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Is Anyone Really Normal? Perspectives on Abnormal Psychology [TTC Audio]


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Is Anyone Really Normal? Perspectives on Abnormal Psychology [TTC Audio]
English | 1994 | 5 hrs and 58 mins | MP3 | 123 MB | Drew Westen

Human beings can't just stick to the facts. Human beings always impose order on what they see. Beginning with the assertion that there are "no facts" in the study of psychology, Professor Drew Westen reveals the intriguing and varied ways that psychologists have explained reality.

For much of this century, we have accepted that Freud was to the mind what Newton had been to the physical universe, having mapped the topography of the psyche and having explained the movement of the forces within it. The reverence for Freud has waned with the rise of other perspectives on the understanding and treatment of disorders, which suggests a different model of human mental life.

In this course, Professor Westen brings this clash of perspectives into the open and suggests ways in which they might inform each other and afford us a more comprehensive understanding of ourselves and others. The lectures are designed to be accessible to anyone interested in the mysteries of the abnormal mind and its treatment. Professor Westen examines the ways in which a psychologist s perspective determines how abnormalities are seen and treated ... or even if treatment is needed at all.

Lecture 1: How Perspectives Influence Us.
Lecture 2: Freud; from dreams to drives.
Lecture 3: Freud's Theories of Motivation & Development.
Lecture 4: Psychoanalytic Theory of Conflict.
Lecture 5: Contemporary Psychodynamic Thinking.
Lecture 6: Behaviorist Alternative.
Lecture 7: Cognitive Social Approaches; the role of situations & thought.
Lecture 8: Cognitions, Social Behavior, & Cognitive Behavioral Therapies.

Drew Westen is Professor, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry at Emory University. Prior to joining the faculty at Emory, he taught at the University of Michigan, Harvard Medical School, and Boston University. He has received numerous teaching awards, including the first Golden Apple Award for outstanding undergraduate teaching at the University of Michigan, and more recently was selected as a G. Stanley Hall Lecturer by the American Psychological Association.

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