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Altair Hw Feko Winprop 2019


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Altair HW FEKO + WinProp 2019.3.0 (x64) || Englisch


Altair Feko is a comprehensive computational electromagnetics (CEM) code used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, space and defense industries.

Feko is a comprehensive computational electromagnetics (CEM) software used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, aerospace and defense industries. Feko offers several frequency and domain EM solvers under a single license. Hybridization of these methods enables the efficient analysis of a broad spectrum of EM problems, including antennas, microstrip circuits, RF components and biomedical systems, the placement of antennas on electrically large structures, the calculation of scattering as well as the investigation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). WinProp is a dedicated tool for wave propagation modeling and radio network planning.

Feko also offers tools that are tailored to solve more challeg EM interactions, including dedicated solvers for characteristic mode analysis (CMA) and bi-directional cables coupling. Special formulations are also included for efficient simulation of integrated windscreen antennas and antenna arrays.

Combined with the MLFMM, and the true hybridization of the solvers, Feko is considered the global market leader for antenna placement analysis.

One Product, Multiple Solvers

Electromagnetic applications vary in complexity and electrical size and no single numerical method is capable of handling the entire range efficiently. By offering a selection of different solvers, Feko users can choose the method that is most suitable to the problem that they are trying to solve, or use more than one solver for cross validation purposes. All solvers are included in Feko, and are not licensed separately.

True Hybridization

In some instances a single solver might still not be enough to solve a challeg problem. Feko offers industry leading hybridization of different solvers, combining the beneficial characteristics. This allows more efficient and accurate analysis of multi-scale problems, that are both complex and electrically large.

Solver Accuracy and Performance

Extensive validation (analytical solutions, measurement, cross validation) of the numerical methods and enhancements in Feko is carried out to ensure the accuracy of our approaches. Solver performance and parallel scaling is continually optimized to achieve leading computational efficiency.

HWU License Value

As part of the HyperWorks suite, Feko can be used with other products (e.g. HyperMesh or HyperStudy) at no extra cost. This is the value of the patented HyperWorks unit licensing scheme.

Specialized Solutions

Feko offers the only commercial CMA solver. Furthermore, specialized numerical solutions for bidirectional cable coupling, windscreen antennas and large finite arrays reduce computational requirements. Model decomposition workflows for classical antenna placement problems enable equivalent representation of the transmittieceiving antenna. WinProp is used for indoor/outdoor wave propagation analysis and radio network planning.

User Interface and User Experience

Intuitive and easy to use User Interface designed to simplify main workflows and enrich the user experience.

Technical Support and Training

Excellent local technical support network. Comprehensive and in-depth training sessions can be requested to accelerate the learning curve.




DOWNLOAD || 2012 MB || Format: exe

Altair HW FEKO with WinProp 2019.2.2 HotFix (x64)


Altair HW FEKO with WinProp 2019.2.2 HotFix (x64) | 525 MB

Altair FEKO program modeliroaniya a wide range of electromagnetic processes with the use of computer technology CEM.

For more information about the possibilities of the program FEKO: Altair WinProp- set of programs for modeling the propagation of radio waves in different conditions: in open areas, in urban environments, in closed rooms, tunnels, ships and so forth.
It supports almost all types of transmission antennas including cellular, satellite and other

ATTENTION! This HotFix only!
To install it, you must have preset Altair FEKO + WinProp 2019.2
See. _SolidSQUAD_ \ readme.txt for more information

picGod / Release Date: 2020
Version: 2019.2.2
Developer: Altair Software
Developer website: Bit 64-bit
Language: English
Medicine: Present (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)
System Requirements: Win 7/8/10 64-bit.


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