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    - In erster Linie sind unsere Boardregeln zu beachten, zu finden HIER.
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    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum v17


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum 17.1.03 (x86/x64)


BricsCAD® offers all the familiar .dwg 2D CAD features, yet it adds time saving tools and 3D Direct Modeling. With BricsCAD you get more for less.

BricsCAD® will make you feel right at home from the very beginning
BricsCAD offers a whole new world for those who venture beyond the AutoCAD® horizon. Among its growing community of users, BricsCAD is best known for its feature-rich combination of 2D drawing and 3D modeling.

BricsCAD for AutoCAD users free ebook
Anything you need to know about what's different and what's the same between the newest releases of BricsCAD® and AutoCAD®

BricsCAD comes in three editions
As a full-fledged 2D & 3D CAD software program, BricsCAD offers professionals one of the most advanced and intuitive drawing and modeling solutions out there. Available in three editions and open to third-party developers, it is beyond any AutoCAD® alternative.
Thanks to our flexible network and volume licensing options, BricsCAD fits right into your enterprise or SME. And for students and academic institutions, it’s completely free.

BricsCAD® Platinum
BricsCAD Platinum adds advanced features such as 3D Constraints, Assembly modeling and 3D Compare.
- All familiar CAD functionalities
- Full LISP, VBA, BRX & .NET support
- Chapoo cloud connectivity
- Flexible licensing
- Direct 3D Modeling
- Rendering, materials and lighting
- 3D constraint creation
- Design intent recognition
- Assembly modeling
- Deformable Modeling

Familiar 2D & 3D Interface
The BricsCAD interface will make you feel right at home from the very beginning. Navigating through drawings becomes easier than ever, thanks to a distinctive ribbon. It’s the fastest way to access tools through our tabbed CAD interface.

Drawing explorer
This is your drawing control center. From The Drawing Explorer you can see all your object definitions, and work with them across all your opened drawings. Browse through and view drawings in your favorite folders, or even insert blocks without ever opening the source drawing.

Connect to your Chapoo account to share and manage your drawing projects in the cloud, and create and work with your projects sheet sets.

Layers and content browser
Whereas before the Layer explorer had to be dismissed, now layer names and their settings are always available to you while drawing and editing through the Layer panel. The Content Browser dockable panel displays DWG and DXF content in a tree-like view from folders that you specify.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 468,10 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

BricsCAD Platinum | v17.1.04.1 | Deutsch | inkl. License
Bricsys.BricsCAD.Platinum.v17.1.04.1.German-AMPED / x64


_ .: Beschreibung :. _

BricsCAD, die dwg-basierende CAD-Plattform, kümmert sich um alle Ihre Bedürfnisse von einfachen 2D-Zeichnen bis zum fortschrittlichen direkt 3D Modelling. Es besteht kein Grund für zusätzliche Begleit-Produkte und zeitraubende Konvertierungen. Branchenführender Support und ein überzeugender Preis.

_ .: NFO :. _

Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Deutsch
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Größe: 481 MB
Parts: 1



_ .: Download :. _

Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum (x86/x64) Deutsch


BricsCAD® offers all the familiar .dwg 2D CAD features, yet it adds time saving tools and 3D Direct Modeling. With BricsCAD you get more for less.

BricsCAD® will make you feel right at home from the very beginning
BricsCAD offers a whole new world for those who venture beyond the AutoCAD® horizon. Among its growing community of users, BricsCAD is best known for its feature-rich combination of 2D drawing and 3D modeling.

BricsCAD for AutoCAD users free ebook
Anything you need to know about what's different and what's the same between the newest releases of BricsCAD® and AutoCAD®

BricsCAD comes in three editions
As a full-fledged 2D & 3D CAD software program, BricsCAD offers professionals one of the most advanced and intuitive drawing and modeling solutions out there. Available in three editions and open to third-party developers, it is beyond any AutoCAD® alternative.
Thanks to our flexible network and volume licensing options, BricsCAD fits right into your enterprise or SME. And for students and academic institutions, it’s completely free.

BricsCAD® Platinum
BricsCAD Platinum adds advanced features such as 3D Constraints, Assembly modeling and 3D Compare.
- All familiar CAD functionalities
- Full LISP, VBA, BRX & .NET support
- Chapoo cloud connectivity
- Flexible licensing
- Direct 3D Modeling
- Rendering, materials and lighting
- 3D constraint creation
- Design intent recognition
- Assembly modeling
- Deformable Modeling

Familiar 2D & 3D Interface
The BricsCAD interface will make you feel right at home from the very beginning. Navigating through drawings becomes easier than ever, thanks to a distinctive ribbon. It’s the fastest way to access tools through our tabbed CAD interface.

Drawing explorer
This is your drawing control center. From The Drawing Explorer you can see all your object definitions, and work with them across all your opened drawings. Browse through and view drawings in your favorite folders, or even insert blocks without ever opening the source drawing.

