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Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021 x64


Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021 x64 | 1.2 GB

The Autodesk development team is pleased to announce the availability of Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021. This software provides engineers with advanced BIM-integrated analysis and design tools to understand the behavior of any structure type and verify code compliance.

What's New in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021
Here is the list of improvements in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021.
Steel Design Code Updates. The following new code regulations have been implemented:

- Australia Code: AS 4100-1998 Rec.2016
- New Zealand Code: NZS 3404:1997
- South Africa Code: SANS 10162-1:2011

These new code regulations can be specified in the Job preferences dialog under the Steel/Aluminum structures option of Design Codes.
Sequential Loading for Stories. Sequential self-weight now builds construction stages for each story and collects results into a single load case. In successive iterations, the deformations for a given story are calculated without considering the stiffness of the stories above.

Detailed Pressure for Panels from Wind Simulation. You can now specify whether to apply pressure as an average load for a panel or as a load map with relevant finite element mesh. By not selecting an average load, you can obtain an image of pressure maps on finite elements. This is particularly useful for wind load generation on curved geometry buildings such as silos.

Core Wall Results Improvements. Two enhancements improve core wall results analysis.
- You can now explore results in the local axis.
- You can now display core wall results for individual walls.
Use a Local Copy of Network Files You can now work from a temporary local copy of a structure model when working over a network. The file is synced with the source network file when saved and closed. This is useful when accessing projects with intermittent connectivity over a network.
Support for High-Resolution Monitors. Robot Structural Analysis now supports 4K high-resolution displays by improving text visibility and scalability of the user interface.

Robot Structural Analysis Professional is a finite element analysis software suited for engineers who require a structural analysis solution that allows them to model, analyse and design a range of materials such as steel structures and concrete structures to Eurocodes, American codes and British standards amongst others.

This comprehensive structural engineering design software solution allows enhanced BIM operability both within the AEC collection and other software enabling engineers to iterate and optimise their designs with full communication between packages ultimately streamlining the design process and allowing traceability of design changes along the way.
This video will give you a brief overview of some of the powerful tools included in Autodesk's flagship Structural design and analysis solution Robot Structural Analysis.

Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis
Version: Professional 2021 version
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Language: multilanguage *
System Requirements: PC **
Supported Operating Systems: **
Size: 1.2 Gb

After you click LANGUAGES in the Preferences dialog, you can select the regional parameters and the working language to use.
You can select the following:
Regional Settings
Specifies the regional settings for the following countries:

Regional settings adjust the following parameters to the standards of a country:
- National codes
- Materials
- Regulations.
Note: When you change the regional parameters, you also change the working and printout language selections.
Working Language
The following working languages are available:
Printout Language
The following printout languages are available:
System Requirements for Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit edition)
Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or later
Processors Detailed list not defined (required support of SSE2 or higher instruction set)
Memory 8 GB RAM, or more
Display At least 1280 x 1024 monitor and display adapter capable of 24-bit color. Dedicated video card with hardware support for OpenGL spec 1.4 or later and support for DirectX 9 or later
Disk Space 1 GB free disk space for the installation (5 GB if not installed from DVD) + 5 GB free disk space left after installation
Pointing Device MS-Mouse compliant
Media Electronic download, or installation from DVD
Internet connection Internet connection for registration and cloud licensing/analysis if used.


Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021 (x64)

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Keygen XForce + Anleitung / 64-Bit



Die Software Autodesk® Robot ™ Structural Analysis Professional bietet Bauingenieuren erweiterte Funktionen zur Gebäudesimulation und -analyse für große, komplexe Strukturen. Die Software bietet einen reibungslosen Arbeitsablauf, sodass Ingenieure eine Simulation und Analyse einer Vielzahl von Strukturen schneller durchführen können.

Roboterstrukturanalyse Professionelle Softwarefunktionen und -einrichtungen Autodesk:

- Es gibt eine Reihe von linearen und nichtlinearen Strukturanalysewerkzeugen und -verhalten
- Dynamische Analyse komplexer Strukturen
- Überprüfen und simulieren Sie die Drücke und normalen Belastungen wie Erdbeben
- Herstellen einer bidirektionalen Kommunikation mit der Autodesk Revit-Software
- Das integrierte Design von Beton und Stahl mit mehr als 40 internationalen Codes für Stahl und Beton Für mehr als 30
- Mit direkter Analysemethode (direkte Analysemethode oder abgekürzt DAM)
- Fähigkeit, Windkanal zu simulieren und die Windlast zu erstellen


Größe: 2.60 GB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Iso
Plattform: Windows (64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, Ddownload.to (DDl.to)


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