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08 HUNTER KILLER by Brad Taylor


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


08 HUNTER KILLER by Brad Taylor
Type : epub |
Size : 902.93 KB |
English |
9780062886026 |

Descirption: Pike Logan tracks highly-trained Russian assassins to Brazil in this blistering, action-packed thriller from <span style="font-weight: 600; font-style: italic">New York Times bestselling author and former Special Forces Officer Brad Taylor.

Pike Logan and the Taskforce were once the apex predators, an unrivaled hunting machine that decimated those out to harm the United States, but they may have met their match. While Pike Logan and Jennifer Cahill prepare to join their team on a counter-terrorist mission in the triple frontier-the lawless tri-border region where Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay meet-they are targeted in Charleston, South Carolina. A vicious explosion kills a friend, and the perpetrators have set it up to look like an accident. While the authorities believe this was not foul play, Pike kno the attack was meant for him.
When he loses contact with the team in South America, Pike is convinced he and the Taskforce are under assault. His men are the closest thing to family that Pike has, which means he will do anything, even ignore direct orders to stand down, to find them. Pike and Jennifer head to Brazil to investigate their disappearance and run headlong into a crew of Russian assassins. Within days they are entangled in a byzantine scheme involving Brazilian politics and a cut-throat battle for control of offshore oil fields.
Forged in combat, the Russians are the equal of anything the Taskforce has encountered before, but they make a mistake in attacking Pike's team, because Pike has a couple of elite Israeli assassins of his own. And Pike will stop at nothing to protect his family.
<span style="color: #eeeeee">**
"Brad Taylor kno his stuff. His new Pike Logan novel, Hunter Killer, has the gun metal ring of authenticity and the crisp writing of a military communique. It makes you pause and think while you're being thoroughly and rapidly entertained. It's an excellent read, and I greatly enjoyed it." (Nelson DeMille)

"This*is the Pike Logan fans have been wanting to see, and by turning his hero loose,*Hunter Killer*becomes Brad Taylor's most stunning novel to date. The gauntlet gets thrown down early in 2020, with Taylor delivering the thriller other writers will spend the year trying to top."* (The Real Book Spy)

"Taylor continues to tell flawless stories with his stellar cast of characters...*It's amazing that after so many novels Taylor can still maintain the high-level quality*and breathless action readers expect, while also getting better with each tale." (<span style="font-weight: 600; font-style: italic">Booklist (starred review))

"Taylor brings an unquestionable level of authenticity to his Pike Logan series... Throw in some former Israeli Mossad agents and the cast of elite operators along with the level of bone-crushing violence is almost overflowing. A surefire hit for those who like contemporary foreign affairs spiced heavily with page-turning action." (<span style="font-weight: 600; font-style: italic">Kirkus Revie)

" A car bomb meant for Pike [sets] the enraged Pike off on an unauthorized mission of vengeance. Aaron and Shoshana Bergman. raise the excitement level as they wreak havoc. A big surprise on the last page will please series fans." (<span style="font-weight: 600; font-style: italic">Publishers Weekly)

"Brad Taylor has once again topped himself with this latest book. The action scenes are incredible. If you're a fan of the action, thriller genre jump right in with this one." (Red Carpet Crash)

"In what can only be described as Brad Taylor's best novel to date,*<span style="font-weight: 600; font-style: italic">Hunter Killer*has upped the stakes.With non-stop action, a driven plot, politics, and death, Brad Taylor has delivered a must-read Pike Logan novel that will be one of the best thrillers of 2020."* (Lima Charlie)

Praise for Brad Taylor and the Pike Logan Series: "[A] page-turning thriller...Taylor is one of today's premiere authors writing about the world of special ops." (Associated Press)

"Brad Taylor's aptly titled Ring of Fire continues his ambitious evolution from master of the military thriller to more of an American John le Carré, with just enough Robert Ludlum sprinkled in for good measure." (<span style="font-weight: 600; font-style: italic">Providence Journal)

"Fresh plot, great action, and Taylor clearly kno what he is writing about....When it comes to tactics and hardware, he is spot-on." (Vince Flynn on <span style="font-weight: 600; font-style: italic">All Necessary Force)
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About the Author
Brad Taylor, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.), is a 21-year veteran of the U.S. Army Infantry and Special Forces, including eight years with the 1st*Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta, popularly known as Delta Force. Taylor retired in 2010 after serving more than two decades and participating in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, as well as classified operations around the globe. His final military post was as Assistant Professor of Military Science at The Citadel.
Brad has written thirteen*New York Times*bestsellers. When not writing, he serves as a security consultant on asymmetric threats for various agencies. He lives in Charleston, SC with his wife and two daughters.

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