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APSoft PCIScope v4


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

APSoft PCIScope 4.00.015


PCIScope is an application that can help you explore, debug and examine PCI subsystem of your computer. It was made to fit the requirements of the most demanding users, especially engineers, programmers and system administrators, and to integrate all advanced functions and tools into one product. PCIScope gives a detailed information about PCI subsystem and visualize that information in a lot of formats: tables, graphical representations for PCI configuration spaces and IRQ routing, plain text. PCIScope is able to recognize almost any PCI extension card by the name.

Here are some key features of "PCIScope":

PCIScope gives a detailed information about PCI subsystem and visualize that information in several formats:
· tables of PCI registers (standard and vendor specific)
· html or plain text decoding of standard PCI configuration, I/O and Memory-mapped registers, like ExCA registers (available on CardBus adapters)
· graphical diagrams of PCI configuration space, IRQ routing, Buses Topology
· dump of the configuration space
PCIScope also gives a detailed information about:
· Device Manager
· PCI system errors such a Target Abort, Master Abort, etc.
· Plug-n-Play arbiters
· Plug-n-Play driver stack
· Windows IRQ routing table
· BIOS IRQ routing table
· ACPI IRQ routing table
· ACPI APIC table
· Multiple Processor configuration
· I/O APIC (if present in the system)
· ISA Plug-n-Play subsystem
· Summary of hardware resources
· System Event Log
· Windows NT services
· PCIScope is designed to run on all modern Windows platforms.
· Direct access to PCI hardware gives a possibility to find and manage PCI devices even if Windows did not recognize them.
· PCIScope is able to interpret any kind of I/O and memory registers (Please click here for see how PCIScope interprets CardBus, ExCAUSB registers)
· PCIScope is able to recognize almost any PCI extension card by the name.
· PCIScope is able to read from/write to extended configuration space of PCI Express devices.
· PCIScope is able to decode New and Extended Capability structures defined in PCI Local Bus Specification 3.0, PCI Power Management Specification 1.2, PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specification 1.2, PCI Express Specification 1.1 and PCI-X Specification 2.0.
· PCI diagnostic features help to determine possible sources of system malfunction.
· Interrupt watch module gives you a unique possibility to spy PCI and non-PCI interrupts, view detailed interrupt information and statistics on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor platforms.
· Intelligent configuration comparison will help to locate a problem very quickly.
· A built-in hardware debugger gives an immediate access to PC hardware without a need to install a separate debugger program.
· A possibility to save PCI subsystem information to a file is useful for exploring, comparing and debugging of remote machines.
· PCIScope supports scripting. You can use any scripting language (for example VBScript) to read or modify PCI configuration space, I/O registers and system memory, access information collected by PCIScope, open or save PCIScope's files. Click here to see examples of scripts in VBScript and JScript.
· PCIScope installation includes DOS agent (PCITOOL.EXE) which allows reading PCI configuration spaces and extended configuration spaces for PCI Express devices under DOS and saving them into a file which can be imported into PCIScope.
· PCIScope fully supports PCI 3.0 specification.
· PCIScope help system allows you to get information about PCI Configuration space layout from PCI Local Bus Specification, PCI to PCI Bridge Architecture Specification, AGP Interface Specification, PCI-X Specification and PCI Express Specification.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 10,18 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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