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JetBrains Rider 2020


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
JetBrains Rider 2020.1


JetBrains Rider 2020.1 | 672 MB

Rider helps you develop .NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin, or Unity applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux. It provides rich editing support and code insight for languages used in .NET development, from C#, VB.NET, and F# to ASP.NET Razor syntax, JavaScript, TypeScript, XAML, XML, HTML, CSS, SCSS, JSON, and SQL.

Languages and project types
Rider lets you open, edit, build, run and debug most kinds of .NET applications: desktop, web, libraries, services (with a notable exception of UWP applications). Applications that target Mono, such as Unity and Xamarin, are also supported, as well as the latest and greatest .NET Core applications.

Rider supports a lot of languages used in .NET development, including C#, F#, VB.NET, ASP.NET (both ASPX and Razor view engines), XAML, XML, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, SCSS, LESS, and SQL.

ReSharper + IntelliJ platform
Rider uses UI and multiple features of the IntelliJ platform, which powers IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, and other JetBrains IDEs. It's cross-platform, familiar to millions of developers, and provides core functionality such as VCS and database support.

On top of that, we add ReSharper features: navigation and search, refactoring, code inspections, quick-fixes, and so on. We have spent 10+ years building a feature set that helps read, write and navigate large .NET codebases, and all this is now available to Rider users.

Designed to be smart and fast
Rider isn't jammed into a 32-bit process, which helps it gain deep insight into your code while still being responsive. Rider opens (and reopens) most solutions with almost zero latency. External changes to solution? Switching Git branches? Not a problem: Rider catches up quickly.

When you edit code, our topmost priority is to make sure that you type as fast as your fingers are trained to, not only as fast as the IDE can process your input.

System requirements:
Operating system (64-bit distributions only):
Microsoft Windows 10/8.1/7 (.NET Framework 4.6.1 is required)
The strong-name bypass feature must not be disabled
Processor: min. Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz
Memory: min. 4 GB / recommended 8 GB or higher
Disk: min. space: 2,5 GB using SSD instead of HDD is recommended for optimal performance
Screen: 1024x768 minimum screen resolution

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JetBrains Rider 2020.1 build 201.6668.197 Win & MacOS & Linux



JetBrains Rider is a new cross-platform .NET IDE based on the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper.

Supports most .NET project types

Rider supports .NET Framework, the newcross-platform .NET Core, and Mono based projects. This lets you develop a wide array of applications including .NET desktop applications, servicesand libraries, Unity games, Xamarin apps, ASP.NETand ASP.NET Coreweb applications.


As well as running and debugging multiple runtimes, Rider itself runs on multiple platforms: Windows, macOS and Linux.

Feature-rich and fast

Rider provides 2500+ live code inspections, hundreds of context actions and refactorings brought by ReSharper, and combines them with the IntelliJ platform’s solid IDE features. Despite a heavy feature set, Rider is designed to be fast and responsive.


Code editing

Rider’s rich editor features different kinds of code completion and code templates, auto-inserting matching braces and import directives, quick info tooltips and gutter icons for inheritance navigation, context actions, and much more.

Code analysis

Rider boasts 2500+ live code inspections, with automated quick-fixes to resolve detected issues individually or in bulk. Solution-wide error analysis will monitor code issues and let you know if anything goes wrong, even in files that are not currently open.

Navigation and search

You can jump to any file, type, or member in your code base in no time, as well as find settings and actions. Find usages of any symbol, or navigate from a symbol to base and derived symbols, extension methods or implementations.


Most of ReSharper’s 50+ refactorings are already available in Rider, and its 450+ context actions are all there. Rename, extract methods, interfaces and classes, move and copy types, use alternative syntax, and a lot more!

Unit test runner

Rider helps you run and debug unit tests based on NUnit, xUnit.net, or MSTest. You can explore tests, group them in different ways, break them down into individual sessions, see test output and navigate to source code from stack traces.

Debugger and more tools

Rider includes a debugger that works with .NET Framework, Mono and .NET Core applications, letting you step, watch, evaluate and run to cursor. Other tools include a stack trace explorer, NuGet browser, VCS and database support.

What′s New in Rider

Rider 2020.1 now runs the backend on .NET Core runtime by default on macOS and Linux and delivers Xamarin Hot Reload and Dynamic Program Analysis. It introduces an easy way to configure the severity of the editor, and it adds dataflow analysis for integer values as well as faster code completion. The Debug window has been reworked, and the Extract Class refactoring and Coverage Filters are now available.

2.12 GB
rar archive

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