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    - Für Cracks, Keygens oder sonstige Freischaltungssoftware gibt es das Unterforum "Freischaltung".
    - Portable Software bitte im entsprechenden Unterforum "Portable Software" eintragen.
    - Diskussionen zur Installation und anderen Problemen mit der Software, bitte im enstprechenden Unterforum "Talk" führen.
    - Bei Unklarheiten und Fragen zu den Regeln bitte die Moderatoren kontaktieren.

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    - Die Struktur des Threadtitels muss wie folgt umgesetzt werden: Herstellername - Softwarename - Versionsnummer
    - Unnötige Zusätze im Threadtitel wie "HOT", "NEW" oder Punkte zwischen den Wörtern sind nicht erlaubt.
    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
    - Bei nicht bekannten Herstellern oder Angebote einer privaten Software, ist die Programmbezeichnung + Versionsnummer ausreichend.
    - Besondere Beachtung gilt für den ersten Beitrag eines Angebots. Dort muss eine kurze Beschreibung der Software in deutscher Sprache angegeben werden. Für offizielle Releases ist es Pflicht die NFO im Beitrag einzustellen(Spoiler, siehe nächster Punkt).
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    Software Suche

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    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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EssentialPIM Pro v7


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

EssentialPIM Pro 7.0 Final Multilingual


EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of Personal Information Manager. Handles all your scheduling, contacts, to do lists and notes with easy-to-use, intuitive tools. Pro version significantly distinguishes from EssentialPIM Free, taking functionality on a completely another level. When you run EssentialPIM Pro for the first time, the program creates test.epim database, which contains test tasks and contacts.

EssentialPIM Pro can store links to any files or files themselves in its database. Each element, be it Task, Note, To Do or a Contact can store files, relevant to this element. EssentialPIM Pro allows you to print out all your information in easy to read form. All data can be printed one-by one, or you can select multiple entries using CTRL + mouse (for contacts and Notes), or All entries can be printed. To rotate the page, in the Print Preview Page, find "Page Setup", or press Alt+U and you will be able to change the Orientation of the page.

- Multi-users access to database
- Storing and/or linking attachments
- Assigned people for To Do
- Advanced Backup
- Editable categories of tasks or events
- Hierarchical To Do lists
- Contact Groups
- Color Printing
- Sending any item to email
- Synchronization with Windows Mobile or Palm devices
- Outlook synchronization
- Google synchronization
- Custom views
- Mass mail

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 15,68 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


EssentialPIM Pro Network 7.0 Multilingual


EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of Personal Information Manager. Handles all your scheduling, contacts, to do lists and notes with easy-to-use, intuitive tools. Pro version significantly distinguishes from EssentialPIM Free, taking functionality on a completely another level. When you run EssentialPIM Pro for the first time, the program creates test.epim database, which contains test tasks and contacts.

EssentialPIM Pro can store links to any files or files themselves in its database. Each element, be it Task, Note, To Do or a Contact can store files, relevant to this element. EssentialPIM Pro allows you to print out all your information in easy to read form. All data can be printed one-by one, or you can select multiple entries using CTRL + mouse (for contacts and Notes), or All entries can be printed. To rotate the page, in the Print Preview Page, find "Page Setup", or press Alt+U and you will be able to change the Orientation of the page.

- Multi-users access to database
- Storing and/or linking attachments
- Assigned people for To Do
- Advanced Backup
- Editable categories of tasks or events
- Hierarchical To Do lists
- Contact Groups
- Color Printing
- Sending any item to email
- Synchronization with Windows Mobile or Palm devices
- Outlook synchronization
- Google synchronization
- Custom views
- Mass mail

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 22,43 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


EssentialPIM Pro 7.1 + Portable Multilingual


EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of Personal Information Manager. Handles all your scheduling, contacts, to do lists and notes with easy-to-use, intuitive tools. Pro version significantly distinguishes from EssentialPIM Free, taking functionality on a completely another level. When you run EssentialPIM Pro for the first time, the program creates test.epim database, which contains test tasks and contacts.