Connect to your Chapoo account to share and manage your drawing projects in the cloud, and create and work with your projects sheet sets.

Layers and content browser
Whereas before the Layer explorer had to be dismissed, now layer names and their settings are always available to you while drawing and editing through the Layer panel. The Content Browser dockable panel displays DWG and DXF content in a tree-like view from folders that you specify.

OS: Windows
Lang: Deutsch
Size: 481,41 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum (x86/x64)


BricsCAD® offers all the familiar .dwg 2D CAD features, yet it adds time saving tools and 3D Direct Modeling. With BricsCAD you get more for less.

BricsCAD® will make you feel right at home from the very beginning
BricsCAD offers a whole new world for those who venture beyond the AutoCAD® horizon. Among its growing community of users, BricsCAD is best known for its feature-rich combination of 2D drawing and 3D modeling.

BricsCAD for AutoCAD users free ebook
Anything you need to know about what's different and what's the same between the newest releases of BricsCAD® and AutoCAD®

BricsCAD comes in three editions
As a full-fledged 2D & 3D CAD software program, BricsCAD offers professionals one of the most advanced and intuitive drawing and modeling solutions out there. Available in three editions and open to third-party developers, it is beyond any AutoCAD® alternative.
Thanks to our flexible network and volume licensing options, BricsCAD fits right into your enterprise or SME. And for students and academic institutions, it’s completely free.

BricsCAD® Platinum
BricsCAD Platinum adds advanced features such as 3D Constraints, Assembly modeling and 3D Compare.
- All familiar CAD functionalities
- Full LISP, VBA, BRX & .NET support
- Chapoo cloud connectivity
- Flexible licensing
- Direct 3D Modeling
- Rendering, materials and lighting
- 3D constraint creation
- Design intent recognition
- Assembly modeling
- Deformable Modeling

Familiar 2D & 3D Interface
The BricsCAD interface will make you feel right at home from the very beginning. Navigating through drawings becomes easier than ever, thanks to a distinctive ribbon. It’s the fastest way to access tools through our tabbed CAD interface.

Drawing explorer
This is your drawing control center. From The Drawing Explorer you can see all your object definitions, and work with them across all your opened drawings. Browse through and view drawings in your favorite folders, or even insert blocks without ever opening the source drawing.

Connect to your Chapoo account to share and manage your drawing projects in the cloud, and create and work with your projects sheet sets.

Layers and content browser
Whereas before the Layer explorer had to be dismissed, now layer names and their settings are always available to you while drawing and editing through the Layer panel. The Content Browser dockable panel displays DWG and DXF content in a tree-like view from folders that you specify.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 470,27 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum v17.1.07.1
Englisch / Crack AMPED


BricsCAD, die dwg-basierende CAD-Plattform, kümmert sich um alle Ihre Bedürfnisse von einfachen 2D-Zeichnen bis zum fortschrittlichen direkt 3D Modelling. Es besteht kein Grund für zusätzliche Begleit-Produkte und zeitraubende Konvertierungen. Branchenführender Support und ein überzeugender Preis.

Größe: 469,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Passwort: Keins


Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum (x86/x64)


BricsCAD® offers all the familiar .dwg 2D CAD features, yet it adds time saving tools and 3D Direct Modeling. With BricsCAD you get more for less.

BricsCAD® will make you feel right at home from the very beginning
BricsCAD offers a whole new world for those who venture beyond the AutoCAD® horizon. Among its growing community of users, BricsCAD is best known for its feature-rich combination of 2D drawing and 3D modeling.

BricsCAD for AutoCAD users free ebook
Anything you need to know about what's different and what's the same between the newest releases of BricsCAD® and AutoCAD®

BricsCAD comes in three editions
As a full-fledged 2D & 3D CAD software program, BricsCAD offers professionals one of the most advanced and intuitive drawing and modeling solutions out there. Available in three editions and open to third-party developers, it is beyond any AutoCAD® alternative.
Thanks to our flexible network and volume licensing options, BricsCAD fits right into your enterprise or SME. And for students and academic institutions, it’s completely free.

BricsCAD® Platinum
BricsCAD Platinum adds advanced features such as 3D Constraints, Assembly modeling and 3D Compare.
- All familiar CAD functionalities
- Full LISP, VBA, BRX & .NET support
- Chapoo cloud connectivity
- Flexible licensing
- Direct 3D Modeling
- Rendering, materials and lighting
- 3D constraint creation
- Design intent recognition
- Assembly modeling
- Deformable Modeling

Familiar 2D & 3D Interface
The BricsCAD interface will make you feel right at home from the very beginning. Navigating through drawings becomes easier than ever, thanks to a distinctive ribbon. It’s the fastest way to access tools through our tabbed CAD interface.

