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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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FinalMesh Professional v2


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
FinalMesh Professional


With FinalMesh we implemented an incredible easy and powerful way to create 3D PDF documents or WebGL web pages. With clicking on the regular “Save As” button your 3D model will be converted to a complete WebGL HTML application or PDF with 3D content. Apart from that FinalMesh is a great 3D viewer and converter with fast modern UI and has many useful features.

FinalMesh is the ultimate solution for converting and publishing your 3D assets, technical data to PDF, modern WebGL application or another 3D format.

PDF publishing platform integrated into FinalMesh allows to convert sophisticated technical data, 3D models into regular, well known PDF files.
It is easy to select best initial view, render mode, lighting right in PDF Publish mode, all changes are visible right on the screen.
Multiple viewports of the same model are supported, each with it’s own settings.
Everything is easy as Save button, but all extra options, like PDF encryption are just one click away.

Browse and view your 3D files with thumbnails.
View 3D with textures, complex materials.
Inspect internal 3D objects topology, apply or change materials
All this in fast and modern UI.

Powerfull geometry engine
Instancing – whole sub-tree tree or just geometry
Meshes with in memory data compression allows to load huge 3D assets
Procedural primitives including splines, cubes, spheres, texts
Modifiers (deformers) including Booleans, Sub-D, Mirror, Extrude and more

WebGL is an OpenGL inside of browser and this means that it is possible to render 3D triangles on the web page using sophisticated shaders. This is great, but sounds quite complicated already. This is probably true, but thanks to FinalMesh, creating WebGL application is as easy as selecting Save item in File menu.
In result geometry, html, texture and javascript files will be generated. Next file can be uploaded to server and viewed, or you can modify it and provide additional logic for regular part or for 3D part.

Convert 3D content to another 3D format, for instance into STL format for 3D printing.
Render 3D model to image using built-in raytracer.
Bath Processing.

Markups, Measurements
Callouts, Notes
Point coordinates
Linear Dimensions
Radius, Diameter, Angle

Professional Featues
Ambient Occlusion
UV Unwrap
What’s new:

New Morph modifier.
New Floating and Docking UI [UI].
Follow selection option for many panels. Including object, editor, scene tree, etc [UI].
Ability to create multiple copies of one panel. Two Object Inspectors for instance [UI].
Load/Save Layout commands [UI].
64 bit version now uses new C++ runtime.
Favourites were renamed to Model Views.
JT Open v10 file format is supported now.
JT Open PMI features are supported now.
Lightwave. LWO 3 is supported now.
Clipping planes are supported now.[WebGL].
Search in treeview [WebGL]
New API [WebGL]
Transform gizmos [WebGL]
Animation timeline has new look [[UI]].
Updated and improved UV Map panel.
New selections modes: Rectangle selection, Live Selection.
New Tool: Create Disassembly Animation,
New Panel: NURBS Parametric Space Panel.
SketchUp latest version is supported now.
New Help System.
New animation UI.
FBX format now supports metadata import.
GLtf format now supports metadata and textures with perspective correction.
Sketchup textures with perspective correction are supported.
Textures with perspective correction are supported by WebGL.
New Cut modifier.
Huge amount of internal fixes and changes.

10.7 MB
rar archive

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