EssentialPIM Pro can store links to any files or files themselves in its database. Each element, be it Task, Note, To Do or a Contact can store files, relevant to this element. EssentialPIM Pro allows you to print out all your information in easy to read form. All data can be printed one-by one, or you can select multiple entries using CTRL + mouse (for contacts and Notes), or All entries can be printed. To rotate the page, in the Print Preview Page, find "Page Setup", or press Alt+U and you will be able to change the Orientation of the page.

- Multi-users access to database
- Storing and/or linking attachments
- Assigned people for To Do
- Advanced Backup
- Editable categories of tasks or events
- Hierarchical To Do lists
- Contact Groups
- Color Printing
- Sending any item to email
- Synchronization with Windows Mobile or Palm devices
- Outlook synchronization
- Google synchronization
- Custom views
- Mass mail

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 35,96 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


EssentialPIM Pro Network 7.1 Multilingual


EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of Personal Information Manager. Handles all your scheduling, contacts, to do lists and notes with easy-to-use, intuitive tools. Pro version significantly distinguishes from EssentialPIM Free, taking functionality on a completely another level. When you run EssentialPIM Pro for the first time, the program creates test.epim database, which contains test tasks and contacts.

EssentialPIM Pro can store links to any files or files themselves in its database. Each element, be it Task, Note, To Do or a Contact can store files, relevant to this element. EssentialPIM Pro allows you to print out all your information in easy to read form. All data can be printed one-by one, or you can select multiple entries using CTRL + mouse (for contacts and Notes), or All entries can be printed. To rotate the page, in the Print Preview Page, find "Page Setup", or press Alt+U and you will be able to change the Orientation of the page.

- Multi-users access to database
- Storing and/or linking attachments
- Assigned people for To Do
- Advanced Backup
- Editable categories of tasks or events
- Hierarchical To Do lists
- Contact Groups
- Color Printing
- Sending any item to email
- Synchronization with Windows Mobile or Palm devices
- Outlook synchronization
- Google synchronization
- Custom views
- Mass mail

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 25,19 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


EssentialPIM Pro Network 7.11 Multilingual


EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of Personal Information Manager. Handles all your scheduling, contacts, to do lists and notes with easy-to-use, intuitive tools. Pro version significantly distinguishes from EssentialPIM Free, taking functionality on a completely another level. When you run EssentialPIM Pro for the first time, the program creates test.epim database, which contains test tasks and contacts.

EssentialPIM Pro can store links to any files or files themselves in its database. Each element, be it Task, Note, To Do or a Contact can store files, relevant to this element. EssentialPIM Pro allows you to print out all your information in easy to read form. All data can be printed one-by one, or you can select multiple entries using CTRL + mouse (for contacts and Notes), or All entries can be printed. To rotate the page, in the Print Preview Page, find "Page Setup", or press Alt+U and you will be able to change the Orientation of the page.

- Multi-users access to database
- Storing and/or linking attachments
- Assigned people for To Do
- Advanced Backup
- Editable categories of tasks or events
- Hierarchical To Do lists
- Contact Groups
- Color Printing
- Sending any item to email
- Synchronization with Windows Mobile or Palm devices
- Outlook synchronization
- Google synchronization
- Custom views
- Mass mail

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 25,20 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


EssentialPIM Pro 7.12 + Portable Multilingual


EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of Personal Information Manager. Handles all your scheduling, contacts, to do lists and notes with easy-to-use, intuitive tools. Pro version significantly distinguishes from EssentialPIM Free, taking functionality on a completely another level. When you run EssentialPIM Pro for the first time, the program creates test.epim database, which contains test tasks and contacts.

EssentialPIM Pro can store links to any files or files themselves in its database. Each element, be it Task, Note, To Do or a Contact can store files, relevant to this element. EssentialPIM Pro allows you to print out all your information in easy to read form. All data can be printed one-by one, or you can select multiple entries using CTRL + mouse (for contacts and Notes), or All entries can be printed. To rotate the page, in the Print Preview Page, find "Page Setup", or press Alt+U and you will be able to change the Orientation of the page.

