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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Business Card Creator PRO


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Business Card Creator PRO

Diese App wurde sowohl für das iPhone als auch für das iPad konzipiert
Kategorie: Produktivität
Erschienen: 19.02.2016
Version: 1.0
Größe: 89.8 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Entwickler: David Sandonato
© David Sandonato
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 7.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch.



Business Card Creator PRO is the most advanced and powerful App to create professional quality outstanding Business Cards in minutes.

You can even create professional Facebook Timeline Cover images with your Business Card inside!

Creating professional clean and quality designs for your Business Card has never been so easy and to help you understanding the best way to use the app a FULL VIDEO TUTORIAL is available from the home page of the app and just in case you need to customize something there's a powerful editing tool that let you modify everything!

The app includes 4 Set of Business Cards each with a different theme:

1. Business and Career Set
2. Clean Designs Set
3. Abstract Lines Set
4. Flat Style Set

We also have a Cards Template Store that will be continuosly updated with fresh new contents and it actually includes 4 awesome sets available for in-app purchase:

5. Flat Style 2 Set
6. Metal & Woods Set
7. Flat Style 3 Set
8. Low Polygons

Main Features:
- Create unlimited user profile inside the app (you can choose a different profile each time you want to see Business Cards preview of that profile.
- 4 Set of 20 Business Card each included
- 30 diffent Logos can be added to your card
- You can add external logos (from you camera roll jpg or png)
- Export FULL SIZE resolution of the card (for future print)
- Export A4 Sheet with a Small card with "credit card size" for print tests.
- Export Small Card resolution (900pixel wide) for Sharing
- Export you card in JPG, PNG or PDF format.
- Print your card using Air Print
- Save you card into Google Drive, One Drive, Drop Box and in your camera roll
- Share you card by email, message
- Post you card on Twitter and Facebook
- Create Facebook timeline Covers with you card and chose between 20 different outstanding designs.

When you edit a card you have full access to all parts of it and you can:

- Quickly modify every text of whatever field
- Modify font style
- Modify font size and color
- Rotate text with 1degree precision button
- Drag text to move or use the precision 1pixel moving tool
- Add Logo (simple shapes and complex shapes available)
- Add Custom Fields
- UNDO and REDO buttons Available (Yes this is VERY cool!!)

Business Card Creator PRO is the POWERFUL EVER available app to create Awesome Business Card in minutes.



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