Drawing explorer
This is your drawing control center. From The Drawing Explorer you can see all your object definitions, and work with them across all your opened drawings. Browse through and view drawings in your favorite folders, or even insert blocks without ever opening the source drawing.

Connect to your Chapoo account to share and manage your drawing projects in the cloud, and create and work with your projects sheet sets.

Layers and content browser
Whereas before the Layer explorer had to be dismissed, now layer names and their settings are always available to you while drawing and editing through the Layer panel. The Content Browser dockable panel displays DWG and DXF content in a tree-like view from folders that you specify.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 470,85 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded



BricsCAD bietet eine ganz neue Welt für diejenigen, die sich über den AutoCAD® Horizont wagen. Unter seiner ständig wachsenden Gemeinschaft von Nutzern, ist BricsCAD am besten für seine funktionsreiche Kombination von 2D-Zeichnungen und 3D-Modellierung bekannt.

BricsCAD Platinum fügt fortgeschrittene Funktionen wie 3D-Constraints, Baugruppenmodellierung und den Zugriff auf BIM und Blechverarbeitung hinzu.

- Alle bekannten CAD-Funktionen
- Voller LISP, VBA,BRX & .NET Support
- Chapoo Cloud Konnektivität
- Unsere Lizenzmodelle
- Direkte 3D Modellierung
- Rendering, Materialien und Beleuchtung
- Zugriff auf Anwednungen von Drittanbietern
- Erstellung von 3D-Zwängen
- Konstruktionsabsichts Erkennung
- Baugruppenmodellierung
- Deformierbare Modellierung
- 3D vergleichen
- Zugang zu BIM und Blechverarbeitung für BricsCAD


Format: exe
Sprache: Deutsch
Freischaltung: Crack
Größe: 258MB
Hoster: share-online, uploaded

Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum (x86/x64)


BricsCAD® offers all the familiar .dwg 2D CAD features, yet it adds time saving tools and 3D Direct Modeling. With BricsCAD you get more for less.

BricsCAD® will make you feel right at home from the very beginning
BricsCAD offers a whole new world for those who venture beyond the AutoCAD® horizon. Among its growing community of users, BricsCAD is best known for its feature-rich combination of 2D drawing and 3D modeling.

BricsCAD for AutoCAD users free ebook
Anything you need to know about what's different and what's the same between the newest releases of BricsCAD® and AutoCAD®

BricsCAD comes in three editions
As a full-fledged 2D & 3D CAD software program, BricsCAD offers professionals one of the most advanced and intuitive drawing and modeling solutions out there. Available in three editions and open to third-party developers, it is beyond any AutoCAD® alternative.
Thanks to our flexible network and volume licensing options, BricsCAD fits right into your enterprise or SME. And for students and academic institutions, it’s completely free.

BricsCAD® Platinum
BricsCAD Platinum adds advanced features such as 3D Constraints, Assembly modeling and 3D Compare.
- All familiar CAD functionalities
- Full LISP, VBA, BRX & .NET support
- Chapoo cloud connectivity
- Flexible licensing
- Direct 3D Modeling
- Rendering, materials and lighting
- 3D constraint creation
- Design intent recognition
- Assembly modeling
- Deformable Modeling

Familiar 2D & 3D Interface
The BricsCAD interface will make you feel right at home from the very beginning. Navigating through drawings becomes easier than ever, thanks to a distinctive ribbon. It’s the fastest way to access tools through our tabbed CAD interface.

Drawing explorer
This is your drawing control center. From The Drawing Explorer you can see all your object definitions, and work with them across all your opened drawings. Browse through and view drawings in your favorite folders, or even insert blocks without ever opening the source drawing.

Connect to your Chapoo account to share and manage your drawing projects in the cloud, and create and work with your projects sheet sets.

Layers and content browser
Whereas before the Layer explorer had to be dismissed, now layer names and their settings are always available to you while drawing and editing through the Layer panel. The Content Browser dockable panel displays DWG and DXF content in a tree-like view from folders that you specify.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 470,72 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum (x86/x64)


BricsCAD® offers all the familiar .dwg 2D CAD features, yet it adds time saving tools and 3D Direct Modeling. With BricsCAD you get more for less.

BricsCAD® will make you feel right at home from the very beginning
BricsCAD offers a whole new world for those who venture beyond the AutoCAD® horizon. Among its growing community of users, BricsCAD is best known for its feature-rich combination of 2D drawing and 3D modeling.

BricsCAD for AutoCAD users free ebook
Anything you need to know about what's different and what's the same between the newest releases of BricsCAD® and AutoCAD®

BricsCAD comes in three editions
As a full-fledged 2D & 3D CAD software program, BricsCAD offers professionals one of the most advanced and intuitive drawing and modeling solutions out there. Available in three editions and open to third-party developers, it is beyond any AutoCAD® alternative.
Thanks to our flexible network and volume licensing options, BricsCAD fits right into your enterprise or SME. And for students and academic institutions, it’s completely free.

