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Calligraphy Art


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Kategorie: Produktivität
Aktualisiert: 26.03.2016
Version: 3.0
Größe: 118 MB
Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Vereinf. Chinesisch
Entwickler: Etienne Nguyen Tan Hon
© Hu Yong Jie-Nguyen Tan Hon 2012
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 6.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPad.



Calligraphy is an ancient art that just anyone can do. Now comes on the iPad.

CALLIGRAPHY ART replicates the strokes of the pen in real life: angle, thickness and colors. You can really enjoy calligraphy with this app for its learning ability, then draw beautiful letters on papers with the same easiness.

********** REVIEWS **********

1/ PRODUCT-REVIEWS: "Every writing page has help and guidelines that coincide with the font. Calligraphy Art uses the same functions that you would find using a pen including different colors, width and the angles. Practice to get beautiful letters in this easy to use application and adapt your own authentic style."

"With Calligraphy Art, you will find a beautiful ancient technique to drawing letters that are currently used for all types of great looking documents."


2/ APPADVICE: "Calligraphy Art is a beautiful and functional app that will teach you how to create graceful lettering in traditional calligraphy style or help you perfect your letter art. This app stands out from others because of the way that the virtual pens perfectly mimic their real counterparts."


This application is not for language learning. It is divided is 3 parts:

- A main page for freehand calligraphy and creation. This is the most complete featured page with ALL TOOLS available.
- Western alphabets exercises
- Chinese words exercises

All writing surfaces are pre-filled with guidelines according to the hand (font) presented.

Today calligraphy is used in many documents and papers, giving to them an elegant and unique touch: graphic design, logo design, type design, paintings, scholarship, maps, menus, greeting cards, invitations, legal documents, diplomas, cut stone inscriptions, memorial documents, props and moving images for film and television, business cards, lettering envelopes, place cards, poems and much more.


- Specific long paper size: 1536X458
- 9 Western hands
- 3 Chinese writing styles
- 16 inkpens, 4 brushes
- 24 preselected pen angles
- 9 pen sizes
- Zoom rate 2000%, undo redo, clear, eraser.
- Save to photos gallery with or without background.
- Share by email
- 12 old style backgrounds
- Color palette
- 36 stylish letter textures. Import photo as texture.
- 1 flourish tutorial



Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Neue Funktionen von Version 3.0

Version 3.0:

- Enhancement for the Apple Pencil to draw flourished hands and Chinese words. The Pencil pressure sensitivity can be adjusted accurately to fit to your finger tips.
- New revamped user interface.
- New 24 hours free test for in-app purchases.
- The auto-move canvas can be deactivated from the "settings" menu.
- The models in lesson pages can be manually reduced for giving more space to draw.
- Some bugs were fixed.
Oben Unten