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ThermoAnalytics CoTherm 2020


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

ThermoAnalytics CoTherm 2020.2.0 x64


ThermoAnalytics CoTherm 2020.2.0 x64 | 756 MB | Language: English

The ThermoAnalytics development team is pleased to announce the availability of CoTherm 2020.2.0 is a coupling and process automation software that acts as an ambassador between CAE programs.

Would you fancy developing a script to couple that CFD model with an external thermal analysis tool? No, me neither.
The team at ThermoAnalytics, a U.S. based simulation software and service provider, has released CAE coupling tool to do just that. The tool also helps to prevent the hassle (and almost inevitable errors) of manual scripting.

CoTherm allows users to couple information between established CFD packages, such as CD-adapco's STAR-CCM+, ANSYS Fluent and ThermoAnalytics' TAITherm. The program also has the capability for manual expansion to other packages using the customizable API.

Fundamentally, CoTherm is a standalone package, which sits in between simulation tools. It enables the transfer of information between CAE platforms in a way that each can understand and import easily. This helps to avoid the need for complex manual scripting exercises or, even worse, a time-sapping manual export-import loop.

The package comes with its own user interface, which allows users to create custom workflows using a modular system. This appears somewhat reminiscent of the ANSYS Workbench approach, importing and exporting information as required from the various packages selected while monitoring the results as they develop using an array of built-in data Descriptionting tools.

CoTherm is an ambassador, of sorts, between CAE simulation products that facilitates the flow of information between simulations of coupled physical domains. CAE often requires complex processes that may involve multiple pieces of software, customized scripts, and other components to automate. . . . CoTherm makes this easy and intuitive to implement. CoTherm does the coupling with much more automation-there is no need for the user to write code or develop scripts to make it work.

ThermoAnalytics: SBIR Success Story
ThermoAnalytics is a leading developer of thermal, fluid-flow and infrared modeling software. ThermoAnalytics' software products and services help engineers in organizations worldwide to optimize product concepts early in the design process, enabling them to significantly improve product quality while reducing product development time and cost. ThermoAnalytics' software is used in many industries including heavy vehicle, automotive, aerospace, architecture, electronics, environmental, manufacturing, and defense applications.

Product: ThermoAnalytics CoTherm
Version: 2020.2.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page Language: english
System Requirements: PC / Linux *
Software Prerequisites: ThermoAnalytics TAITherm, Siemens Star-CCM+ or ANSYS Fluent as solvers.
Size: 756 mb

When running ThermoAnalytics CoTherm in the solvers platforms, the minimum requirements are superseded by the minimum requirements listedfor those platforms.


Größe: 756 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows + Linux(64 Bit)


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