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ZwSoft ZWCAD 2021


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
ZwSoft ZWCAD 2021 Official v2020.08.20(58820) x64


ZwSoft ZWCAD 2021 Official v2020.08.20(58820) x64 | 415 MB | Language: English

The ZWSOFT development team is pleased to announce the availability of ZWCAD 2021 Official version 2020.08.20(58820) is a professional software application that provides a handy set of tools for helping users design 2D and 3D drawings.

ZWCAD is a cost-effective, DWG file format compatible CAD solution for the AEC and MCAD industries. With basic drafting functionalities such as creating and editing 2D geometric objects, dimensioning, 3D solid modeling, Descriptionting and file sharing, ZWCAD also provides innovative, collaborative and customizable features to enhance your efficiency, such as design center, tool palettes and customization via APIs. The unrivalled compatibility and friendly user interface lets users begin working with ZWCAD immediately with little to no training.

Viewport Layer | ZWCAD 2021 Official
ZWSOFT CO., LTD. (Guangzhou) is a reliable and innovative engineering software provider with its flagship products ZWCAD and ZW3D. Committed to providing complete and seamless user experience to worldwide users with its all-in-one CAx solutions, ZWSOFT has continuously satisfied diverse needs of various industries such as AEC and MFG. With over 20 years' experience in the industry, its products and service have been proven by over 900,000 clients across 90 countries.

Product: ZWCAD
Version: 2021 Official version 2020.08.20(58820)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 415.7 mb

Supported Operating Systems:
Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Microsoft Windows Server 2016
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows 10

Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.5 GHz or equivalent AMD processor
Display card: 128 M
Hard disk : 2 GB free space in OS disk, 1 GB free space in installation disk
Resolution : 1024*768 VGA with True Color
Pointing device : Mouse, trackball, or other devices
DVD-ROM : Any speed (for installation only)



ZWCAD 2021 Official Update 1 (x64)


ZWCAD 2021 Official Update 1 (x64) | 418 MB | Language: English

ZWCAD is a professional software application that provides a handy set of tools for helping users design 2D and 3D drawings.
Although it comes packed with many dedicated parameters, it boasts a clean layout that gives users the possibility to create a new drawing from scratch, use a step-by-step approach which comes in handy especially for rookies as they are offered assistance throughout the entire process, or choose one of the template files. The application enables you to select between imperial or metric units, zoom in or out of the working environment, specify angle values, set up drawing limits, use polar tracking mode for restricting the mouse cursor to specified angles, work with line types and layers, and assign colours to objects.

What's more, you can extract or calculate geometric information from objects (area and circumference calculation), divide objects (lines, arcs, circles) into a number of equal segments, and specify the 2D and 3D coordinate values.

When it comes to drawing objects, it is possible to create linear objects (e.g. lines, rays, construction lines, polylines, polygons, rectangles, points, traces), and curved objects (e.g. arcs, circles, ellipses, splines).

There are several 3D models types, namely wireframe, surface, and solid objects, and you can set the thickness and elevation values.

Other important options worth mentioning allow users to remove, copy, flip, rotate, align, resize, and stretch objects, change the length of the objects, trim or extend them, as well as create a gap in an objects or flattened corners.

You can work with multiple drawings at same time, cut or copy objects from one drawing to another, undo or redo your actions, erase objects, embed text messages, create and insert blocks, apply hatching operations for filling an area, plot drawings, and take snapshots (EMF, WMF, SLD).

The user interface is customizable, as you can display and rearrange the toolbars, enable the status bar, show the command bar, and add your own commands and macros. The generated drawings can be exported to DWG, DXF, or DWT file format.

All in all, ZWCAD offers many advanced features for helping you design 2D and 3D models and is suitable especially for advanced users.

System Requirements:
OS:Microsoft® Windows Server 2008-2016 / Microsoft Windows 7/8/10
CPU:Intel® Pentium 4 1.5 GHz or equivalent AMD processor
Display:128 MB
Space: disk 2 GB free space in OS disk, 1 GB free space in installation disk.


Größe: 418 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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