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CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 SP2


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 SP2 | 1.1 Gb
Languages: 中文 Simplified, 中文 Traditional, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, 日本語, Polski,
Português-Brazilian, Русский, Español, Türkçe, 한국어, Čeština

GeometricPLM is pleased to announce the availability of CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 SP2.0 is the latest Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing tool specifically designed for the CNC machinist on the shop floor and promotes digital manufacturing by providing 3D models with MBD & PMI data and CNC programming information to the shop floor in a single, compact digital format.

What's new in CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 SP2.0

CAMWorks ShopFloor is a newly introduced application in the CAMWorks suite of software products. CAMWorks ShopFloor is an independent standalone application. It serves as a collaboration tool between CAM Programmers (who use the CAMWorks application to generate CAM data for part models and/or assemblies to be machined) and the Machine ShopFloor (where actual machining of the concerned part models/assemblies take place).

CAMWorks ShopFloor is designed to help accelerate the transition to digital manufacturing and to boost manufacturing efficiency by allowing the shop floor to view programmed parts and associated manufacturing data digitally.

About CAMWorks ShopFloor

GeometricPLM by HCL Technologies a specialist in the domain of engineering solutions, services and technologies. Its portfolio of Global Engineering services, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Embedded System solutions, and Digital Technology solutions enables companies to formulate, implement, and execute global engineering and manufacturing strategies aimed at achieving greater efficiencies in the product realization lifecycle.

On April 1st 2016, Geometric got into an agreement with HCL Technologies to transfer of its business to HCL Tech by way of demerger, except for its 58% share in the joint venture with Dassault Systèmes (3DS) (3DPLM Software Solutions Limited (3DPLM)). The transition has become effective on March 2nd 2017, after seeking all statutory approvals.

Product: CAMWorks ShopFloor
Version: 2020 SP2 build 2020/0413 (16-April-2020)
Supported Architectures: x64

Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Software Prerequisites: *
Size: 1.1 Gb

Before installing CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020, ensure that the following system requirementsare fulfilled:

Supported Microsoft Windows Operating Systems

- 64-bit version of Windows 10
- 64-bit version of Windows 8.1
- 64-bit version of Windows 7 (SP1 or higher)

Hardware Requirements

RAM: 8 GB or more recommended
Video Card: Certified cards and drivers
Processor: Intel or AMD processors with SSE2 support. 64-bit operating system required.
USB port: If you choose to have CAMWorks ShopFloor licensing via a USB dongle (key),then access to an USB port is required to plug in the CAMWorks Hardware Dongle(key)into the USB port.
Network: Microsoft's Windows Networking and Active Directory network environments.
Install Media: Broadband Internet Connection

Supported Platforms:


CAMWorks versions:

- All CAMWorks 2020 x64 versions up to CAMWorks 2020 SP2
- CAMWorks 2019 x64 SP4
- CAMWorks 2019x64 SP3

Compatible CAD Platforms:

- CAMWorks Solids 2020
- CAMWorks Solids 2019

Note:To view ShopFloor files in the CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 x64 SP2 application, a compatible CAMWorks version needs to be loaded as an Add-In in one of the above-listed CAD platforms. This will ensure successful publishing of ShopFloor files from programmed part models/assemblies.

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