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Vectric Cut2D Pro v10


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Vectric Cut2D Pro v10.514 (x64)


Vectric Cut2D Pro v10.514 (x64) | 337 MB | Language: English

Cut2D Pro gives you the ability to create complex 2D patterns with profile, pocket, drilling and insertion toolpaths. With unlimited job and toolpath size, real-form nesting, and job setup sheets. Cut2D Pro has easy-to-use vector drawing and editing tools with powerful 2D machining strategies for CNC milling or engraving, and offers a powerful yet intuitive software solution for milling parts on a CNC router.

Complete set of 2D design and layout tools
Easily create or import vectors from scratch and edit bitmap images

Create 2D toolpaths
Including: Profiling, Pocket Milling, Drilling, Insertion and Quick Engraving

Ability to merge toolpaths
Combine toolpaths with the same tool for efficient machining

Unlimited job and toolpath size
No restrictions on the size of parts or materials you can work with

The main strengths of Cut2D Pro:
The software can import 2D designs from other programs, but it also offers a full set of drawing and editing tools.
The toolpath options cover all typical 2D milling operations such as profiling, pocket milling, auto inlays and drilling.
Each toolpath contains appropriate options to customize the settings and provide a high level of control for different modes of operation.
In addition, all toolpaths can be previewed to see what the part will look like when actually milled. This enables immediate feedback so that the toolpaths can be further optimized.
Cut2D Pro provides the functionality required for complex work while being incredibly easy to use and inexpensive.
Cut2D Pro is used by carpenters, woodworkers, prop makers, plastic processors, hobbyists and in many other applications.

Business benefits of Cut2D Pro:
The main focus of ease of use relates not only to the user interface and the workflow of the software, but was also transferred to the training documents. Over 15 hours of tutorials are available for Cut2D Pro, which are based on real examples and cover all aspects of using the program. The videos are accompanied by associated files that allow users to view and work through the training materials at their own pace.
Cut2D Pro is ideal for production-oriented work and allows you to maximize material yield or to make multiple copies of the same part.

What's New:
Fix crash in Pocketing Toolpath when open vectors are selected (regression in 10.513)
Added confirmation when clicking 'Cancel' button in Tool Database.


Größe: 337 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






Vectric Cut2D Pro v10.514 (x64)


Vectric Cut2D Pro v10.514 (x64)

Cut2D Pro gives you the ability to create complex 2D patterns with profile, pocket, drilling and insertion toolpaths. With unlimited job and toolpath size, real-form nesting, and job setup sheets. Cut2D Pro has easy-to-use vector drawing and editing tools with powerful 2D machining strategies for CNC milling or engraving, and offers a powerful yet intuitive software solution for milling parts on a CNC router.
Complete set of 2D design and layout tools
Easily create or import vectors from scratch and edit bitmap images

Create 2D toolpaths
Including: Profiling, Pocket Milling, Drilling, Insertion and Quick Engraving

Ability to merge toolpaths
Combine toolpaths with the same tool for efficient machining

Unlimited job and toolpath size
No restrictions on the size of parts or materials you can work with

The main strengths of Cut2D Pro:
The software can import 2D designs from other programs, but it also offers a full set of drawing and editing tools.
The toolpath options cover all typical 2D milling operations such as profiling, pocket milling, auto inlays and drilling.
Each toolpath contains appropriate options to customize the settings and provide a high level of control for different modes of operation.
In addition, all toolpaths can be previewed to see what the part will look like when actually milled. This enables immediate feedback so that the toolpaths can be further optimized.
Cut2D Pro provides the functionality required for complex work while being incredibly easy to use and inexpensive.
Cut2D Pro is used by carpenters, woodworkers, prop makers, plastic processors, hobbyists and in many other applications.

Business benefits of Cut2D Pro:
The main focus of ease of use relates not only to the user interface and the workflow of the software, but was also transferred to the training documents. Over 15 hours of tutorials are available for Cut2D Pro, which are based on real examples and cover all aspects of using the program. The videos are accompanied by associated files that allow users to view and work through the training materials at their own pace.
Cut2D Pro is ideal for production-oriented work and allows you to maximize material yield or to make multiple copies of the same part.

Sprache: Multi / English | Größe: 337 MB | Format: RAR, EXE | Plattform: Windows (x64)

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