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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Franzis HDR Projects Standard v5


Warez Upper
Franzis HDR Projects Standard v5.52.02653

Englisch / Crack / Setup & Portable



HDR projects 5
Ultrarealistische HDR-Bilder in der fünften Generation

Fangen Sie erstmals die gesamte Lichtinformation ein. Wer einmal HDR-Bilder gesehen hat, der empfindet normale Fotos oftmals nur noch als langweilig. Mit HDR projects 5 erzeugen Sie Lichtwelten, die mit „normaler“ Fotografie nicht möglich sind. Das menschliche Auge ist der Digitalkamera um ein Vielfaches überlegen. Hinter HDR steckt eine Technologie, welche dieses Manko kompensiert.

Beste HDR-Bildqualität aller Zeiten:
Saubere HDR-Bilder ohne Bildrauschen

Kreativität für Alle:
über 100 Bildvorschläge, jetzt auch mit HDR-Bildmontagen

Schlafwandlerische Bedienung:
Standalone, Filter-Plugin, 4K-Interface, GPS

Größe:97,20 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online



Franzis HDR Projects Standard v5.52.02653 - Inkl. Crack

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegten Crack verwenden --> Fertig!


Ultrarealistische HDR-Bilder in der fünften Generation

Fangen Sie erstmals die gesamte Lichtinformation ein. Wer einmal HDR-Bilder gesehen hat, der empfindet normale Fotos oftmals nur noch als langweilig. Mit HDR projects 5 erzeugen Sie Lichtwelten, die mit „normaler“ Fotografie nicht möglich sind. Das menschliche Auge ist der Digitalkamera um ein Vielfaches überlegen. Hinter HDR steckt eine Technologie, welche dieses Manko kompensiert.

Beste HDR-Bildqualität aller Zeiten:
Saubere HDR-Bilder ohne Bildrauschen

Kreativität für Alle:
über 100 Bildvorschläge, jetzt auch mit HDR-Bildmontagen

Schlafwandlerische Bedienung:
Standalone, Filter-Plugin, 4K-Interface, GPS

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 105 MB
Format: .exe
Sprache: Deutsch





Franzis HDR Projects 5.52.02653


HDR projects 5 is directed at photographers not content with everyday photography and who want to distance themselves from the mainstream. HDR projects 5 reduces the amount of time on set and provides new and innovative possibilities for transforming your photographs into brilliant works of art—all this while choosing from an intelligently adaptive tool-set part of an efficient and transparent workflow. The fully equipped Professional-Toolbox from HDR projects 5 provides access to a collection of finely adjusted Presets on the left and a variety of Expert Filters on the right. Arrange your favorite tools however you’d like, now in 4K resolution.

- Optimal image quality: clean HDR photos free of noise
- Endless creativity: 103 Image recommendations now with HDR montages
- Easy Operation: Standalone, Filter Plug-in, 4K Interface, GPS
- NEW: Bracketing-Images with up to 55 single images

The first choice for photographers who move with the times
The leader in HDR technology has taken things to the next level. For the first time an HDR program has been equipped with Smart Detail Enhancement (SDE). This intelligent detailing function utilizes multiple algorithms and tone mapping procedures all sharing one common characteristic: They are capable of recognizing noise and other interferences within an image. It is exactly this noise information that the detail enhancement – the real HDR process – proceeds to remove. In other words, the only image information undergoing enhancement is that which has earned it. Messy HDR photographs are now a thing of the past!

The fully equipped Professional-Toolbox from HDR projects 5 professional provides access to a collection of finely adjusted presets on the left and a variety of Expert Filters on the right. Arrange your favorite tools however you’d like, now in 4K design.

The leader in HDR technology has taken things to the next level. For the first time an HDR program has been equipped with Smart Detail Enhancement (SDE). This intelligent detailing function utilizes multiple algorithms and tone mapping procedures all sharing one common characteristic: They are capable of recognizing noise and other interferences within an image. It is exactly this noise information that the detail enhancement – the real HDR process – proceeds to remove. In other words, the only image information undergoing enhancement is that which has earned it. Messy HDR photographs are now a thing of the past!

The fully equipped Professional-Toolbox from HDR projects 5 professional provides access to a collection of finely adjusted presets on the left and a variety of Expert Filters on the right. Arrange your favorite tools however you’d like, now in 4K design.

Better photos with over 100 image recommendations
In a matter of seconds HDR projects 5 analyses your photos and uses this data to generate more than 100 image improvement recommendations. There is no need to press any buttons, adjust any slide controls or test out functions. If developing true masterpieces out of your photographs in as little time and as stress-free as possible is what you want to do, you can count on HDR projects every time.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch|Deustch
Size: 59,11 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

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