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[WIN/MAC] IK Multimedia T-RackS CS v4


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
IK Multimedia T-RackS CS v4.7 COMPLETE-[WiN]

R2R | Sep 2014 | 160MB

The World-Class Mixing and Mastering Plug-In Collection
IK Multimedia is pleased to introduce T-RackS Custom Shop, the latest version of IK’s celebrated collection of professional mixing and mastering processors.

Now T-RackS is even more powerful, with the new Custom Shop feature, which was originally introduced in our AmpliTube software. Custom Shop opens from within T-RackS, and lets you browse, audition, and purchase any processor in the T-RackS collection. It’s like having a really cool vintage and cutting edge modern digital gear shop at your fingertips, 24/7.

On top of this, five new processors have been added to the T-RackS lineup, including the Quad Series of precision multiband units, and the British Channel, a meticulous emulation of the channel strip from a classic mixing desk. Black 76 and White 2A, vintage dynamics processors have been updated to make them even more authentic and hardware-like sounding.

As you can see below, T-RackS comes in several different flavors, ranging from a free version, T-RackS Custom Shop, which includes starter package of one processor and complete metering suite, all the way to the fully stocked 16-processor T-RackS CS Grand. Thanks to the Custom Shop functionality, you can start with whatever version of T-RackS fits your current needs, and expand your collection whenever you want. Excellent upgrades and offers are also available.


Quad Image
British Channel
CSR Hall Reverb
Brickwall Limiter
CSR Plate Reverb
Opto Compressor
CSR Room Reverb
CSR Inverse Reverb
Linear Phase Equalizer
Classic T-RackS Clipper
Classic T-RackS Equalizer
Black 76 Limiting Amplifier
White 2A Leveling Amplifier
Classic T-RackS Compressor
Quad Lim Multi-band Limiter
Vintage Tube Program Equalizer
Classic T-RackS Multi-band Limiter
Quad Comp Multi-band Compressor
Vintage Tube Compressor/Limiter model 670

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IK Multimedia T-RackS CS v4.7 COMPLETE-[OSX]

R2R | Sep 2014 | 214MB

The World-Class Mixing and Mastering Plug-In Collection
IK Multimedia is pleased to introduce T-RackS Custom Shop, the latest version of IK’s celebrated collection of professional mixing and mastering processors.

Now T-RackS is even more powerful, with the new Custom Shop feature, which was originally introduced in our AmpliTube software. Custom Shop opens from within T-RackS, and lets you browse, audition, and purchase any processor in the T-RackS collection. It’s like having a really cool vintage and cutting edge modern digital gear shop at your fingertips, 24/7.

On top of this, five new processors have been added to the T-RackS lineup, including the Quad Series of precision multiband units, and the British Channel, a meticulous emulation of the channel strip from a classic mixing desk. Black 76 and White 2A, vintage dynamics processors have been updated to make them even more authentic and hardware-like sounding.

As you can see below, T-RackS comes in several different flavors, ranging from a free version, T-RackS Custom Shop, which includes starter package of one processor and complete metering suite, all the way to the fully stocked 16-processor T-RackS CS Grand. Thanks to the Custom Shop functionality, you can start with whatever version of T-RackS fits your current needs, and expand your collection whenever you want. Excellent upgrades and offers are also available.


Quad Image
British Channel
CSR Hall Reverb
Brickwall Limiter
CSR Plate Reverb
Opto Compressor
CSR Room Reverb
CSR Inverse Reverb
Linear Phase Equalizer
Classic T-RackS Clipper
Classic T-RackS Equalizer
Black 76 Limiting Amplifier
White 2A Leveling Amplifier
Classic T-RackS Compressor
Quad Lim Multi-band Limiter
Vintage Tube Program Equalizer
Classic T-RackS Multi-band Limiter
Quad Comp Multi-band Compressor
Vintage Tube Compressor/Limiter model 670

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