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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Boxer For Gmail, Outlook, Exchange, Yahoo, Hotmail, IMAP and iCloud Email


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Boxer For Gmail, Outlook, Exchange, Yahoo, Hotmail, IMAP and iCloud Email

Kategorie: Wirtschaft
Aktualisiert: 01.12.2015
Version: 6.0.4
Größe: 21.0 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Entwickler: Bodkin Software Inc.
© 2013 Boxer
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 8.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPod touch und iPad. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.
Cracker: teflon




#1 - Fastest growing email app in the App Store!
Gmail, Outlook, Exchange, Yahoo, IMAP & more
Dropbox, Box, Facebook & LinkedIn integration

Boxer is the fastest, most innovative email app available for iPhone! Here’s what people are saying:

"This mail client is fast and efficient, and very smartly designed."
- Dave Johnson, CBS Moneywatch *****

“The quick replies are pretty fantastic.”
- Mat Honan, WIRED *****

"Boxer has a whole set of tools for dealing with emails. You can easily archive with a swipe, send instant auto responses, add emails to a to-do list, and ‘like’ incoming messages so people know you saw it without requiring an actual response."
- Thorin Klosowski, Lifehacker *****

With support for Gmail, Outlook, Exchange (2007 and up), Yahoo, Hotmail, iCloud, & IMAP accounts, Boxer is bringing all of these features to all of your favorite email providers.

Please Note: Boxer does not support POP3 accounts including Verizon, Comcast, and Go Daddy.

Amazing Features:

* SWIPE TO DELETE - Swipe to archive, trash, spam
* CLOUD ATTACHMENTS - Dropbox support
* PUSH NOTIFICATIONS - Notifications for all your email
* EVERNOTE INTEGRATION - Send emails to evernote with just a tap
* CALENDAR INTEGRATION – Swipe to accept/decline meeting invites
* GMAIL LABELS - Full Gmail label support
* SMART FOLDERS - Boxer remembers where you like to file things
* CONFIGURABLE INTERFACE - Don't like our swipe actions? You can change them in the settings.
* PROFILE PICTURES - See who your email is from with profile pictures right in your inbox
* CANNED RESPONSES - Use "Quick” replies to send common responses while on the go
* CONTACTS INTEGRATION - including links to social profiles, phone numbers & even recent messages
* TODO LIST - Swipe to your To-Do list and never forget an important message
* EMAIL “LIKES” - Use Like to quickly acknowledge a friend’s message
* DASHBOARD - shows you all of your important and time sensitive items at a glance
* SECURITY - Secure your email with a passcode or PIN to e****** your data

Platform Support:
Boxer supports all major email providers including Microsoft Exchange (ActiveSync), Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud, Outlook.com/Hotmail, and IMAP.

Cloud File Integration:
Important files in the cloud? With Boxer, you can attach a photo or add a file from Box or Dropbox when you compose a message.

Swipe Actions:
Whether you let your inbox burst at the seams or diligently file things away, you’ll love the ability to quickly swipe left to archive, delete, or mark email as spam. Swiping right exposes the real power of Boxer.



Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Neue Funktionen von Version 6.0.2

We’re sorry to everyone who experienced some major bugs with our release of 6.0. This release fixes several major issues, including:

- Fixed unreadable database issue
- Fixed duplicate folder issue
- Fixed crash viewing contacts tab
- Now showing the correct form when Exchange policy requires a complex passcode
- Fixed ability to create alert “At time of event”
- Fixed a crash adding some Exchange accounts
- Several minor interface fixes
- Several other small crashes have been fixed.

Boxer 6.0 is here… and it is BIG!

Introducing Calendar and Contacts. Everything you need is now in one place.

“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of.” - Charles Richards

Making use of those days just got easier! Boxer Email, Calendar, and Contacts work seamlessly together to create a smarter, more productive experience.

- Calendar
When Email and Calendar integrate with each other, their features do too! Boxer's "Send Availability" feature let's you choose multiple times you're available and send them with just a tap. No more back and forth to find the right time. Organize your life in style and view your calendar in day, week, and agenda views.

- Contacts
Easily manage your contacts right from your inbox. Boxer keeps your favorite and most recent contacts one tap away. Emailing your closest contacts has never been easier!

Email got a big update too!
* Full screen iPad view
* Set account colors
* Tap an email address to add contacts
* Set 'unread inbox' as default view
* Perform actions from the lock screen
* Unread messages are now highlighted
* Apple Watch support for notifications
* Create calendar invites from email
* New calendar invite card. More than accepting/declining events, your invite now tells you whether or not you’re busy.

Did we add something you’ve been waiting for? If we’ve earned your 5 stars, please tell us about it in your review. If there’s still more you’d like to see from us, please chat with us in our Boxer Forum at .

Yes, you can disable Calendar and Contacts if you’re not quite ready for more than Email. Do so by tapping ‘Settings' -> ‘Advanced' -> Toggle off ‘Calendar and Contacts'

Neue Funktionen von Version 6.0.3

Bugs are fixed!!!

A quick note from Boxer HQ -

We know that bugs in your email are very frustrating. We are constantly striving to build a better, faster app and sometimes errors don’t get caught by our team. We deeply apologize to all of those that had the following problems, and we hope you’ll forgive us now that they’re fixed!

No more duplicate events. No more duplicate events.
Improved ActiveSync error handling
ActiveSync efficiency improvements
Now sending to the correct selected Evernote Notebook
Calendar editing & sync fixes
Use account sound for local notifications
Missing message bodies have been found! Call off the search!
Improved label display
Fixed threading issues for Gmail & Outlook accounts
Crash fixes

Neue Funktionen von Version 6.0.4

"Improvement begins with I" - Arnold H Glasow

Lots of improvements in this update:
- Background sync improvements
- Various security improvements
- Various calendar improvements
- Crash fixes
- IMAP connection improvements
- Fixes Exchange provisioning
- Disabled custom keyboards by default (fixes a webkit crash)
- Lock screen when in background (for improved privacy)
- Improved encoding of To/From/Subject headers.
Oben Unten