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    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Franzis DENOISE Projects Professional v1


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Franzis DENOISE Projects Professional 1.17.02351


DENOISE projects professional expands your scope as a photographer, enabling you to create fascinating twilight, wildlife, event, underwater and astro images as well as available light shots. DENOISE projects is currently the only available software that removes all seven forms of image noise: luminance noise, colour noise, banding, colour clouds, hot pixels, salt & pepper as well as holes. The completely newly developed Smart Pattern Matching noise technology perfectly removes noise from your images while still keeping the colours, sharpness and finest details.

Up To 12,800 ISO And Higher!
DENOISE projects professional expands your photographic options: you can turn difficulty lit shots into absolute stunners, for example fascinating night scenes, romantic candlelight, portraits without flash, concert, underwater or astro situations and even landscape images!

Your Special Features In DENOISE projects professional:
- Noise stacking module with highly precise alignment
- Batch processing with fully automatically optimized denoising
- Complete RAW converter including distortion correction

DENOISE projects automatically analyses your image and chooses the noise reduction algorithm that perfectly fits your photo. Open the picture you would like to correct and see the magic happen – it just takes a few seconds. In this example DENOISE projects reduces a calculated value of ISO 6400 to ISO 100.

Use Your Camera’s complete ISO Scope!
With wildlife photography, you need to take fast photo series to be sure that you have captured the right moment. On top of that, zooming is often necessary to properly depict the animal. That’s often the moment of truth. At this point, if it hasn’t happened sooner, interfering noise, JPEG artefacts and loss of detail appear, making the image usually unusable. DENOISE projects lets you go down a different route and use all of your camera’s ISO range, and everything remains without noise and super crisp!

Only In DENOISE projects professional
- Batch processing with fully automatically optimized denoising
- Complete RAW converter including distortion correction
- Noise stacking with highly precise alignment of individual images (light frames, dark frames, flat frames methods)

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 81,78 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Franzis DENOISE Projects Professional 1.17.02351 incl Crack


| Hoster:UL.net & SO.biz | Size: gepackt 84 MB | Sprache: ENG | Format: .exe | PW: residents |

DENOISE projects professional entfernt als bislang einzige Software alle sieben Arten von Bildrauschen: Luminanzrauschen, Farbrauschen, Banding, Farbwolkung, Hotpixel, Salt & Pepper sowie Lücken. Mit der komplett neuentwickelten Entrauschungstechnologie Smart Pattern Matching erstellen Sie perfekt entrauschte Bilder, die feinste Details, Schärfe und Farbe behalten.

Mit DENOISE projects professional erweitern Sie Ihren fotografischen Spielraum: Faszinierende Aufnahmen zur blauen Stunde, Available Light Shootings, Wildlife-, Event-, Unterwasser- und Astrofotografie.
Special Features nur in der Pro-Version:

Inklusive Noise Stacking-Modul mit hochpräzisem Alignment der Einzelbilder (Lightframes-, Darkframes- und Flatframes-Methode)
Stapelverarbeitung mit vollautomatischer optimierter Entrauschung
Mit komplettem RAW-Konverter inklusive Verzeichnungskorrektur

★ Systemvoraussetzungen ★

Betriebssystem Windows: 10/8.1/8/7/Vista, 32/64 Bit

Hardware: Prozessor Core Duo, 2 GB RAM, 2 GB HDD, Bildschirmauflösung 1.280 х 1.024 Pixel, Grafikkarte: DirectX-8-kompatibel, 128 MB, 32 Bit Farbtiefe

Betriebssystem Mac: OS X ab 10.7, 64 Bit

Hardware: Prozessor Intel/G5, 2 GB RAM, 2 GB HDD, Bildschirmauflösung 1.280 х 1.024 Pixel

★ Download ★

★★★★ Uploaded ★★★★
★★★★ Share-Online ★★★★

Franzis DENOISE Projects Professional v1.17.02351 - Inkl. Crack

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegten Crack verwenden --> Fertig!


