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Clark Labs TerrSet v18


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Clark Labs TerrSet 18.21


TerrSet is an integrated geospatial software system for monitoring and modeling the earth system for sustainable development. The TerrSet System incorporates the IDRISI GIS Analysis and IDRISI Image Processing tools along with a constellation of vertical applications. TerrSet offers the most extensive set of geospatial tools in the industry in a single, affordable package. There is no need to buy costly add-ons to extend your research capabilities.

The Full TerrSet Constellation Includes:

The GIS Analysis tools - a wide range of fundamental analytical tools for GIS analysis, primarily oriented to raster data. Special features of the GIS Analysis tool set include a suite of multi-criteria and multi-objective decision procedures and a broad range of tools for statistical, change and surface analysis. Special graphical modeling environments are also provided for dynamic modeling and decision support. The GIS Analysis tool set also provides a scripting environment and an extremely flexible application programming interface (API) that allows the ability to control TerrSet using languages such as C++, Delphi and Python. Indeed, all TerrSet components make very extensive use of the API.

The Image Processing System – an extensive set of procedures for the restoration, enhancement, transformation and classification of remotely sensed images. The Image Processing System in Terrset contains the broadest set of classification procedures in the industry, including both hard and soft classification procedures based on machine learning (such as neural networks) and statistical characterization.

The Land Change Modeler (LCM) – a vertical application for analyzing land cover change, empirically modeling its relationship to explanatory variables and projecting future changes. LCM also includes special tools for the assessment of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) climate change mitigation strategies.

The Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler (HBM) – a vertical application for habitat assessment, landscape pattern analysis and biodiversity modeling. HBM also contains special tools for species distribution modeling.

GeOSIRIS – a unique tool for national level REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) planning, developed in close cooperation with Conservation International. With GeOSIRIS, one can model the impact of various economic strategies on deforestation and carbon emissions reductions.

The Ecosystem Services Modeler (ESM) – a vertical application for assessing the value of various ecosystem services such as water purification, crop pollination, wind and wave energy, and so on. ESM is based closely on the InVEST toolset developed by the Natural Capital Project.

The Earth Trends Modeler (ETM) – a tool for the analysis of time series of earth observation imagery. With ETM, one can discover trends and recurrent patterns in fundamental earth system variables such as sea surface temperature, atmospheric temperature, precipitation, vegetation productivity and the like. ETM is an exceptional tool for the assessment of climate change in the recent past (e.g., the past 30 years).

The Climate Change Adaptation Modeler (CCAM) – a tool for modeling future climate and assessing its impacts on sea level rise, crop suitability and species distributions.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 190,85 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Clark Labs TerrSet 18.30

Englisch / Crack



TerrSet is an integrated geospatial software system for monitoring and modeling the earth system for sustainable development. The TerrSet System incorporates the IDRISI GIS Analysis and IDRISI Image Processing tools along with a constellation of vertical applications. TerrSet offers the most extensive set of geospatial tools in the industry in a single, affordable package. There is no need to buy costly add-ons to extend your research capabilities.

The GIS Analysis tools – a wide range of fundamental analytical tools for GIS analysis, primarily oriented to raster data. Special features of the GIS Analysis tool set include a suite of multi-criteria and multi-objective decision procedures and a broad range of tools for statistical, change and surface analysis. Special graphical modeling environments are also provided for dynamic modeling and decision support. The GIS Analysis tool set also provides a scripting environment and an extremely flexible application programming interface (API) that allows the ability to control TerrSet using languages such as C++, Delphi and Python. Indeed, all TerrSet components make very extensive use of the API.
The Image Processing System – an extensive set of procedures for the restoration, enhancement, transformation and classification of remotely sensed images. The Image Processing System in Terrset contains the broadest set of classification procedures in the industry, including both hard and soft classification procedures based on machine learning (such as neural networks) and statistical characterization.
The Land Change Modeler (LCM) – a vertical application for analyzing land cover change, empirically modeling its relationship to explanatory variables and projecting future changes. LCM also includes special tools for the assessment of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) climate change mitigation strategies.
The Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler (HBM) – a vertical application for habitat assessment, landscape pattern analysis and biodiversity modeling. HBM also contains special tools for species distribution modeling.
GeOSIRIS – a unique tool for national level REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) planning, developed in close cooperation with Conservation International. With GeOSIRIS, one can model the impact of various economic strategies on deforestation and carbon emissions reductions.
The Ecosystem Services Modeler (ESM) – a vertical application for assessing the value of various ecosystem services such as water purification, crop pollination, wind and wave energy, and so on. ESM is based closely on the InVEST toolset developed by the Natural Capital Project.

The Earth Trends Modeler (ETM) – a tool for the analysis of time series of earth observation imagery. With ETM, one can discover trends and recurrent patterns in fundamental earth system variables such as sea surface temperature, atmospheric temperature, precipitation, vegetation productivity and the like. ETM is an exceptional tool for the assessment of climate change in the recent past (e.g., the past 30 years).
The Climate Change Adaptation Modeler (CCAM) – a tool for modeling future climate and assessing its impacts on sea level rise, crop suitability and species distributions.

Größe: 242,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Passwort: Keins




Clark Labs TerrSet 18.30


TerrSet is an integrated geospatial software system for monitoring and modeling the earth system for sustainable development. The TerrSet System incorporates the IDRISI GIS Analysis and IDRISI Image Processing tools along with a constellation of vertical applications. TerrSet offers the most extensive set of geospatial tools in the industry in a single, affordable package. There is no need to buy costly add-ons to extend your research capabilities.

