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A Path to Wisdom - How to Live a Balanced, Healthy and Peaceful Life


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


Tony Jeton Selimi, "A Path to Wisdom - How to Live a Balanced, Healthy and Peaceful Life"
English | 2014 | ISBN: 1909623571 | EPUB | pages: 354 | 2.8 mb​

Working with Tony is a journey that will impact your life and who you are. Tony's focus is to identify your real goals and what are the real blockers. His approach enables you to resolve these to allow you to move forward healthily. Tony has been a very Positive Supportive and incredibly focused coach and mentor to me. He is always looking for the good of his clients. I have learnt a lot from working with Tony, I choose to work with Tony as he was not the normal coach whom I had met who believe its just a simple process to identify goals and charge through, Carpet over cracks of your life. Tony takes time and puts all he has into his work with clients he engages on many levels with you. His book "A Path to Wisdom: How to live a healthy, balanced and peaceful life" and TJS Evolutionary methodology is exceptionally powerful and brings together the best of many western and eastern practices. Throughout the book Tony will challenge and push you to reach for your star. Thank you for being extremely patient with me, for being my Life Coach, Healer, Mentor and personal friend. You are a shining star who's light has the ability to reach the darkest parts of everyone you touch and work with.
- Michael Bell, Global Alliance Manager
Tony brings together a wealth of experience and insight in this book about spirituality and healing. Well worth exploring to know yourself in a deeper way.
- Avni Trivedi, Osteopath and Doula
If you are searching for that one book that will help you lead a more fulfilling life then this is the book for you. Packed with insights and tools from Tony's own personal and professional experience, this book will help you map out your own route for living the life that you were always meant to live!
- Viv Grant, former Head Teacher and Director, Integrity Coaching Ltd.
20 minutes with Tony will change your world. His wisdom, insights and ability to help you fine tune your own life purpose is a powerful ability that he has as a coach and mentor, bringing out your own inner wisdom and help you live your best life. Tony has spent the past year mentoring and coaching me and has helped in removing some of the controlling actions I had put in place to protect myself from deep routed fears, fears that had prevented me from living the life I was meant to lead.This massive shift has enabled me to embrace a new way of loving life, both personally and professionally. Tony's unique methodology - TJS Evolutionary Coaching Method - provides tools, methods and principles that will help you live a balanced and happy life, the best life possible. Tony's book 'A Path to Wisdom' is a must read for anyone who wishes to embrace life fully, excel in love, business and happiness. On a personal level Tony is an amazing person. He touches the souls of all he meets, and leaves lasting impressions in the sand that no water will ever wash away. I often describe him as a bright shining light, a light that gets brighter ever time I meet with him.
- Amanda Kennedy, Entrepreneur and Founder of Clients In Abundance
Tony's coaching methods, tools and style lead you quickly to fine-tuning your values, mission purpose and goals. Rather than coaching through a scripted or preprogrammed path, Tony's wisdom directs you toward a practice of self reflection and purposeful action. A personal journey like this is no easy ride. Be prepared to be confronted and challenged, be prepared to delve deeply into how you live, how you lead others and to answer questions other people in your life may never ask. In a time where "authentic leadership" has emerged as a corporate imperative or personal mantra, the time invested in
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