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Default Folder X v5


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Default Folder X 5.6.6 macOS



Ordner X fügt eine Symbolleiste an die rechte Seite der Dialogfelder „Öffnen“ und „Speichern“ in jeder OS X-nativen Anwendung an.

Über die Symbolleiste haben Sie schnellen Zugriff auf verschiedene Ordner und Befehle. Klicken Sie einfach auf die Schaltflächen, um zu Ihren bevorzugten und zuletzt verwendeten Ordnern zu wechseln, die in der Liste angezeigten Ordner und Dateien zu verwalten und Änderungen an Ihren Einstellungen vorzunehmen.

Es behebt auch eine Reihe von Problemen in den Dialogfeldern „Öffnen“ und „Speichern“, „zurückspringen“ auf die zuletzt ausgewählte Datei, das Zurücksetzen der Pfadliste in das obere Menü und das Korrigieren von Fehlern in der scrollenden Spaltenansicht

- Verzeichnisassistent: Sie können direkt über die Symbolleiste des Standardordners X auf den Inhalt Ihrer letzten, bevorzugten und geöffneten Ordner zugreifen.
- Echtes Speichern: Wenn Sie ständig Dinge im selben Ordner speichern, kann sich Standardordner X diesen Ordner für Sie merken.
- Finder-Verwaltung: Mit dem Standardordner X können Sie jedes Finder-Fenster mit einem einzigen Klick öffnen oder speichern.
Sofortiger Abruf: Damit Sie schnell zu Ordnern zurückkehren können, die Sie kürzlich verwendet haben, merkt sich Standardordner X diese für Sie.
- Spotlight an Ort und Stelle: Mit dem Standardordner X können Sie Spotlight-Schlüsselwörter, OpenMeta-Tags und Finder-Labels an Ort und Stelle hinzufügen, während Sie sich noch im Dialogfeld "Speichern" befinden.
- Informationszentrale: Mit dem Standardordner X erhalten Sie Vorschauen unter jedem Öffnen-Dialog, erweitert, um den verfügbaren Platz zu füllen.
- Arbeitsablauf ohne Arbeit: Anstatt Sie dazu zu bringen, eine neue Anwendung zu lernen und einzurichten, fügt sich Default Folder X in OS X ein.

Platform: Intel|Apple Silicon
System: 10.10+
Format: .dmg|.pkg
Paket: .rar|.zip
Größe: 17 MB
Version: 5.6.6
Sprache: English
Update: 27052022



Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Default Folder X 5.7.5

Format nach dem Entpacken: .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel
Sprache: Englisch
Größe: 19 mb


Default Folder X attaches a toolbar to the right side of the Open and Save dialogs in any OS X-native application. The toolbar gives you fast access to various folders and commands.

Well, in a nutshell, everything. This is a complete rewrite of Default Folder X from top to bottom. El Capitan's System Integrity Protection requires that version 5 work completely differently from version 4, and with such major architectural changes it didn't make sense to carry over the code-base from the old version. And you've been wondering why it took me a month longer than I expected to get to this point...

While some things are no longer feasible from a technical standpoint, nearly all of the features of version 4 are included, plus:

Tracking of recent files as well as recent folders.
Support for tabbed Finder windows in the Finder-click feature.
Default folders that can be applied by file extension as well as by application.
An integrated menu in the Finder's toolbar.
Configurable keyboard shortcuts.
Custom menu configurations (as soon as I get the UI done, anyway).
File / folder tagging with draggable recent tags.
More information displayed for selected files.
A new drag & drop sidebar for quick access to files and folders (this is still a work in progress).
A much better user interface for settting preferences, adding favorites and setting default folders.

Requires Intel Mac OS X 10.10 or later.​
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Default Folder X 5.7.2

Format nach dem Entpacken: .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel
Sprache: Englisch
Größe: 19 mb


Default Folder X attaches a toolbar to the right side of the Open and Save dialogs in any OS X-native application. The toolbar gives you fast access to various folders and commands.

Well, in a nutshell, everything. This is a complete rewrite of Default Folder X from top to bottom. El Capitan's System Integrity Protection requires that version 5 work completely differently from version 4, and with such major architectural changes it didn't make sense to carry over the code-base from the old version. And you've been wondering why it took me a month longer than I expected to get to this point...

While some things are no longer feasible from a technical standpoint, nearly all of the features of version 4 are included, plus:

Tracking of recent files as well as recent folders.
Support for tabbed Finder windows in the Finder-click feature.
Default folders that can be applied by file extension as well as by application.
An integrated menu in the Finder's toolbar.
Configurable keyboard shortcuts.
Custom menu configurations (as soon as I get the UI done, anyway).
File / folder tagging with draggable recent tags.
More information displayed for selected files.
A new drag & drop sidebar for quick access to files and folders (this is still a work in progress).
A much better user interface for settting preferences, adding favorites and setting default folders.

Requires Intel Mac OS X 10.10 or later.​

Default Folder X 5.7.3

Format nach dem Entpacken: .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel
Sprache: Englisch
Größe: 19 mb


Default Folder X attaches a toolbar to the right side of the Open and Save dialogs in any OS X-native application. The toolbar gives you fast access to various folders and commands.

Well, in a nutshell, everything. This is a complete rewrite of Default Folder X from top to bottom. El Capitan's System Integrity Protection requires that version 5 work completely differently from version 4, and with such major architectural changes it didn't make sense to carry over the code-base from the old version. And you've been wondering why it took me a month longer than I expected to get to this point...

While some things are no longer feasible from a technical standpoint, nearly all of the features of version 4 are included, plus:

Tracking of recent files as well as recent folders.
Support for tabbed Finder windows in the Finder-click feature.
Default folders that can be applied by file extension as well as by application.
An integrated menu in the Finder's toolbar.
Configurable keyboard shortcuts.
Custom menu configurations (as soon as I get the UI done, anyway).
File / folder tagging with draggable recent tags.
More information displayed for selected files.
A new drag & drop sidebar for quick access to files and folders (this is still a work in progress).
A much better user interface for settting preferences, adding favorites and setting default folders.

Requires Intel Mac OS X 10.10 or later.​

Default Folder X 5.7.4

Format nach dem Entpacken: .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel
Sprache: Englisch
Größe: 19 mb


Default Folder X attaches a toolbar to the right side of the Open and Save dialogs in any OS X-native application. The toolbar gives you fast access to various folders and commands.

Well, in a nutshell, everything. This is a complete rewrite of Default Folder X from top to bottom. El Capitan's System Integrity Protection requires that version 5 work completely differently from version 4, and with such major architectural changes it didn't make sense to carry over the code-base from the old version. And you've been wondering why it took me a month longer than I expected to get to this point...

While some things are no longer feasible from a technical standpoint, nearly all of the features of version 4 are included, plus:

Requires Mac OS X 10.10 or later.​
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