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DSLR Camera


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
DSLR Camera

Diese App wurde sowohl für das iPhone als auch für das iPad konzipiert
Apple Watch-App für das iPhone möglich
Kategorie: Foto und Video
Aktualisiert: 11.11.2015
Version: 3.1.1
Größe: 34.8 MB
Apple Watch: Ja
Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch
Entwickler: Fulvio Scichilone
© Fulvio Scichilone
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 8.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch.



DSLR Camera for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch is the perfect app for your photos and videos, with an editor that includes more than 100 photographic filters.
Make Photos and Videos of everything you want, at any time, even at night having the highest quality for your shots and your videos.
DSLR Camera is the first app that includes a manual controls to take pictures and record videos,at professional-quality,using the LiveView of your device. You will have all the features of an DSLR camera in your device, and now a professional Photo Editor with more than 100 original Filters and effects designed for DSLR Camera.

For Apple Watch:
- You can remotely control all functions and snap directly from your Apple Watch
- Change: Mode Shooting / Shooting, Shutter Speed, ISO, Focus, Wb, Flash, Camera Roll.
- The remote on Apple Watch monitors each feature
- View the last photo
- Take Selfie

Easy, Powerful and Complete... These are the three adjectives that perfectly describe DSLR Camera.
The app is designed to be used by anyone, from beginners to more professional people.Questo thanks to three modes:
"Auto Mode" for perfect photos and videos automatically
"P Mode" choose the perfect exposure in a fast and easy way to photos and videos with one fast slider
"Manual Mode" change Shutter speed, ISO, Manual Focus, Manual WB.
Both the Photo mode to video mode, implement an automatic system for the stabilization and improvement of the image in all conditions.
Reflex Camera includes an advanced Photo Editor, which allows you to apply 106 filters, effects, blurs, and use many other tools to make unique your shots, so easy, fast and professional.

You will be set the parameters of your camera and to use the manual mode in addition to the usual auto mode and a new P-Mode with which you can quickly set the brightness of your photo and videoIn each mode you can use the Manual Focus and the Manual white balance.
In M mode you can change: shutter speed and ISO sensitivity togheter with MF and MWB.Choose the manual focus to enhance the subject of your photo and video, using the "Macro Focus", to capture the smallest details, and the "Infinite Focus" to define perfectly distant subjects.
Use the self-timer to take a Selfie with friends or when have to take a photo in the night and do not want to move the device while you start shooting.

The Photo Editor includes more than 50 personalization between customizable filters and effects ... quickly refine your photography and share it with whoever you want ... Take advantage of the tools to resize, blur, adjust the parameters and crop your image.
You can also use the unique function “Splash" in which you can manually select the color to display in your shot ...
Use integrated Camera Roll, to control and edit your Photos/Videos library.
Inside the app you can manage your shots and sharing them directly with whoever you want.

Features Photo / Video:
• New Advanced Controls with adjustable sensitivity
• Video 4K (6s/6s Plus)
• 3D Touch support
• Shutter Speed
• Mode M (Manual)
• Mode A (Automatic)
• P-Mode (Semi-Automatic)
• Focus Manual
• Focus Automatic
• Photo Stabilizer
• Video Stabilizer
• Night Mode
• Macro
• Auto White balance
• Manual White Balance
• Program White Balance
• Metadata
• Parameters Monitor
• Slider Controls
• Camera Roll
• Flash On / Off / Auto (for devices with flash)
• Self-timer (3s / 10s / 20s)
• Change Camera
• Free space Monitor
• True Tone flash

Photo Editor:
• Standard Filters
• Vivid Filters
• Bichrome Filters
• Strong Filters
• Vintage Filters
• RGB Filters
• Advanced Filters
• Correction Tools
• Blurs
• Splash
• Rotation
• Resize
• Tone Curve
• Text
• Brightness
• Contrast
• Saturation
• Black And White
• Sepia
• Negative
• Vignette

In video mode, you can change the parameters of the video during the registration phase
Take advantage of the orientable interface to choose the best angle...
Enjoy and share with DSLR Camera



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