- Multi-users access to database
- Storing and/or linking attachments
- Assigned people for To Do
- Advanced Backup
- Editable categories of tasks or events
- Hierarchical To Do lists
- Contact Groups
- Color Printing
- Sending any item to email
- Synchronization with Windows Mobile or Palm devices
- Outlook synchronization
- Google synchronization
- Custom views
- Mass mail

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 36,66 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

EssentialPIM Pro 7.12


Deshalb entscheiden sich unsere Kunden für EssentialPIM!

Alle Informationen an einem Ort
Die Daten von EssentialPIM werden in einer sicheren, schnellen und skalierbaren Datenbank gespeichert. Mit Querverweisen und einfacher Suche.

Beispiellose Synchronisierung
Die Daten aller populären Cloud-Lösungen synchronisieren, einschließlich Google Kalender / Kontakte / Aufgaben /Drive, iCloud, Toodledo, SyncML, CalDav und mehr. Mit nativem Dropbox-Support.

Querverweise und Tags
EPIM Objekte mit Querverweisen bieten schnelle Navigation zwischen den verwandten Objekten. Voller Tagging-Support, um unterschiedliche Objekte in einem Projekt zusammenzufassen.

Sicher aufbewahrte Daten
Mit dem fortschrittlichen Branchenstandard AES (Rjindael) und 256 Bit verschlüsselte Daten. Granularer Zugriff zur Einrichtung separater Module. Via SSL geschützte Synchronisierung mit Cloud-Diensten - dieselbe Technologie wird auch beim Online-Banking eingesetzt.

Format: exe
Sprache: Multi incl. Deutsch
Freischaltung: Serial
Größe: 18MB
Hoster: share-online, uploaded, oboom

EssentialPIM Pro v7.12 - Inkl. Serial

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegte Serial verwenden --> Fertig!


EssentialPIM verwaltet E-Mails, Termine, Kontakte und To-Do-Listen. Es importiert Daten aus Outlook, Treepad und "Google Kalender".

Dieser sehr übersichtliche und bedienungsfreundliche "Personal Information Manager" ermöglicht Ihnen eine strukturierte Übersicht Ihrer privaten und geschäftlichen Termine. Der Kalender lässt sich in einer Tages-, Wochen-, Monats- oder Jahresansicht anzeigen. Ein Prioritätensystem ermöglicht es Ihnen, Daten nach Wichtigkeit zu ordnen. Der Import von Daten aus anderen Office-Programmen wie Outlook oder Outlook Express ist genauso einfach wie das Erstellen neuer Termine und Aufgaben. Ohne Umwege, nur mit wenigen Klicks, erstellen Sie in EssentialPIM auch neue Kontakte oder Notizen, welche sogar mit Bildern oder Tabellen versehen werden können. Wer die angebotenen Smartphone-Apps nutzt, kann sogar die Daten per WLAN sogar auf das Handy synchronisieren, damit Sie diese auch unterwegs bei sich haben.

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 19 MB
Format: .exe
Sprache: Deutsch





EssentialPIM Pro v7.12

Multilingual/Deutsch // Setup + Portable // 32 + 64-Bit // Serial

Portable: Speichert im Quellverzeichnis, schreibt keine Werte in die Registry


EssentialPIM verwaltet E-Mails, Termine, Kontakte und To-Do-Listen. Es importiert Daten aus Outlook, Treepad und "Google Kalender".

Dieser sehr übersichtliche und bedienungsfreundliche "Personal Information Manager" ermöglicht Ihnen eine strukturierte Übersicht Ihrer privaten und geschäftlichen Termine.
Der Kalender lässt sich in einer Tages-, Wochen-, Monats- oder Jahresansicht anzeigen.
Ein Prioritätensystem ermöglicht es Ihnen, Daten nach Wichtigkeit zu ordnen.
Der Import von Daten aus anderen Office-Programmen wie Outlook oder Outlook Express ist genauso einfach wie das Erstellen neuer Termine und Aufgaben.
Ohne Umwege, nur mit wenigen Klicks, erstellen Sie in EssentialPIM auch neue Kontakte oder Notizen, welche sogar mit Bildern oder Tabellen versehen werden können.
Wer die angebotenen Smartphone-Apps nutzt, kann sogar die Daten per WLAN sogar auf das Handy synchronisieren, damit Sie diese auch unterwegs bei sich haben.

