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Corel Corporation CorelCAD 2019.5 x86-F4CG


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Corel Corporation CorelCAD 2019.5 x86-F4CG

File Size: 211 MiB
OS: x86

Enhance your visual communication expertise with the precision of superior 2D drafting and 3D design tools available in CorelCAD™ 2019. It's the smart, affordable solution for drawing the detailed elements required in technical design. With native .DWG file support and optimization for Windows and macOS, you can enjoy computer aided design software that delivers increased productivity and impressive performance on the platform of your choice. CorelCAD 2019 provides flexible expansion options for both new users and existing customers to match any workflow.

New CorelCAD 2019 - CAD software
- Professional 2D drafting and 3D design tools
- Industry-standard file compatibility with .DWG, .STL, .PDF and .CDR*
- Efficient project collaboration and sharing
- Optional automation and customization

Efficiency and productivity
Expand your visual communication expertise with the precision of superior drafting and design tools available in CorelCAD 2019. With an enhanced user interface and new time-saving features, you can increase workflow and deliver impressive, visually rich CAD designs.

2D drafting
Get the design power you need with an expansive collection of professional drafting tools that deliver the control and detail you require for any project. CorelCAD 2019 offers new helix tools for 2D spirals, advanced table tools, and a MultiLeader tool to configure and adjust callouts as your drawings evolve.

3D design
Experience the skillful and exacting results of the 3D capabilities in CorelCAD 2019, and transition your drawings from 2D drafting into advanced 3D designs. With an array of expert and intuitive 3D tools, including the enhanced EntityGrips and Properties palette, you are well equipped to move from project sketches to 3D output and printing.

Compatibility and optimization
Streamline project sharing with both internal teams and external suppliers. CorelCAD 2019 is fully compatible with the latest version, AutoCAD R2019 .DWG file format, to ensure worry-free collaboration with business partners, and includes innovative customization and automation support options to align with any working environment.

New Features in CorelCAD 2019:

MultiLeader and Smart Dimension tools
Draw, edit and configure callouts with multiple leader lines. This handy tool also allows you to add and remove leader lines to and from the MultiLeaders to adjust and edit as your drawing changes. Use dimension tools for accurate measurements, plus the Smart Dimension tool will suggest the most appropriate and precise dimension type automatically.

NEW! Helix Tool
Increase the shaping possibilities using the new Helix tool to create 2D spirals and 3D helixes to provide any object with a three-dimensional shape in a single layer around a cylindrical shape, such as a spring or spiral staircase.

ENHANCED! 3D solid editing and modeling tools
Save invaluable design time with faster on-screen editing tools. The enhanced EntityGrips and Properties palette allow for 3D editing and provide intuitive manipulation capabilities in 3D. Add 3D solid primitives to your design and use Boolean operations to unite, intersect and subtract bodies. Use advanced editing tools like Filleting Edges of 3D Solids, and coloring, moving, rotating and offsetting individual faces of 3D solids.

ENHANCED! Table support
Use the new ExportTable command to export tables in a comma separated format (CSV), and import CSV files in Microsoft Excel or database applications. In tables, you can add formulas into cells plus insert, delete, merge or resize cells, rows and columns within existing tables.

See Users' Favorite Features in Action
Discover how CorelCAD can help you drafting and designing in 2D and 3D by watching these short videos about CAD users' favorite tools.

Windows ribbon UI
Increase productivity with the customizable ribbon UI* workspaces and use the contextual ribbon options to select and implement the various design tools you need, such as tables, in-place text editing and more.

Quick Input
Establish a command interface in your project using the cursor in the drawing area. It's an efficient and time-saving feature that brings commands directly to the cursor so when you move it, the tooltips track and enable input of coordinate positions, lengths, angles, lines and more - when and where you need it.

Drawing constraints
Add the precision you need by applying dimensional constraints to ensure your 2D designs meet your exact proportion, angle and size requirements by forcing a geometric shape to perform in a specified way. In addition, you can use geometric constraints to control dependencies and relationships between your objects.

ENHANCED! Object snaps and EntityGrips
Use CorelCAD smart tools, such as object snaps, grips and polar guides, to quickly reposition, align, copy or resize objects. The enhanced EntityGrips provide 3D editing and intuitive manipulation. Simply use the contextual shortcut menus to instantly edit the geometry of objects in place when you hover over any EntityGrip.

System Requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 10*, 8.1 or Windows 7, in 32-bit or 64-bit, all with latest Updates and Service Packs
- Intel Core 2 Duo, or AMD Athlon x2 Dual-Core processor
- 2 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
- 500 MB hard disk space
- 3D Graphics accelerator card with OpenGL version 1.4 (OpenGL version 3.2 or better recommended)
- 1280 x 768 screen resolution (1920 x 1080 (Full HD) recommended)
- Mouse or tablet

Installation Steps:

1. Unzip, unrar and run setup/install
2. Enjoy!

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