BricsCAD® Platinum
BricsCAD Platinum adds advanced features such as 3D Constraints, Assembly modeling and 3D Compare.
- All familiar CAD functionalities
- Full LISP, VBA, BRX & .NET support
- Chapoo cloud connectivity
- Flexible licensing
- Direct 3D Modeling
- Rendering, materials and lighting
- 3D constraint creation
- Design intent recognition
- Assembly modeling
- Deformable Modeling

Familiar 2D & 3D Interface
The BricsCAD interface will make you feel right at home from the very beginning. Navigating through drawings becomes easier than ever, thanks to a distinctive ribbon. It’s the fastest way to access tools through our tabbed CAD interface.

Drawing explorer
This is your drawing control center. From The Drawing Explorer you can see all your object definitions, and work with them across all your opened drawings. Browse through and view drawings in your favorite folders, or even insert blocks without ever opening the source drawing.

Connect to your Chapoo account to share and manage your drawing projects in the cloud, and create and work with your projects sheet sets.

Layers and content browser
Whereas before the Layer explorer had to be dismissed, now layer names and their settings are always available to you while drawing and editing through the Layer panel. The Content Browser dockable panel displays DWG and DXF content in a tree-like view from folders that you specify.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 474,95 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum v17.1.19.1

Englisch / Crack AMPED



BricsCAD, die dwg-basierende CAD-Plattform, kümmert sich um alle Ihre Bedürfnisse von einfachen 2D-Zeichnen bis zum fortschrittlichen direkt 3D Modelling. Es besteht kein Grund für zusätzliche Begleit-Produkte und zeitraubende Konvertierungen. Branchenführender Support und ein überzeugender Preis.

Größe: 475,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Passwort: Keins



Bricsys BricsCAD Platinum (x86/x64)


BricsCAD® offers all the familiar .dwg 2D CAD features, yet it adds time saving tools and 3D Direct Modeling. With BricsCAD you get more for less.

BricsCAD® will make you feel right at home from the very beginning
BricsCAD offers a whole new world for those who venture beyond the AutoCAD® horizon. Among its growing community of users, BricsCAD is best known for its feature-rich combination of 2D drawing and 3D modeling.

BricsCAD for AutoCAD users free ebook
Anything you need to know about what's different and what's the same between the newest releases of BricsCAD® and AutoCAD®

BricsCAD comes in three editions
As a full-fledged 2D & 3D CAD software program, BricsCAD offers professionals one of the most advanced and intuitive drawing and modeling solutions out there. Available in three editions and open to third-party developers, it is beyond any AutoCAD® alternative.
Thanks to our flexible network and volume licensing options, BricsCAD fits right into your enterprise or SME. And for students and academic institutions, it’s completely free.

BricsCAD® Platinum
BricsCAD Platinum adds advanced features such as 3D Constraints, Assembly modeling and 3D Compare.
- All familiar CAD functionalities
- Full LISP, VBA, BRX & .NET support
- Chapoo cloud connectivity
- Flexible licensing
- Direct 3D Modeling
- Rendering, materials and lighting
- 3D constraint creation
- Design intent recognition
- Assembly modeling
- Deformable Modeling

Familiar 2D & 3D Interface
The BricsCAD interface will make you feel right at home from the very beginning. Navigating through drawings becomes easier than ever, thanks to a distinctive ribbon. It’s the fastest way to access tools through our tabbed CAD interface.

Drawing explorer
This is your drawing control center. From The Drawing Explorer you can see all your object definitions, and work with them across all your opened drawings. Browse through and view drawings in your favorite folders, or even insert blocks without ever opening the source drawing.

Connect to your Chapoo account to share and manage your drawing projects in the cloud, and create and work with your projects sheet sets.

Layers and content browser
Whereas before the Layer explorer had to be dismissed, now layer names and their settings are always available to you while drawing and editing through the Layer panel. The Content Browser dockable panel displays DWG and DXF content in a tree-like view from folders that you specify.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 474,95 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

BricsCAD Platinum | v17.1.19.1 | Deutsch | inkl. Crack
Bricsys.BricsCAD.Platinum.v17.1.19.1.German-AMPED / x64


_ .: Beschreibung :. _

BricsCAD, die dwg-basierende CAD-Plattform, kümmert sich um alle Ihre Bedürfnisse von einfachen 2D-Zeichnen bis zum fortschrittlichen direkt 3D Modelling. Es besteht kein Grund für zusätzliche Begleit-Produkte und zeitraubende Konvertierungen. Branchenführender Support und ein überzeugender Preis.

_ .: NFO :. _

Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Deutsch
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom
Größe: 488 MB
Parts: 1



_ .: Download :. _

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