The Full TerrSet Constellation Includes:

The GIS Analysis tools - a wide range of fundamental analytical tools for GIS analysis, primarily oriented to raster data. Special features of the GIS Analysis tool set include a suite of multi-criteria and multi-objective decision procedures and a broad range of tools for statistical, change and surface analysis. Special graphical modeling environments are also provided for dynamic modeling and decision support. The GIS Analysis tool set also provides a scripting environment and an extremely flexible application programming interface (API) that allows the ability to control TerrSet using languages such as C++, Delphi and Python. Indeed, all TerrSet components make very extensive use of the API.

The Image Processing System – an extensive set of procedures for the restoration, enhancement, transformation and classification of remotely sensed images. The Image Processing System in Terrset contains the broadest set of classification procedures in the industry, including both hard and soft classification procedures based on machine learning (such as neural networks) and statistical characterization.

The Land Change Modeler (LCM) – a vertical application for analyzing land cover change, empirically modeling its relationship to explanatory variables and projecting future changes. LCM also includes special tools for the assessment of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) climate change mitigation strategies.

The Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler (HBM) – a vertical application for habitat assessment, landscape pattern analysis and biodiversity modeling. HBM also contains special tools for species distribution modeling.

GeOSIRIS – a unique tool for national level REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) planning, developed in close cooperation with Conservation International. With GeOSIRIS, one can model the impact of various economic strategies on deforestation and carbon emissions reductions.

The Ecosystem Services Modeler (ESM) – a vertical application for assessing the value of various ecosystem services such as water purification, crop pollination, wind and wave energy, and so on. ESM is based closely on the InVEST toolset developed by the Natural Capital Project.

The Earth Trends Modeler (ETM) – a tool for the analysis of time series of earth observation imagery. With ETM, one can discover trends and recurrent patterns in fundamental earth system variables such as sea surface temperature, atmospheric temperature, precipitation, vegetation productivity and the like. ETM is an exceptional tool for the assessment of climate change in the recent past (e.g., the past 30 years).

The Climate Change Adaptation Modeler (CCAM) – a tool for modeling future climate and assessing its impacts on sea level rise, crop suitability and species distributions.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 242,99 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

TerrSet | v18.31 | Englisch | inkl. Keygen


_ .: Beschreibung :. _

TerrSet is an integrated geospatial software system for monitoring and modeling the earth system for sustainable development. The TerrSet System incorporates the IDRISI GIS Analysis and IDRISI Image Processing tools along with a constellation of vertical applications. TerrSet offers the most extensive set of geospatial tools in the industry in a single, affordable package. There is no need to buy costly add-ons to extend your research capabilities.

_ .: NFO :. _

Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Englisch
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Größe: 243 MB
Parts: 1



_ .: Download :. _


Clark Labs TerrSet 18.31


TerrSet is an integrated geospatial software system for monitoring and modeling the earth system for sustainable development. The TerrSet System incorporates the IDRISI GIS Analysis and IDRISI Image Processing tools along with a constellation of vertical applications. TerrSet offers the most extensive set of geospatial tools in the industry in a single, affordable package. There is no need to buy costly add-ons to extend your research capabilities.

The Full TerrSet Constellation Includes:

The GIS Analysis tools - a wide range of fundamental analytical tools for GIS analysis, primarily oriented to raster data. Special features of the GIS Analysis tool set include a suite of multi-criteria and multi-objective decision procedures and a broad range of tools for statistical, change and surface analysis. Special graphical modeling environments are also provided for dynamic modeling and decision support. The GIS Analysis tool set also provides a scripting environment and an extremely flexible application programming interface (API) that allows the ability to control TerrSet using languages such as C++, Delphi and Python. Indeed, all TerrSet components make very extensive use of the API.

The Image Processing System – an extensive set of procedures for the restoration, enhancement, transformation and classification of remotely sensed images. The Image Processing System in Terrset contains the broadest set of classification procedures in the industry, including both hard and soft classification procedures based on machine learning (such as neural networks) and statistical characterization.

The Land Change Modeler (LCM) – a vertical application for analyzing land cover change, empirically modeling its relationship to explanatory variables and projecting future changes. LCM also includes special tools for the assessment of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) climate change mitigation strategies.

The Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler (HBM) – a vertical application for habitat assessment, landscape pattern analysis and biodiversity modeling. HBM also contains special tools for species distribution modeling.

GeOSIRIS – a unique tool for national level REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) planning, developed in close cooperation with Conservation International. With GeOSIRIS, one can model the impact of various economic strategies on deforestation and carbon emissions reductions.

The Ecosystem Services Modeler (ESM) – a vertical application for assessing the value of various ecosystem services such as water purification, crop pollination, wind and wave energy, and so on. ESM is based closely on the InVEST toolset developed by the Natural Capital Project.

The Earth Trends Modeler (ETM) – a tool for the analysis of time series of earth observation imagery. With ETM, one can discover trends and recurrent patterns in fundamental earth system variables such as sea surface temperature, atmospheric temperature, precipitation, vegetation productivity and the like. ETM is an exceptional tool for the assessment of climate change in the recent past (e.g., the past 30 years).

The Climate Change Adaptation Modeler (CCAM) – a tool for modeling future climate and assessing its impacts on sea level rise, crop suitability and species distributions.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 242,99 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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