DENOISE projects professional entfernt als bislang einzige Software alle sieben Arten von Bildrauschen: Luminanzrauschen, Farbrauschen, Banding, Farbwolkung, Hotpixel, Salt & Pepper sowie Lücken. Mit der komplett neuentwickelten Entrauschungstechnologie Smart Pattern Matching erstellen Sie perfekt entrauschte Bilder, die feinste Details, Schärfe und Farbe behalten. Mit DENOISE projects professional erweitern Sie Ihren fotografischen Spielraum: Faszinierende Aufnahmen zur blauen Stunde, Available Light Shootings, Wildlife-, Event-, Unterwasser- und Astrofotografie.

• Inklusive Noise Stacking-Modul mit hochpräzisem Alignment der Einzelbilder (Lightframes-, Darkframes- und Flatframes-Methode)
• Stapelverarbeitung mit vollautomatischer optimierter Entrauschung
• Mit komplettem RAW-Konverter inklusive Verzeichnungskorrektur

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 102 MB
Format: .exe
Sprache: Deutsch





Franzis DENOISE Projects Professional v1.17.02351
Englisch / Crack File


DENOISE projects professional entfernt als bislang einzige Software alle sieben Arten von Bildrauschen: Luminanzrauschen, Farbrauschen, Banding, Farbwolkung, Hotpixel, Salt & Pepper sowie Lücken. Mit der komplett neuentwickelten Entrauschungstechnologie Smart Pattern Matching erstellen Sie perfekt entrauschte Bilder, die feinste Details, Schärfe und Farbe behalten. Mit DENOISE projects professional erweitern Sie Ihren fotografischen Spielraum: Faszinierende Aufnahmen zur blauen Stunde, Available Light Shootings, Wildlife-, Event-, Unterwasser- und Astrofotografie.

• Inklusive Noise Stacking-Modul mit hochpräzisem Alignment der Einzelbilder (Lightframes-, Darkframes- und Flatframes-Methode)
• Stapelverarbeitung mit vollautomatischer optimierter Entrauschung
• Mit komplettem RAW-Konverter inklusive Verzeichnungskorrektur

Größe: 81,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Bigfile, Oboom
Passwort: Keins



Franzis Denoise Projects Standard 1.21.02653 + (Portable)

Size: 165MB
Format: EXE
Sprache: GER/Multi
System: Win XP/7/8.1/10
Medizin: Key/Patch
Password: No.Pom.Day

DENOISE projects is currently the only available software that removes all seven forms of image noise: luminance noise, colour noise, banding, colour clouds, hot pixels, salt & pepper as well as holes. The completely newly developed Smart Pattern Matching noise technology perfectly removes noise from your images while still keeping the colours, sharpness and finest details.



Franzis DENOISE Projects Professional 1.21.02653 + Portable (x32/x64) Deutsch


DENOISE projects professional expands your scope as a photographer, enabling you to create fascinating twilight, wildlife, event, underwater and astro images as well as available light shots. DENOISE projects is currently the only available software that removes all seven forms of image noise: luminance noise, colour noise, banding, colour clouds, hot pixels, salt & pepper as well as holes. The completely newly developed Smart Pattern Matching noise technology perfectly removes noise from your images while still keeping the colours, sharpness and finest details.

Up To 12,800 ISO And Higher!
DENOISE projects professional expands your photographic options: you can turn difficulty lit shots into absolute stunners, for example fascinating night scenes, romantic candlelight, portraits without flash, concert, underwater or astro situations and even landscape images!

Your Special Features In DENOISE projects professional:
- Noise stacking module with highly precise alignment
- Batch processing with fully automatically optimized denoising
- Complete RAW converter including distortion correction

DENOISE projects automatically analyses your image and chooses the noise reduction algorithm that perfectly fits your photo. Open the picture you would like to correct and see the magic happen – it just takes a few seconds. In this example DENOISE projects reduces a calculated value of ISO 6400 to ISO 100.

Use Your Camera’s complete ISO Scope!
With wildlife photography, you need to take fast photo series to be sure that you have captured the right moment. On top of that, zooming is often necessary to properly depict the animal. That’s often the moment of truth. At this point, if it hasn’t happened sooner, interfering noise, JPEG artefacts and loss of detail appear, making the image usually unusable. DENOISE projects lets you go down a different route and use all of your camera’s ISO range, and everything remains without noise and super crisp!

Only In DENOISE projects professional
- Batch processing with fully automatically optimized denoising
- Complete RAW converter including distortion correction
- Noise stacking with highly precise alignment of individual images (light frames, dark frames, flat frames methods)

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 159 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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