36 Mb (RAR/EXE)
Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Parts: 1


EssentialPIM Pro 7.13 + Portable Multilingual


EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of Personal Information Manager. Handles all your scheduling, contacts, to do lists and notes with easy-to-use, intuitive tools. Pro version significantly distinguishes from EssentialPIM Free, taking functionality on a completely another level. When you run EssentialPIM Pro for the first time, the program creates test.epim database, which contains test tasks and contacts.

EssentialPIM Pro can store links to any files or files themselves in its database. Each element, be it Task, Note, To Do or a Contact can store files, relevant to this element. EssentialPIM Pro allows you to print out all your information in easy to read form. All data can be printed one-by one, or you can select multiple entries using CTRL + mouse (for contacts and Notes), or All entries can be printed. To rotate the page, in the Print Preview Page, find "Page Setup", or press Alt+U and you will be able to change the Orientation of the page.

- Multi-users access to database
- Storing and/or linking attachments
- Assigned people for To Do
- Advanced Backup
- Editable categories of tasks or events
- Hierarchical To Do lists
- Contact Groups
- Color Printing
- Sending any item to email
- Synchronization with Windows Mobile or Palm devices
- Outlook synchronization
- Google synchronization
- Custom views
- Mass mail

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 36,72 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


EssentialPIM Pro Network 7.13 Multilingual


EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of Personal Information Manager. Handles all your scheduling, contacts, to do lists and notes with easy-to-use, intuitive tools. Pro version significantly distinguishes from EssentialPIM Free, taking functionality on a completely another level. When you run EssentialPIM Pro for the first time, the program creates test.epim database, which contains test tasks and contacts.

EssentialPIM Pro can store links to any files or files themselves in its database. Each element, be it Task, Note, To Do or a Contact can store files, relevant to this element. EssentialPIM Pro allows you to print out all your information in easy to read form. All data can be printed one-by one, or you can select multiple entries using CTRL + mouse (for contacts and Notes), or All entries can be printed. To rotate the page, in the Print Preview Page, find "Page Setup", or press Alt+U and you will be able to change the Orientation of the page.

- Multi-users access to database
- Storing and/or linking attachments
- Assigned people for To Do
- Advanced Backup
- Editable categories of tasks or events
- Hierarchical To Do lists
- Contact Groups
- Color Printing
- Sending any item to email
- Synchronization with Windows Mobile or Palm devices
- Outlook synchronization
- Google synchronization
- Custom views
- Mass mail

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 25,24 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


EssentialPIM Pro 7.2 + Portable Multilingual


EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of Personal Information Manager. Handles all your scheduling, contacts, to do lists and notes with easy-to-use, intuitive tools. Pro version significantly distinguishes from EssentialPIM Free, taking functionality on a completely another level. When you run EssentialPIM Pro for the first time, the program creates test.epim database, which contains test tasks and contacts.

EssentialPIM Pro can store links to any files or files themselves in its database. Each element, be it Task, Note, To Do or a Contact can store files, relevant to this element. EssentialPIM Pro allows you to print out all your information in easy to read form. All data can be printed one-by one, or you can select multiple entries using CTRL + mouse (for contacts and Notes), or All entries can be printed. To rotate the page, in the Print Preview Page, find "Page Setup", or press Alt+U and you will be able to change the Orientation of the page.

- Multi-users access to database
- Storing and/or linking attachments
- Assigned people for To Do
- Advanced Backup
- Editable categories of tasks or events
- Hierarchical To Do lists
- Contact Groups
- Color Printing
- Sending any item to email
- Synchronization with Windows Mobile or Palm devices
- Outlook synchronization
- Google synchronization
- Custom views
- Mass mail

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 36,16 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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