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Avanquest InPixio Photo Cutter v7


Warez Upper
Avanquest InPixio Photo Cutter 7.2.6278

Multilingual/Deutsch / Keygen nGen



Cut-out in a few clicks! With InPixio Photo Cutter, Cut-out any detail, person, object or landscape element from your photos. Select the shape of the object thanks to the cursor or the background to remove, Photo Cutter algorithm runs automatically! You can also use the “retention” cursor for important details to keep and get a successful clipping! Even fine details such as hair can be removed with amazing precision. Then simply paste the cut objects on any background to make collages or photomontages – in just 1-click!
Edge smoothing:
This improved function allows you to intelligently smooth contours for a softer transition between the subject and the background, for even more successful integration into your photomontage.

Create photomontages in 3 steps only:

1- Choose the photo for your photomontage
2- Easy cut-out your photo
3- Drag your photo on its new background! Select a background among the original pictures available, or upload your own background picture for unique photomontages!

Key Features:

- Remove Image Backgrounds
- Cutout Defined Objects Easily
- Compose Photo Montages
- Comes With Practical Tutorials
- Image cropping: the software incorporates seven pre-defined formats (format 16:9, 4:3, etc.) or you can define your own
- Image formats supported: Jpeg and TIFF (8-bit or 16-bit), PNG, BMP, GIF and JpegXR

Größe: 71,00 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online



Avanquest InPixio Photo Cutter 7.2.6278 Deutsch


Cut-out in a few clicks! With InPixio Photo Cutter, Cut-out any detail, person, object or landscape element from your photos. Select the shape of the object thanks to the cursor or the background to remove, Photo Cutter algorithm runs automatically! You can also use the “retention” cursor for important details to keep and get a successful clipping! Even fine details such as hair can be removed with amazing precision. Then simply paste the cut objects on any background to make collages or photomontages – in just 1-click!
Edge smoothing:
This improved function allows you to intelligently smooth contours for a softer transition between the subject and the background, for even more successful integration into your photomontage.

Create photomontages in 3 steps only:

1- Choose the photo for your photomontage
2- Easy cut-out your photo
3- Drag your photo on its new background! Select a background among the original pictures available, or upload your own background picture for unique photomontages!

Key Features:

- Remove Image Backgrounds
- Cutout Defined Objects Easily
- Compose Photo Montages
- Comes With Practical Tutorials
- Image cropping: the software incorporates seven pre-defined formats (format 16:9, 4:3, etc.) or you can define your own
- Image formats supported: Jpeg and TIFF (8-bit or 16-bit), PNG, BMP, GIF and JpegXR

OS: Windows
Lang: Deutsch/Multi
Size: 71,80 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Avanquest InPixio Photo Cutter 7.2.6278


Freistellen von Objekten - einfach und präzise!
Mit inPixio Photo Cutter, können Sie beliebige Details, Personen, Objekte oder Landschaftselemente aus Ihrem Foto ausschneiden.

Format: exe
Sprache: Multi incl. Deutsch
Freischaltung: Keygen
Größe: 72MB
Hoster: share-online, uploaded

Avanquest InPixio Photo Cutter v7.2.6278 - Inkl. Serial

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegte Serial verwenden --> Fertig!


Freistellen von Objekten - einfach und präzise!

Mit inPixio Photo Cutter, können Sie beliebige Details, Personen, Objekte oder Landschaftselemente aus Ihrem Foto ausschneiden. "Ausschneiden" beziehungsweise das so genannte "Freistellen" gehört zur Königsdisziplin der Bildbearbeitung und bedarf Zeit, Fingerspitzengefühl und hoher Konzentration. Konzentrieren Sie sich lieber auf das Wesentliche und überlassen Sie die Arbeit dem Spezialisten. Wählen Sie mit dem grünen Pinsel die Form des Objekts, das Sie erhalten möchten und mit dem roten Pinsel den zu entfernenden Hintergrund - dank einem leistungsstarken Algorithmus erkennt Photo Cutter die Konturen Ihres Objekts autoamtisch und stellt Ihr ausgewähltes Objekt frei - schnell und präzise!

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 73 MB
Format: .exe
Sprache: Deutsch





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