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Entrepreneurism Under Attack The Left Has No Calluses


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Free Download Entrepreneurism Under Attack: The Left Has No Calluses by Terry L Mather
English | March 9, 2023 | ISBN: 1977259529 | 170 pages | PDF | 3.37 Mb
The progressive left believe that the capitalists are the root cause for the inability to have an equal distribution of wealth! They refuse to debate on the facts that capitalism has had the most impact on changing poverty and servitude into freedom and the best living conditions in the world.​

As we began the first chapters we profiled the small to medium businesses that represent approximately sixty percent of all employees in the United States! So, who are the so called rich? The entrepreneur who has risked everything, driving themselves to inhuman heights, lived with anxieties that few have experienced and who have a heart for every single person that they employ. Yes, that is who the rich are; that is who the left is targeting along with anyone that has assets more than their chosen standard amount.
After that same entrepreneur has suffered and endured all of those agonies of ownership, he is asked to forfeit to those that have endured none of those pains. The last question you must ask the progressive left...take away the incentive of success, give away those earned assets to the underserving and what do you think will happen to our economy, our stability as a nation and our ability to drag the under privileged up to the privileged?
The people of this country are the biggest "givers" in the world. Across this country every catastrophe is followed by massive giving. Our Elmbrook Church has a world-wide mission with more than seventy-two missionaries in the field with a budget of two and half million dollars. This is happening all over the country, church after church and charity after charity. Elmbrook church had a targeted forty thousand dollars for a Ukrainian relief fund and received over one hundred and thirty thousand dollars! Ask yourself where did that giving come from? Who were the givers? Yes, not just the entrepreneur, but all the employee/partners that are instrumental in the business success! Remember the conservative's core beliefs...they desire to give to those that cannot but refuse to give to those that can but... will not!

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