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Diabetes Mellitus


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


Diabetes Mellitus by S. Shanmugan
English | 2006 | ISBN: 8180618692 | 188 Pages | PDF | 7.0 MB​

English | 2006 | ISBN: 8180618692 | 188 Pages | PDF | 7.0 MB
The book is a compendium of newer ideas and research in Diabetology in India. The research areas were ranging from basic principles of metabolism like theory of metabolic dominance to pathogenesis of IDDM type of DM in the form of nitrosamines and the NIDDM-type-II namely the relative obesity and coffee as a cofactor and in MRDM, the possible role of beedi smoking. The chapter on diet including diabetic drink is a new found approach. Diabetic ketoacidosis, complications of DM, both macros vascular and micro vascular are discussed with new inputs. Management of HT, autonomic dysfunctions including cardiovascular manifestations, postural hypertension and diabetic impotence are dealt elaborately. Surgery and diabetes, women and diabetes, vascular syndrome, community oriented diabetology, diabetic prevention are some of the highlights of this book of a different nature. It is a must read for every one interested in enriching their knowledge on Diabetology and interested in doing research in diabetology. This book presents a research oriented discussion about DM. It blends information with old ones to evolve better strategies for future research and management. It creates a ripple of knowledge to be useful for better management of DM. It deals with in detail about a kaleidoscopic view of Diabetolgy and is useful for researchers, obstetricians and Gynecologists, physicians, Diabetologists and surgeons. To project the knowledge available from Western textbooks and literatures to Indian population is unjustifiable and impractical and that is what is being done mostly at the moment in clinical practice in India. The incidence of complications of Diabetes Mellitus (DM), a disease of complications is high in majority of Indian patients. This textbook on DM is more of a research oriented discussion about DM in an order like a textbook pattern so that the new information are blended with old ones to get new ways of thinking for the younger generation to evolve better strategies for future research and management of DM. There is an important element of Indian views, experiences, research, treatment modalities and education for the diabetic population of India with its vast diversity of people, customs, food habits and mental approach to a chronic disease which is at the moment could not be cured but only can be controlled. An Indian perspective of Diabetology without simply following the already available data from Western literature. In the 20th century, if one knew well about DM, he/she knew about Internal Medicine totally was the dictum. The research areas were ranging from basic principles to prevention. This book is a collection of twenty five years of romance with the sweet disease of universe and the resultant off springs. The vision of this work is to have a technology, which is culturally and socially acceptable, scientifically viable and financially affordable to all the people suffering from the chronic disease of this universe and millennium.

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