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BIAS - Guitar Amp Designer and Modeler


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
BIAS - Gitarre und Bass Amp Designer und Modeler

Kategorie: Musik
Aktualisiert: 09.02.2016
Version: 1.5.15
Größe: 142 MB
Entwickler: Positive Grid Inc
© 2014 Positive Grid
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 7.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPad.



BIAS ist ein Amp-Designer, Modeller und FX Processor für das iPad. BIAS Sound ist akkurater, wärmer und flexibler als jeder andere Modeller jeglicher Bauart auf dem Markt.

BIAS realisiert die charakteristischen Sounds von 36 klassischen und modernen Gitarrenverstärkern inklusive ihrer Lautsprecherboxen — lebendig, authentisch und editierbar bis ins Detail. Mit bisher unerreichter Klangtreue. BIAS Amps integrieren sich dabei nahtlos in JamUp XT und Pro und bilden ein komplettes Gitarren Performance-System

Sie würden schwören Sie hören echte Amps. Mit BIAS besitzen Sie eine der größten Sammlungen der legendärsten Verstärker aller Zeiten, inklusive sehr rarer Verstärkertypen aus den 1940er Jahren. Jeder Amp in BIAS wurde außerordentlich sorgfältig modelliert damit Ihr Gitarrenspiel unmittelbar, mit maximaler Sensibilität und Realismus erklingt. Sie werden nicht nur besser klingen sondern auch besser spielen. Und –BIAS ist auch großartig für Bass.

Damit nicht genug. BIAS erlaubt als einzige Modeling App der Welt sogar Ihren eigenen Verstärker zu designen. Und das ganz einfach. BIAS ultraschnelles und intuitives Touchinterface erlaubt es, durch Tippen und Wischen Endstufenröhren zu wechseln, Trafos auszuprobieren, klassische Tonestacks mit Distortionschaltungen zu kombinieren und mit allen möglichen Lautsprecherboxen abzurunden. Das Resultat ist Ihr ganz persönlicher Verstärker, aufgebaut mit den legendären Materialien der Amp-Geschichte für Ihren persönlichen Tone. Egal ob Sie ein klassischer Rocker, Metalhead, Jazzer, Bluesmann oder Singer- Songwriter sind – ob Sie keinen Schimmer von Verstärkertechnologie haben – mit BIAS besitzen Sie die besten Sounds der Welt, zugeschnitten auf Ihre persönlichen Bedürfnisse.

BIAS wäre nicht komplett wenn die Verstärker nicht auch mit Effekten in komplexe Rigs integriert werden könnten. Deshalb funktionieren sämtliche BIAS Amps mit den Performance Presets der JamUp XT und JamUp XT Pro Gitarren Multi-Effekt Apps: ein vollständiges, professionelles Gitarrensystem für die Live-Anwendung, Recording und Jamming.
JamUp XT erweitert ihr BIAS Rig um einen Amp und 6 Effekte. JamUp XT Pro bietet 6 Amps und 16 Effekte – inklusive Verzerrer, Kompressoren, Tape-Delay, Tremolo und Federhall. Darüber hinaus bieten die beiden JamUps einen Jam Player, 8-Spur Recorder, Phrase Sampler, die große Tone Sharing Library, Stimmgerät und Metronom.
BIAS: das komplette Gitarrenstudio und die komfortabelste Übungssuite für Gitarre überhaupt.
BIAS funktioniert mit GarageBand und anderen Audio Apps via iOS7 Inter-App Audio sowie mit Audiobus. Aufnehmen, Songwriting, einfach üben – daheim und unterwegs – BIAS liefert in jeder Situation den perfekten Tone.

• Das akkurateste Amp-Modeling der Welt.
• 36 Amp-Modelle.
• Genrepresets: Clean, Blues, Twang, Crunch, Metal, Acoustic, Bass.
• Gestaltbare Preamps, Tone Stacks, Endstufen, Trafos, Cabinets und Mikrofon-Auswahl und –Position!
• Gestalten Sie Ihren Verstärker, ändern Sie Panel, Bezug, Frontbespannung, Namen und Potis.
• Einfach so: Gain aufdrehen, Röhren wechseln, Trafo ersetzen, andere Box verwenden, Mikrofonposition justieren, verschiedene Klangregelungen ausprobieren und mit 8-Band Equalizern abstimmen.
• Raumsimulation sorgt für klangliche Tiefe und Räumlichkeit.
• Das Noise Gate frisst Rauschen und Brummen bei High Gain Sounds.
• Bauen Sie unbegrenzt viele Verstärker.
• Mit einfachem Tippen laden Sie Ihre 8 Lieblingssettings.
• Integration mit JamUp XT und JamUp Pro XT, Öffnen und Speichern von Amps in JamUp durch Tippen.
• Unterstützt GarageBand und andere Apps via Inter-App Audio und Audiobus.
• Desgined für iOS 7, benötigt iPad 2 oder neuer.



Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Neue Funktionen von Version 1.5.6

What's new in BIAS 1.5.6:

Hello, everyone!

This update is about bug fixes and improvements:

- fix Facebook login issue
- fix potential preset sharing crash
- fix hang on startup page issue
- fix BIAS store freeze issue
- fix some other minor bugs

Neue Funktionen von Version 1.5.7

What's new in BIAS 1.5.7:

This update fixes amp selection menu freeze issue and includes other minor improvements.

Now we bring BIAS to the next level - BIAS Desktop with Amp Match! You can download BIAS Desktop demo for free at .

BIAS Desktop is a groundbreaking guitar amp modeler with Positive Grid's Amp Match™ technology, it offers an entirely new concept of putting any tube amplifier tone and feel into a plug-in (AAX/RTAS/AU/VST) for Mac and PC. It features the most accurate, thorough and versatile guitar-amp modeler and designer engine, and it can accurately capture and match the tone of any tube amplifier, users can then share or download amp models from BIAS’s built-in ToneCloud® amp-sharing platform.

