20 GB free disk space or greater
RAM; 8 GB RAM or higher
Display: 1024x768 or higher
Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) Accelerator CardFor FDTD, Keysight recommends use of a Nvidia CUDA Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) accelerator card with compute capability 2.0 or greater.


Keysight EMPro 2020.1 (x64)

Englisch / inkl. Crack SolidSQUAD + Anleitung / 64-Bit



EMPro 2020 ist weiterhin eine führende 3D-Umgebung für elektromagnetische Modellierung und Simulation, die auch in den Entwurfsablauf des Advanced Design System (ADS) 2019 integriert ist. Diese neueste Version bietet einige neue Funktionen zur Reduzierung der Simulationszeit (Verbesserungen der FEM-Leistung, einfachere Verwendung von Python-Skripten, adaptives Meshing) und zur Steigerung der Designeffizienz (verbesserte Parametrisierung, native FEM-Feldvisualisierung).


- Die Umgebungstemperatur und Temperaturabhängigkeit von Leitermaterialien werden jetzt berücksichtigt.
- Der Vernetzungsalgorithmus wurde dramatisch verbessert.
- Der adaptive Frequenz-Sweep (AFS) wurde verbessert, um den simulierten Daten zu entsprechen.
- Bei der Berechnung von Strahlungsleistung, Verstärkung und Effizienz wurde ein Problem behoben.
- Beim Ändern des Anregungstyps von "Mehrfachanregung" in "Einzelanregung" wurde ein Problem in der Feldvisualisierung behoben. Die Feldwerte werden jetzt korrekt aktualisiert.
- Die Zuordnung von Portverteilungslinien zu Netzelementen in FEM ist jetzt robuster.
- Eine verteilte FEM-Simulation, die von einem Simulationsdienst gestartet wurde, der auf einem Windows-Host ausgeführt wird, ist jetzt stabiler.


- Um die Erstellung parametrisierter Objekte während des Skizzierens zu vereinfachen, ist der Standardlösungsmodus für den Einschränkungsmanager jetzt die XY-Ebene.
- Das Import-HFSS (.aedt / .a3dcomp + .sat) wurde verbessert.
- Das Skript 'python_scripts / demo / commandline / run_simulation.py', das zeigt, wie Sie eine neue Simulation über die Befehlszeile erstellen und ausführen können, wurde aktualisiert, um Parameter-Sweeps zu unterstützen.


Größe: 2.90 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows (64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, Ddownload.to (DDl.to)


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