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IVT BlueSoleil v10


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

IVT BlueSoleil 10.0.492.1 Multilingual


BlueSoleil allows your Bluetooth enabled computer to wirelessly integrate a multitude of Bluetooth devices such as mobile phones, stereo headsets, keyboards and mouse devices all in one screen. In addition BlueSoleil Windows supports 24 different Bluetooth functions, and supports 17 different languages.

BlueSoleil 10 based on BlueSoleil 9's features takes advantage of Bluetooth 4.0 low energy technology and is Windows 8/8.1/Windows 10 compatible. BlueSoleil 10 has improved functions and optimized performance.
BlueSoleil 10 is one of the most popular professional Windows-based Bluetooth applications, developed by IVT with great innovation and independence. Bluesoleil is able to fulfill demands of integrating a diverse array of Bluetooth enabled digital devices, such as mobile phones, headsets, printers, keyboards and so on. You can also establish networks and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled computers.

Aren’t you tired of tangling wires? BlueSoleil 10 presents a new wireless Bluetooth experience. You can view and manage your contacts in your mobile phone from computer and backup your contacts wirelessly via BlueSoleil 10. You can easily type long messages directly from BlueSoleil messages dialogue. You can transfer files, photos, music, videos and any other data wirelessly. Meanwhile, you are able to connect with other people via BlueSoleil 10. It is a worthwhile and user-friendly tool that you can share with you family and friends. When you own BlueSoleil 10, you can get BlueSoleil cPhone (Cell Phone Wireless Management Expert) FREE at the same time. You’re bound to take BlueSoleil 10 home, aren’t you?

BlueSoleil 10 New Features
– Being Windows 8/8.1 、Windows 10 compatible
– Supports Bluetooth 4.0 (profiles such as Find Me, Proximity, Health Thermometer, Heart Rate, HID OVER GATT)
– Supporting dual mode dongles
– Having enhanced sound quality of A2DP and SCO
– Having improved performance of Multi-Profiles
– Supports most Symbian S40/S60, Windows Mobile, MTK mobile phones and mobile phones that provide PBAP service.

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 150,25 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


IVT BlueSoleil 10.0.496.1 Multilingual


BlueSoleil allows your Bluetooth enabled computer to wirelessly integrate a multitude of Bluetooth devices such as mobile phones, stereo headsets, keyboards and mouse devices all in one screen. In addition BlueSoleil Windows supports 24 different Bluetooth functions, and supports 17 different languages.

BlueSoleil 10 based on BlueSoleil 9's features takes advantage of Bluetooth 4.0 low energy technology and is Windows 8/8.1/Windows 10 compatible. BlueSoleil 10 has improved functions and optimized performance.
BlueSoleil 10 is one of the most popular professional Windows-based Bluetooth applications, developed by IVT with great innovation and independence. Bluesoleil is able to fulfill demands of integrating a diverse array of Bluetooth enabled digital devices, such as mobile phones, headsets, printers, keyboards and so on. You can also establish networks and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled computers.

Aren’t you tired of tangling wires? BlueSoleil 10 presents a new wireless Bluetooth experience. You can view and manage your contacts in your mobile phone from computer and backup your contacts wirelessly via BlueSoleil 10. You can easily type long messages directly from BlueSoleil messages dialogue. You can transfer files, photos, music, videos and any other data wirelessly. Meanwhile, you are able to connect with other people via BlueSoleil 10. It is a worthwhile and user-friendly tool that you can share with you family and friends. When you own BlueSoleil 10, you can get BlueSoleil cPhone (Cell Phone Wireless Management Expert) FREE at the same time. You’re bound to take BlueSoleil 10 home, aren’t you?

BlueSoleil 10 New Features
– Being Windows 8/8.1 、Windows 10 compatible
– Supports Bluetooth 4.0 (profiles such as Find Me, Proximity, Health Thermometer, Heart Rate, HID OVER GATT)
– Supporting dual mode dongles
– Having enhanced sound quality of A2DP and SCO
– Having improved performance of Multi-Profiles
– Supports most Symbian S40/S60, Windows Mobile, MTK mobile phones and mobile phones that provide PBAP service.

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 150,57 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

IVT BlueSoleil v10.0.417.0 Deutsch - Inkl. Patch

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegten Patch verwenden --> Fertig!


BlueSoleil: Bluetooth-Stack zur Kommunikation zwischen Rechner und Geräten über Bluetooth. Wer heute noch Kabel verlegt ist selbst schuld oder schlägt sich mit alten Geräten rum, moderne Geräte kommunizieren längst über BlueTooth. Und die passende Software zur Kommunikation zwischen Handy und PC kommt mit BlueSoleil vom Hersteller IVT.

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 109 MB
Format: .exe
Sprache: Deutsch
Plattform: Windows





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