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Alien Skin Exposure X v1


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Alien Skin Exposure X Revision 32398


Alien Skin Exposure X is the creative photo editor that handles every step of your workflow. From card transfer to organization to editing, Exposure simplifies routine tasks and delivers a rich set of tools for developing beautiful photos.

Exposure’s carefully researched library of styles gives your photos a human touch. Each look encompasses many subtle changes that work together to evoke emotion. Explore these visual ideas for inspiration and then quickly refine them to develop your own style.

Exposure streamlines photo management by eliminating burdensome chores. You don’t need to import photos into Exposure, so browsing is fast and easy. There are no user interface modules, which lets you edit and organize photos at the same time.

Exposure’s flexible features handle any photography workflow. Use it as a plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom, or as a complete photo editor on its own. As a standalone app, Exposure X helps you quickly edit RAW photos non-destructively.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 198,49 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Alien Skin Exposure X v1.1.0.2103 (x64)
Englisch / Keygen XForce


Alien Skin Exposure X is the creative photo editor that handles every step of your workflow. From card transfer to organization to editing, Exposure simplifies routine tasks and delivers a rich set of tools for developing beautiful photos.

Exposure’s carefully researched library of styles gives your photos a human touch. Each look encompasses many subtle changes that work together to evoke emotion. Explore these visual ideas for inspiration and then quickly refine them to develop your own style.

Exposure streamlines photo management by eliminating burdensome chores. You don’t need to import photos into Exposure, so browsing is fast and easy. There are no user interface modules, which lets you edit and organize photos at the same time.

Exposure’s flexible features handle any photography workflow. Use it as a plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom, or as a complete photo editor on its own. As a standalone app, Exposure X helps you quickly edit RAW photos non-destructively.

Größe: 168,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom



Alien Skin Exposure X Revision 33178


Alien Skin Exposure X is the creative photo editor that handles every step of your workflow. From card transfer to organization to editing, Exposure simplifies routine tasks and delivers a rich set of tools for developing beautiful photos.

Exposure’s carefully researched library of styles gives your photos a human touch. Each look encompasses many subtle changes that work together to evoke emotion. Explore these visual ideas for inspiration and then quickly refine them to develop your own style.

Exposure streamlines photo management by eliminating burdensome chores. You don’t need to import photos into Exposure, so browsing is fast and easy. There are no user interface modules, which lets you edit and organize photos at the same time.

Exposure’s flexible features handle any photography workflow. Use it as a plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom, or as a complete photo editor on its own. As a standalone app, Exposure X helps you quickly edit RAW photos non-destructively.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 198,49 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Alien Skin Exposure X (x64)
Englisch / Keygen XForce


Alien Skin Exposure X is the creative photo editor that handles every step of your workflow. From card transfer to organization to editing, Exposure simplifies routine tasks and delivers a rich set of tools for developing beautiful photos.

Exposure’s carefully researched library of styles gives your photos a human touch. Each look encompasses many subtle changes that work together to evoke emotion. Explore these visual ideas for inspiration and then quickly refine them to develop your own style.

Exposure streamlines photo management by eliminating burdensome chores. You don’t need to import photos into Exposure, so browsing is fast and easy. There are no user interface modules, which lets you edit and organize photos at the same time.

Exposure’s flexible features handle any photography workflow. Use it as a plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom, or as a complete photo editor on its own. As a standalone app, Exposure X helps you quickly edit RAW photos non-destructively.

Größe: 168,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Bigfile, Oboom
Passwort: Keins


Alien Skin Exposure X Bundle Revision 33148



Alien Skin Exposure X Bundle Revision 33148

The Exposure X Bundle is a photo editor and organizer that integrates all of Alien Skins award-winning photo editing apps into a single product.. The centerpiece of the bundle is Exposure X, the editing app that streamlines your workflow and provides a rich set of creative tools. Two additional apps expand the creative possibilities: Blow Up 3 enlarges your photos into large prints with the sharpest resizing technology available, and Snap Art 4 transforms your photos into gorgeous, handcrafted paintings.

Transform your digital images into evocative works of art using the rich creative tools in the Exposure X Bundle. Hundreds of carefully curated styles bring a human touch to your work. Personalize these looks using robust editing tools and natural media effects like oil paint and watercolor.