Neue Funktionen von Version 1.5.9

What's new in BIAS 1.5.9:

This update fixes tone stack's controls panel mapping issue and "save as" menu issue, and other minor improvements.

We continue to work with session artists world-wide to create professional custom amp models and amp-matched models made from recordings in leading studios. You can download BIAS Desktop demo for free at .

BIAS Desktop is a groundbreaking guitar amp modeler with Positive Grid's Amp Match™ technology, it offers an entirely new concept of putting any tube amplifier tone and feel into a plug-in (AAX/RTAS/AU/VST) for Mac and PC. It features the most accurate, thorough and versatile guitar-amp modeler and designer engine, and it can accurately capture and match the tone of any tube amplifier, users can then share or download amp models from BIAS’s built-in ToneCloud® amp-sharing platform.

Neue Funktionen von Version 1.5.10
What's new in BIAS 1.5.10:

This update adds new appearance support for BIAS Desktop amp models. It fixes tone stack's controls panel mapping issue and "save as" menu issue, and other minor improvements.

We continue to work with session artists world-wide to create professional custom amp models and amp-matched models made from recordings in leading studios. You can download BIAS Desktop demo for free at .

BIAS Desktop is a groundbreaking guitar amp modeler with Positive Grid's Amp Match™ technology, it offers an entirely new concept of putting any tube amplifier tone and feel into a plug-in (AAX/RTAS/AU/VST) for Mac and PC. It features the most accurate, thorough and versatile guitar-amp modeler and designer engine, and it can accurately capture and match the tone of any tube amplifier, users can then share or download amp models from BIAS’s built-in ToneCloud® amp-sharing platform.

Neue Funktionen von Version 1.5.11

What's new in BIAS 1.5.11:

This update adds support for BIAS FX iPad.

BIAS FX turns your iPad into a world-class, guitar amp-and-effects processor. It gives you an endless collection of insanely great-sounding guitar pedalboards, ultra-high definition stereo rack effects, dual amps and dual signal chain. You can share and download users and artists signature guitar pedalboards from the cloud.

All new advanced multi-effects engine
Positive Grid's approach engineering BIAS FX with a no-compromise mindset, from a detailed touch in distortion emulation to the double precision algorithm in chorus, we strive for the best possible sound quality. A huge collection of newly developed, high-definition pedal and rack effects are included: gate, boosters, overdrive, distortion, fuzz, equalizers, tremolo, phaser, flanger, chorus, octaver, compressors, delays, spring and plate reverbs—everything a guitar player needs for massive tone, with all the flavor of both modern and vintage stomp boxes. Throw all that together – it is pedalboard heaven, but without the hassle of hauling around dozens of stomps in a heavy metal box and fumbling with a snakepit of cables. Show up at the studio or gig, boot up and play!

Insanely powerful, yet easy to use
BIAS FX is the most powerful processor ever designed by Positive Grid, yet its simple drag-and-drop interface makes it extremely easy to use. Dual amps provide the resonance and vibrancy of playing through two real amps set up together in wide stereo. When integrated with BIAS AMP (separate app), you can select a different preamp, power amp, cab, mic and eq for each of the two amps. Patch everything together, including all pedals and rack effects, in any order you wish in dual signal paths running in parallel.

Download pedalboard from the cloud
There are already hundreds of pedalboard configurations available on ToneCloud for you to own, and the banquet keeps getting bigger and bigger: Positive Grid are currently working with professional artists, producers, and engineers from all over the world to create a massive, ever-growing library of extraordinary virtual pedalboards and rigs for BIAS FX. Browsing and downloading from that library is a snap: All the effects and amps in each setup can be seen at a glance, because they’re stored as Pedalboard-like snapshots. Simply scroll through the online images to select the presets of interest, then tap or click to download.

Inter app audio routing engine
BIAS FX integrates a brand new inter-app audio routing engine, you can easily insert any Inter-App-Audio compatible audio apps in BIAS FX’s dual signal paths, just like connecting audio effects app with virtual cables. BIAS FX makes it easy to go nuts with your audio apps.


Neue Funktionen von Version 1.5.12

Hi there,

Now we added Amp Match download support for BIAS Mobile as a free update. You are able to download any Amp Match models from ToneCloud in BIAS Amp for iPad and iPhone, and open it to JamUp and BIAS FX. While JamUp and BIAS Mobile users now will have no limitation to download any amp match models, the amp match process will remain exclusive to BIAS Desktop Professional only.

About Amp Match
Originally released for BIAS Professional only, Amp Match accurately captures the tone of any tube amplifier by analyzing and compare a currently designed BIAS amp model with the sound of a real mic’d amp or file source. It then executes the tonal compensation and enhancement needed to make this current amp model accurately match the target amplifier. There are already hundreds of Amp Match models available created by users, producers, and engineers, as well as artists such as Mark Holcomb from Periphery, Ola Englund, Rusty Cooley, among many others.

We are also working on BIAS FX Desktop, BIAS FX mobile expansion packs, stay tuned with us for more exciting news!

Rock on,
the Positive Grid team

Neue Funktionen von Version 1.5.15

Hi there,

In this update, we fixed a crash issue during launch in some devices, and we also upgraded DSP library for better sound and CPU performance.

As many of you know, we are working on BIAS HEAD, it is a 600-watt powered guitar amplifier that will give you the world's finest amps. You can amp match any real amplifier’s tone, virtually swap tubes, sync with BIAS mobile and desktop, plus share and download thousands of professional Amp Match profiles, BIAS Head will be seamlessly integrated with BIAS Desktop and Mobile.
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