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ANSYS optiSLang v8


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
ANSYS optiSLang x64


ANSYS optiSLang x64 | 2.1 GB

The Dynardo product team is pleased to announce the availability of ANSYS opiSLang 8.0, the optimal combination of parametric modeling and Robust Design Optimization (RDO).

The most relevant changes are
- Support of ANSYS Release 2020 R1
- Support of data transfer from and to a Workbench project inside an optiSLang workflow
- A wizard in Ansys EDT enables easy and safe setup of optiSLang workflows
- New integration node for JMAG
- The optiSLang web service is now part of the installer
Please consider in your projects: optiSLang will move entirely to Python 3 in the next version.

ANSYS optiSLang is a Workbench Plug-in that optimizes your product designs by combining the powerful parametric modeling capabilities of ANSYS Workbench with the Robust Design Optimization (RDO) methods of optiSLang.

The optiSLang toolbox includes modules for sensitivity analysis, optimization and robustness evaluation that you can easily drag and drop into a Workbench project to form an interactive process chain. This process workflow enables your engineering teams to improve product performance, identify optimization potential, quantify risks and secure resource-efficiency.

Webinar Machine Tool Optimization with ANSYS optiSLang
The Dynardo GmbH develops software for CAE-based sensitivity analysis, multidisciplinary optimization and robustness evaluation in virtual product development, civil engineering and geomechanics. The company also offers in cooperation with global distributors consulting and FE-calculation services as well as support and training. Due to this combination, Dynardo achieves in various industries a high amount of flexibility referring to special market requirements in the CAE-sector.

Product: ANSYS optiSLang
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC / Linux *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Software Prerequisites: *
Size: 2.1 Gb

System Requirements:
Common requirements for Dynardo products
- Windows 7 or higher - 64 bit
- Linux RedHat 6.0 or higher - 64 bit (only if product is supported for Linux)
- Limited support for other Linux 64 bit distributions (Suse Linux Enterprise 11 SP4 or higher, Fedora,Ubuntu). Please contact support.
- Dynardo programs are not able to run using temporary profiles on windows systems.
Those profiles are used when a user profile has been created but then only accessed via remotedesktop protocol (RDP). To solve this problem, the user must log on the local system once. This logoncreates new user settings which enable Dynardo programs to start on a remote desktop.
- Deactivate "Automatic Updates" to prevent the system from automatic reboots (in order to run longanalysis)
- Windows: openGL 1.1
- Linux: openGL mesa
- it is recommended to use the latest version of the graphics driver
- some display problems might occur when using remote desktop
optiSLang Excel Add-In
- Excel 2007 or higher
- Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime 2010 - will be automatically installed if necessary
- .NET Framework 4.0 or higher - will be automatically installed if necessary
From release installers you can install:
- optiSLang Standalone Win/Linux 64-bit
- optiSLang plugin for ANSYS 18.0-20.1 (2020 R1) Win64
- optiSLang plugin for ANSYS 18.0-20.1 (2020 R1) Linux64
- optiSLang plugin for MS Excel 2007+


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