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Adaptive Yoga By: Ingrid Yang, Kyle Fahey


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Adaptive Yoga By: Ingrid Yang, Kyle Fahey | EPUB | 147.10 MiB
November 11th 2020 | ISBN: 1492596647 | 360 pages

Author: Kyle Fahey

The massive growth in the popularity of yoga as a form of exercise and as a method of maintaining whole-body wellness has led to thousands of published research studies confirming what yoga practitioners already know: Yoga relieves stress, improves mental and emotional health, enhances sleep, relieves low back pain and neck pain, promotes weight loss, and even enables smoking cessation. Further study has proven that yoga helps individuals with disabilities improve their functional activities of daily living, recover from injuries, gain mobility, experience less pain, and manage anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Adaptive Yoga takes these studies out of the research labs and onto the yoga mat to empower individuals with disabilities or chronic health conditions to create an effective and safe yoga practice. If you work with these special populations as a yoga teacher or rehabilitative therapist, you will find guidance and recommended poses for some of the most common conditions and disabilities, including these:
Low back pain
Hip, knee, and rheumatoid arthritis
Spinal cord injury
Cerebral palsy
Lower limb amputation
Parkinson's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Each pose is presented in detail so you fully understand how it helps the student improve functionality. The text instructs the reader on how to enter, hold, and exit the pose safely, as well as why the pose is beneficial for that condition. When appropriate, contraindications are presented so the yoga practice can be tailored to address any additional conditions or limitations. Challenge variations and restorative modifications for many poses make further individualization possible.

In Adaptive Yoga, authors Ingrid Yang, MD, and Kyle Fahey, DPT, have combined their extensive backgrounds in yoga, medicine, and physical therapy with their unique insights and passion for movement and rehabilitation to present an essential guide for helping those with chronic conditions experience the countless physical and mental benefits of yoga practice.

CE exam available! For certified professionals, a companion continuing education exam can be completed after reading this book. The Adaptive Yoga Online CE Exam may be purchased separately or as part of the Adaptive Yoga With CE Exam package that includes both the book and the exam.

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