A Demons Game Episode 1 - PLAZA


A Demons Game Episode 1


.: Details:.

Genre: Action
Format: .iso
Sprache/n (Audio): English

Sprache/n (Text): English

.: Beschreibung :.

"A Demon's Game" is a very unique title, but keeps true to its horror roots, the game focuses on creating a terrifying atmosphere, rewarding exploration, and engrossing players in the rich lore of its world, moving away from the trend of incessant jump scares and low production quality is our main goal.

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Größe: 4366 MB | Parts: 9 Datei/en







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Titel: A Demons Game Episode 1
Genre: Action
Sprache/n: Englisch
Hoster: Share-online.biz, Uploaded.net
Größe: 5228,12 MB
Parts: 36 Dateien
Passwort: - wird nicht benötigt -
Infos: ISO

Episode 1: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal - The saga begins with a heated battle involving the brave but often bumbling Mighty PirateT Guybrush, his beloved wife Elaine, and their nemesis, the demon pirate LeChuck. When the showdown goes up in flames, Guybrush finds himself marooned on a strange island with winds that always blow inward. How will our hero manage to escape this meteorological anomaly? What has become of LeChuck and Elaine? And what's the story with the infectious voodoo pox that's spreading across the Caribbean, causing Guybrush and other pirates to act like unruly hooligans? Episode 2: The Siege of Spinner Cay - Guybrush's adventures continue on the high seas as pox-plagued pirates lay siege to the innocent Mer-People. In between defending the Mer-People and dodging the persistent pirate hunter hot on his trail, Guybrush manages to catch up to his beloved wife and despised arch-nemesis -- but their reunion is short-lived. Now Guybrush must focus on eradicating the Pox of LeChuck before more harm can be done. Episode 3: Lair of the Leviathan - In the third Tales of Monkey Island chapter, Guybrush gets in deep (literally!) as his quest for the voodoo exfoliating La Esponja Grande takes a scenic twist -- through the guts of a giant manatee! Trapped in the belly of the beast, our hero encounters a surprising band of castaways, including the long-lost (and obsessive-compulsive) explorer Coronado De Cava. Can the Mighty Pirate win the suspicious De Cava's trust? Will sexy pirate hunter Morgan LeFlay prove to be a ruthless enemy, or an unlikely ally? Will the group find La Esponja Grande in time to save Elaine from the rampant Pox of LeChuck? And will the world be crushed by the gnashing teeth of a certain demonic skull? Episode 4: The Trial & Execution of Guybrush Threepwood - Guybrush returns to Flotsam Island, but for


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