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AMS Home Photo Studio v10


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
AMS Home Photo Studio Gold | v10.0 | Englisch | inkl. Keygen


_ .: Beschreibung :. _

Home Photo Studio is a convenient program for working with digital photos. The software offers endless tools for retouching portraits, improving landscape photos, creating fancy compositions with photo filters and special effects, making framed photos, greeting cards, photo collages… the list goes on forever! With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-follow manual Home Photo Studio opens the door to the world of creative photo editing for everyone.

_ .: NFO :. _

Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Englisch
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Rapidgator, Oboom
Größe: 72 MB
Parts: 1



_ .: Download :. _


AMS Software Home Photo Studio Gold 10.0


Home Photo Studio is powerful and easy-to-use photo editing software offering an extensive kit of image manipulation tools. Thanks to a convenient interface and a detailed help system, the software is simple to learn but provides enough options to keep any photo enthusiast creatively occupied. Besides a complete set of tools needed for basic photo editing and enhancement, you will get plentiful opportunities for creative photo design.

Fast Photo Editing

The primary goal of the software is to retouch and enhance digital photos. There are all necessary tools for adjusting levels, curves, color balance, contrast, saturation, and more, as well as a set of brushes. Low-quality shots can be improved in no time. Retouch photos, enhance colors, remove red eyes, fix blurred images - all of these can be done with one click of the mouse!

Unique Filters and Effects

Over a hundred image filters and special effects will transform your photos in an incredible way. The effects collection offers a selection of illumination, nature, optical, geometric, plastic effects, and a lot more. There's even 3D composition – a feature not commonly found in non-professional photo editing software. Special effects can turn an ordinary photo into a unique work of art.

Creative Photo Decoration

Not only can you improve your photos with this app - there's also a variety of features for creative design! This makes Home Photo Studio really unique compared to other photo editing software. A large collection of picture frames in various styles, masks in different shapes for creating original edge effects, and professionally designed photo decoration templates - there's everything you need for creating beautiful framed photos or personalized greeting cards.

All-in-one Photo Editor!

Home Photo Studio provides all of the features and extras needed to modify and enhance digital images. The app provides support for 20 input and output graphic formats. The convenient image viewer gives you instant access to all photos stored on your computer. Don't be afraid to make a mistake while editing the pictures - the multi-undo feature lets you easily fix any error.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 73 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

AMS Software Home Photo Studio Gold v10.0

Englisch / Keygen Bean



Home Photo Studio is a convenient program for working with digital photos. The software offers endless tools for retouching portraits, improving landscape photos, creating fancy compositions with photo filters and special effects, making framed photos, greeting cards, photo collages… the list goes on forever! With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-follow manual Home Photo Studio opens the door to the world of creative photo editing for everyone.

Home Photo Studio makes image editing and retouching incredibly easy with drag & drop brushes and ready-to-use presets for any operation, from color balance and lighting adjustment to fancy effects like pseudo-HDR or 3D composition. You can get really creative with 100+ filters and special effects: illumination, weather, optical, geometric, plastic effects, all applied with a single click. On top of that, Home Photo Studio GOLD includes 200+ original picture frames and 750+ gorgeous greeting card templates for photo decoration.

Größe: 72,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, RapidGator



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