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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Itoo Software Forest Pack Pro 6.3.0 (x64) for 3DsMax


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


Itoo Software Forest Pack Pro 6.3.0 (x64) for 3DsMax
File size: 54.8 MB

Forest Pack is the world's most popular scattering plugin for 3ds Max.

It provides a complete solution for creatingAdded support for 3DS Max 2021.

-Fixed crash in Forest Tools->Data Exporter.

-Added support for VRayProxy's "Expand # to frame number" option.

-Fixed crash if Distribution Map parameter is null.

-Added support for V-Ray 3.7.

-Fixed crashing bug with Mental Ray.

-Fixed: fpItem.tintMult is casted to integer when modified in Forest Effects.

-Fixed: the process to collect all "maps" folders and add them to Customize->External Files is broken.

-Fixed crash with Paint areas and huge coordinate values (i.e. using millimeters with large surfaces).

Download Links



Itoo Software Forest Pack Pro v6.3.1 For 3ds Max


Itoo Software Forest Pack Pro v6.3.1 For 3ds Max | 1.65 GB | Language: English

Forest Pack is the world's most popular scattering plugin for 3ds Max®. It provides a complete solution for creating vast areas of objects, from trees and plants to buildings, crowds, aggregates, ground-cover, rocks and more. If you can model it, Forest Pack can scatter it. Countless studios rely on Forest Pack's production-tested algorithms and native shaders to render scenes with virtually unlimited numbers of objects and polygons, all without putting a strain on computer resources.
Simulate natural distribution patterns and get the most out of your assets using advanced mapping and randomisation tools, or fine-tune your scatters with granular control over every aspect of the plugin.


Forest Pack is fully multi-threaded and highly optimized for speed and efficiency. A typical scene can effortlessly use over 100.000 objects each with 1 million polys, and render in just a few minutes.

Points-Cloud display mode faithfully previews scattered objects in the viewports as they will appear in the render. Amazingly fast, this mode allows you to move and edit items in real-time, while maintaining an accurate preview of your scenes.

From the moment you pick a scatter area Forest Pack is fully parametric. With no destructive editing you make design decisions at any time, and see the results in the viewport instantly.

Recreate the limitless variation found in nature with the ability to randomise distribution, objects, transforms, animation, bitmaps and tints. Mimic natural growth patterns using the innovative Clusters feature.

Maps Control when you need it. Drive parameters using maps and expressions or use Tree Editor mode to scatter along splines, on markers or even edit and place individual objects.

Use Forest Pack's built-in Library Browser to select and assign plants with a single click. Over 100 models are included in Forest Pack Pro, or you can create your own presets and share them effortlessly with colleagues.

3DSMAX 2014-2021

Größe: 1.65 Gb
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7
Bit depth: 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)





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