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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Help & Manual v7


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Help & Manual 7.0.9 Build 3790


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 142,46 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Help & Manual 7.0.9 Build 3791


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 142,46 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Help & Manual 7.1.0 Build 3920


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 142,46 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Help & Manual 7.1.0 Build 3921


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 142,46 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Help & Manual 7.1.0 Build 3922


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 142,46 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Help & Manual 7.1.0 Build 3925


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 157,38 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Help & Manual 7.2.0 Build 4025


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 156,17 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Help & Manual 7.2.0 Build 4028


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 160,86 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Help & Manual 7.2.0 Build 4029


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 158,24 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

7.2.0 Build 4033


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 158,25 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

7.2.0 Build 4035


Help And Manual makes producing help and documentation a pleasure. All the tools you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles all the complex, technical aspects of the process for you. Instead of wasting countless hours "programming" your help you can focus all your energy on actually writing your documentation, so that all your working time is productive time.

How Help & Manual works:
All the output formats supported by Help & Manual are generated from the same project. This means you only have to edit your help and documentation once. Forget about the nightmare of "converting" your documentation every time you change anything.

Generate all Windows help formats
You can output your projects to all standard Windows help formats (HTML Help, Winhelp and MS Help 2.0 / Visual Studio Help), and since Help & Manual is directly integrated with the Microsoft compilers for these formats all your output is 100% standard-compliant.

Help & Manual also generates Browser-based Help, PDF and Word RTF. In addition to this you can generate fully-formatted printed manuals directly from the same projects used for all the other formats.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 158,25 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Help & Manual | v7.3.1 | Englisch | inkl. Keygen


_ .: Beschreibung :. _

Die Software Help & Manual ist ein XML-basiertes Hilfetool zum Erstellen von Online-Hilfen und Benutzerhandbüchern, das alle gängigen Ausgabeformate von kompiliertem HTML Help bis hin zur web-basierten Hilfe unterstützt. Eine echte Besonderheit und fast ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist der integrierte PDF-Export, der PDF-Dateien direkt aus dem Quellcode erzeugt - ohne dass eine weitere Software benötigt wird. Eine aufgeräumte intuitive Benutzeroberfläche und der Multi-User-Support zeichnen die Software aus. Das Tool stellt einen hundertprozentigen WYSIWYG-XML-Editor, der entsprechende Texte aufsetzt und speichert.
Das Programm kommt in der Version 5 einem brennenden Problem der Hersteller entgegen. Viele Produkte werden ja nicht nur im deutschsprachigen Raum verkauft, sondern europa- oder weltweit angeboten. Das bedeutet, dass die technischen Dokumentationen der Firmen mehrsprachig angelegt sein müssen.
Um das Übersetzungsproblem auf ebenso elegante wie professionelle Weise in den Griff zu bekommen, arbeitet EC Software ab sofort mit ICanLocalize zusammen. Gemeinsam mit der Partnerfirma ist es nun möglich, einen benutzerfreundlichen und nahtlos ineinander übergreifenden Workflow für die Erstellung von technischen Dokumentationen mit einem direkt angeschlossenen Übersetzungsservice zu bieten.

_ .: NFO :. _

Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Englisch
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Größe: 194 MB
Parts: 1



_ .: Download :. _

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