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Hollow Earth Expedition - Pen and Paper Rollenspiel


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Hollow Earth Expedition - Pen & Paper Rollenspiel


Hollow Earth Expedition is a pulp 1930s role-playing game set in the fictitious Hollow Earth, published by Exile Game Studio. The game has been nominated for several Origins and ENnie awards since its release in 2006. The subterranean action is powered by Ubiquity, an innovative roleplaying system that emphasizes storytelling and cinematic action.

Explore one of the world’s greatest and most dangerous secrets: the Hollow Earth, a savage land filled with dinosaurs, lost civilizations, and ferocious savages! Players take on the roles of two-fisted adventurers, eager academics and intrepid journalists investigating the mysteries of the Hollow Earth. Meanwhile, on the surface, world powers and secret societies vie for control of what may be the most important discovery in all of human history.

Genre: Pen & Paper RPG
Language: Englisch
Hoster: Uploaded
Password: No Password

----------------- Complete Collection -----------------

All files listed below in a single download-container:

Size: 61 MB | Files: 5 (RAR)


----------------- Corebooks -----------------


Core Rulebook

The core rulebook includes all you need to play: setting, rules, character creation, equipment, bestiary, a sample adventure and much more!

Format: PDF | Size: 19 MB | Files: 1 Part (RAR) |

----------------- Supplements & Adventures -----------------


Mysteries of the Hollow Earth

This sourcebook expands Hollow Earth Expedition with even more details about the mysterious and dangerous Hollow Earth, filled with hungry dinosaurs, ferocious savages, and lost civilizations! Protect your land from invaders, or guide explorers through dangerous territory as an Amazon warrior, hawkman raider, or noble beastmaster.

Inside you will find everything you need to run action-packed Hollow Earth adventures or to give your surface world games more bite: guidelines for creating native and beastmen player characters; details on alchemy and shamanism; an expanded bestiary with rules for making your own creatures; and additional information on notable Hollow Earth locations.

Format: PDF | Size: 10 MB | Files: 1 Part (RAR) |


Perils of the Surface World

Perils of the Surface World compiles four adventure scenarios that span the globe and deliver a walloping punch of pulp-era adventure. Your characters will battle Nazis in the tropical jungles of Brazil, unearth monsters in the frigid wastes of Antarctica, unravel mysteries in the catacombs beneath Venice, and contend with martial arts masters in the back alleys of Shanghai. Each of these scenarios can stand alone or may be added into existing campaigns, linked together with each other, or used to open the way to further adventures inside the Hollow Earth.

Format: PDF | Size: 8 MB | Files: 1 Part (RAR) |


Revelations of Mars

This sourcebook expands Hollow Earth Expedition to include Mars, a dying and dangerous planet filled with strange aliens, bizarre creatures, and vast, inhospitable wastelands. Fight for survival or vie for supremacy as a marauding sky pirate, powerful robot bodyguard, or conniving Martian noble. Experience Hollow Earth Expedition from an outside perspective—one that wields powerful weapons and hungers for earthly treasures as much as any terrestrial power.

Inside you will find everything you need to run out-of-this-world adventures or give your existing Hollow Earth games a bizarre twist: guidelines for creating robot and alien player characters; new and expanded psychic powers; an unearthly bestiary and equipment list; and details on strange Martian inhabitants and extraterrestrial locations.

Format: PDF | Size: 14 MB | Files: 1 Part (RAR) |


Secrets of the Surface World

This sourcebook expands Hollow Earth Expedition to include the mysterious and perilous surface world, filled with dangerous criminals, mad scientists, and dark sorcerers! Become a daredevil pilot, private detective, or wandering hero, exploring exotic locales and thwarting evil plots. Meanwhile, world powers and secret societies vie for control of what may be the most important discovery in all of human history: the Hollow Earth!

Inside you will find everything you need to run thrilling surface world adventures or add more spice to your existing Hollow Earth games: new rules for psychic powers, sorcery, and weird science; an expanded vehicle and equipment catalog; and additional details on secret societies and surface world locations.

Format: PDF | Size: 10 MB | Files: 1 Part (RAR) |

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