Experience a simpler, smarter way to work. The Exposure X Bundle streamlines your workflow, so you spend your time making creative decisions, not learning complex software. You would not encounter complications like catalogs or imports. Its easy to switch between edits in Exposure and those using natural-media and image-enlargement tools.

Work how you want the Exposure X Bundle will adapt. It has the tools you need in a professional, standalone photo editor. It also works great as a series of plug-ins for Lightroom or Photoshop. Exposure edits your RAW files nondestructively, and provides powerful organizing tools, a customizable UI, and speed. Industry-leading image enlargement tools enable you to deliver large prints that are crystal clear.

What's New in Alien Skin Exposure X Bundle:

Complete Standalone Photo Manager:

File and folder operations (copy, move, rename, delete)
Flags/Stars/Colors for organizing and culling
Filtering and filter presets to see only the photos you are interested in
Drag an image or folder onto Exposure to visit that folder and create a bookmark
Metadata display in the thumbnails, preview, and panel
Batch file renaming
RAW camera support
Non-destructive Editing

Catalog-free Workflow
No need to import images
Easy moving of images between computers or external storage
Easy backup
Cloud syncing lets you easily work from multiple computers or collaborate

Copy from Card
Copy from multiple cards at once
Work on other things while copy happens in background
Send a photo to an external editor and then bring back the results

Film emulation presets
Subtle modern portrait films
Saturation boost for landscapes
High-contrast black and white
Vintage looks, such as daguerreotype
Cinema looks
Hundreds more looks, from the entire history of analog photography

Basic operations
White balance eyedropper
Temperature and tint controls
Detail Panel noise reduction and sharpening

Brush Tool
Touch up portraits
Lighten or darken part of an image
Make a preset affect a specific area
Ability to stack effects
Bokeh creative focus tool
Snap Art natural media effects

(new) Launch directly from Exposure
Hundreds of natural media looks
Oil Paint, Watercolor, Pastel, Color Pencil and many more
Blow Up crystal-clear photo enlargement

(new) Launch directly from Exposure
Retain sharp edges without introducing computery artifacts
Huge image support up to 300,000 pixels per side
Presets for common paper sizes
Output sharpening
User Interface

Shortcut Keys
Keys for Basic Panel sliders like brightness and vibrance.

Flexible Panels
Move panels
Hide panels
Solo Mode
Multiple Monitor Support
Fast startup
No need to import images before exploring folders
Browsing images is very fast

System Requirements:
Apple Mac users need OS X 10.10 Yosemite or newer
Microsoft Windows users need Windows 8 64-bit or newer
An Intel Core 2 processor or compatible
A monitor with 1280×768 resolution or greater

Release Name: Alien Skin Exposure X Bundle Revision 33148
Size: 199.53 MB
* Format: rar

uploaded - share-online


Alien Skin Exposure X Revision 33294 (x86/x64)


Alien Skin Exposure X is the creative photo editor that handles every step of your workflow. From card transfer to organization to editing, Exposure simplifies routine tasks and delivers a rich set of tools for developing beautiful photos.

Exposure’s carefully researched library of styles gives your photos a human touch. Each look encompasses many subtle changes that work together to evoke emotion. Explore these visual ideas for inspiration and then quickly refine them to develop your own style.

Exposure streamlines photo management by eliminating burdensome chores. You don’t need to import photos into Exposure, so browsing is fast and easy. There are no user interface modules, which lets you edit and organize photos at the same time.

Exposure’s flexible features handle any photography workflow. Use it as a plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom, or as a complete photo editor on its own. As a standalone app, Exposure X helps you quickly edit RAW photos non-destructively.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 198,49 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Alien Skin Exposure X Bundle Revision 33752


Alien Skin Exposure X is the creative photo editor that handles every step of your workflow. From card transfer to organization to editing, Exposure simplifies routine tasks and delivers a rich set of tools for developing beautiful photos.

Exposure’s carefully researched library of styles gives your photos a human touch. Each look encompasses many subtle changes that work together to evoke emotion. Explore these visual ideas for inspiration and then quickly refine them to develop your own style.

Exposure streamlines photo management by eliminating burdensome chores. You don’t need to import photos into Exposure, so browsing is fast and easy. There are no user interface modules, which lets you edit and organize photos at the same time.

Exposure’s flexible features handle any photography workflow. Use it as a plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom, or as a complete photo editor on its own. As a standalone app, Exposure X helps you quickly edit RAW photos non-destructively.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 197,39 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

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