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Aoao Video to GIF Converter v4


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Aoao Video to GIF Converter 4.0
Cracked | Sprache: englisch
| x64 & x86



Aoao Video to GIF Converter is an simple and quick video to picture software on Windows, capable of converting all popular formats of video to animated GIF, let you play video in GIF image. Support import video formats includes AVI, MPEG, MP4, MKV, WMV, MOV, 3GP, etc. It can also convert video to other seriate image files such JPG, BMP, TGA, TIFF, PNG, etc.

With Aoao Video to GIF Converter, you can select any period of times which you want to get output. Such as just convert beginning part or ending part to the animated GIF file. Another useful function is rate setting, that means you can set 24 frames per second to get the animated GIF as same as video or just 1 frame per second to get animated GIF with small size.

Convert Video to Animated GIF
The animated GIF is a strange form of expression, completely devoid of sound, repeating in an endless loop. Yet there is something intoxicating about an animated.
Creating your own animated GIF from a video can be a lot of fun. Animated GIF images can be used as an avatar on a website or distributed among your friends.
Aoao Video to GIF Converter is an simple and quick video to GIF software on Windows, capable of converting all popular formats of video to animated GIF, let you play video in GIF image. Support import video formats includes AVI, MPEG, MP4, MKV, WMV, MOV, 3GP, etc.
Come on, download Aoao Video to GIF Converter, let us to start create your own animated GIF from video.

Convert Video to Seriate Pictures
Easy to convert video file like AVI, MPG, WMV, MKV, MOV, MP4, 3GP, RMVB to picture files like JPG, GIF, BMP, TGA, TIF, PCX, ICO, etc. You can also capture single picture from video.
This process just need 3 steps: Load video > Select the output period > Run

Add Special Effects During Proces
Varieties of special effects can be added to retouch your GIF during conversion process. Just need one click and no extended time.
The special effects including: black and white, gray scale, emboss, invert, blue, sharpen, noise, brighten, etc.

Precise Control of Frame Rate
Aoao Video to GIF Converter allows you to select any period of time you want to convert. Besides, Rate Setting function means you can set 24 frames per second or just 1 frame per second to get animated GIF with small size. Download Aoao Video to GIF converter to enjoy more...
Aoao Video to GIF Converter adopts time slider + frame rate control to set part of outputting. On this basis, you can also fine-tune to each frame (usually one minute with 24 frames)

Custom GIF’s Resolution
Two options - Keep original video’s size or set customized value of gif's width and height.
Suggestions: Do not cancel the box of Constrain Proportion


Parts: 1
Format: RAR

Size: 11.78 MB



Aoao Video to GIF Converter 4.2


Aoao Video to GIF Converter is an simple and quick video to picture software on Windows, capable of converting all popular formats of video to animated GIF, let you play video in GIF image. Support import video formats includes AVI, MPEG, MP4, MKV, WMV, MOV, 3GP, etc. It can also convert video to other seriate image files such JPG, BMP, TGA, TIFF, PNG, etc.

With Aoao Video to GIF Converter, you can select any period of times which you want to get output. Such as just convert beginning part or ending part to the animated GIF file. Another useful function is rate setting, that means you can set 24 frames per second to get the animated GIF as same as video or just 1 frame per second to get animated GIF with small size.

Convert Video to Animated GIF
The animated GIF is a strange form of expression, completely devoid of sound, repeating in an endless loop. Yet there is something intoxicating about an animated.
Creating your own animated GIF from a video can be a lot of fun. Animated GIF images can be used as an avatar on a website or distributed among your friends.
Aoao Video to GIF Converter is an simple and quick video to GIF software on Windows, capable of converting all popular formats of video to animated GIF, let you play video in GIF image. Support import video formats includes AVI, MPEG, MP4, MKV, WMV, MOV, 3GP, etc.
Come on, download Aoao Video to GIF Converter, let us to start create your own animated GIF from video.

Convert Video to Seriate Pictures
Easy to convert video file like AVI, MPG, WMV, MKV, MOV, MP4, 3GP, RMVB to picture files like JPG, GIF, BMP, TGA, TIF, PCX, ICO, etc. You can also capture single picture from video.
This process just need 3 steps: Load video > Select the output period > Run

Add Special Effects During Proces
Varieties of special effects can be added to retouch your GIF during conversion process. Just need one click and no extended time.
The special effects including: black and white, gray scale, emboss, invert, blue, sharpen, noise, brighten, etc.

Precise Control of Frame Rate
Aoao Video to GIF Converter allows you to select any period of time you want to convert. Besides, Rate Setting function means you can set 24 frames per second or just 1 frame per second to get animated GIF with small size. Download Aoao Video to GIF converter to enjoy more…
Aoao Video to GIF Converter adopts time slider + frame rate control to set part of outputting. On this basis, you can also fine-tune to each frame (usually one minute with 24 frames)

Custom GIF’s Resolution
Two options - Keep original video’s size or set customized value of gif's width and height.
Suggestions: Do not cancel the box of Constrain Proportion

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 11,97 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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