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Thea For Rhino v2


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Thea For Rhino (x64)


Thea For Rhino (x64) | 884 MB | Language: English

Thea for Rhino integrated plugin takes full advantage of Thea Render functionality and allows you to create high-quality photorealistic renders within Rhino 6. With advanced features such as interactive render, true physically-based materials, innovative material layering, IES & HDRI light support along with a versatile rendering system comprised of biased, unbiased and GPU engines, rendering within Rhino has become really powerful.

Viewport Rendering:
Thea for Rhino can be used for interactive rendering inside Rhino Viewports. Select the desired Viewport and simply let Thea Render engines give you an immediate visualization of your scene.

Advanced Material Editor:
The advanced Thea material editor has been fully integrated into Rhino, bringing all the advanced and unique features of Thea materials. The user interface has been redesigned from scratch making the creation of complex materials an easy task.

Content Browser with Online Repository:
The Online Repository [link] can now be accessed directly from the Thea content browser. It is now just a single click to download an online material and add it to the material list. On top of that, it is also possible to load materials in the Advanced Material Editor using the Content Browser and make use of the Interactive Preview functionality that allows you to interactively preview materials before making the final decision.

Darkroom Refreshed:
Darkroom has been refreshed with new features and a new modular user interface. Batch rendering can be started from within Darkroom using Rhino's Named Views allowing the user to define different render settings and termination criteria for each one.

Back face material support:

-The back face of any surface can have a different material and this makes it now possible to create advanced materials like labels, sheets of papers and tree leaves.

Enhanced Material Presets:
-Material presets have been enhanced with extra functionality that allows the creation of nearly every possible material. Plastic material has been enhanced with translucency, semi-transparent and coating options while the Metalling Paint preset, now supports Metallic Flakes too.

Faster Position Updates:
-Moving objects while rendering interactively is now times faster than the previous version allowing you to move, rotate and scale objects in the scene easily.

Stereoscopic Rendering:
-Stereoscopic image output exports two 360-degree images for both eyes, letting you see the model in 3D using simple red-cyan glasses or VR headset.

Batch Rendering:
-Batch Rendering makes it possible to bring all the Named Views straight into Thea Darkroom and render them one after the other. Also, custom properties can be defined per Named View.

New Tone Mapping Methods:
-Two new tone mapping operators have been added in Thea Render. Filmic allows the user to have complete control over Highlights and Shadows while Reinhard provides a robust way to automatically compress high dynamic range renders.

Additional Features:
-Geometry subdivision (on render time)
-Assign containers (medium)
-Native Rhino materials support
-Split frame functionality
-Custom light evaluation
-Clipping planes

System Requirements:
OS:Windows 7/8/10 64-bit, Intel SSE3 CPU (or compatible),
GPU:Nvidia CUDA Graphics Card (Compute Capability 2.x/3.x/5.x/6.x/7.0/7.5) with latest graphics driver or AMD Graphics Card (Hawaii, Tahiti, Pitcairn, Capeverde, Bonaire) with latest OpenCL and graphics drivers,
Compatible:with Rhino 6 SR8 and above.

Home Page -



Thea For Rhino v2.2.122.1877 (x64)


Thea For Rhino v2.2.122.1877 (x64) | 855 MB | Language: English

Thea for Rhino integrated plugin takes full advantage of Thea Render functionality and allows you to create high-quality photorealistic renders within Rhino 6. With advanced features such as interactive render, true physically-based materials, innovative material layering, IES & HDRI light support along with a versatile rendering system comprised of biased, unbiased and GPU engines, rendering within Rhino has become really powerful.

Viewport Rendering:
Thea for Rhino can be used for interactive rendering inside Rhino Viewports. Select the desired Viewport and simply let Thea Render engines give you an immediate visualization of your scene.

Advanced Material Editor:
The advanced Thea material editor has been fully integrated into Rhino, bringing all the advanced and unique features of Thea materials. The user interface has been redesigned from scratch making the creation of complex materials an easy task.

Content Browser with Online Repository:
The Online Repository [link] can now be accessed directly from the Thea content browser. It is now just a single click to download an online material and add it to the material list. On top of that, it is also possible to load materials in the Advanced Material Editor using the Content Browser and make use of the Interactive Preview functionality that allows you to interactively preview materials before making the final decision.

Darkroom Refreshed:
Darkroom has been refreshed with new features and a new modular user interface. Batch rendering can be started from within Darkroom using Rhinos Named Views allowing the user to define different render settings and termination criteria for each one.


Back face material support:
-The back face of any surface can have a different material and this makes it now possible to create advanced materials like labels, sheets of papers and tree leaves.

Enhanced Material Presets:
-Material presets have been enhanced with extra functionality that allows the creation of nearly every possible material. Plastic material has been enhanced with translucency, semi-transparent and coating options while the Metalling Paint preset, now supports Metallic Flakes too.

Faster Position Updates:
-Moving objects while rendering interactively is now times faster than the previous version allowing you to move, rotate and scale objects in the scene easily.

Stereoscopic Rendering:
-Stereoscopic image output exports two 360-degree images for both eyes, letting you see the model in 3D using simple red-cyan glasses or VR headset.

Batch Rendering:
-Batch Rendering makes it possible to bring all the Named Views straight into Thea Darkroom and render them one after the other. Also, custom properties can be defined per Named View.

New Tone Mapping Methods:
-Two new tone mapping operators have been added in Thea Render. Filmic allows the user to have complete control over Highlights and Shadows while Reinhard provides a robust way to automatically compress high dynamic range renders.

Additional Features:
-Geometry subdivision (on render time)
-Assign containers (medium)
-Native Rhino materials support
-Split frame functionality
-Custom light evaluation
-Clipping planes

System Requirements:
OS:Windows 7/8/10 64-bit, Intel SSE3 CPU (or compatible),
GPU:Nvidia CUDA Graphics Card (Compute Capability 2.x/3.x/5.x/6.x/7.0/7.5) with latest graphics driver or AMD Graphics Card (Hawaii, Tahiti, Pitcairn, Capeverde, Bonaire) with latest OpenCL and graphics drivers,
Compatible:with Rhino 6 SR8 and above

Whats New?
-Updates and fixes regarding licensing.
-Fix for thin film material respecting now sampling flags in Presto.
-Consistent rendering of Presto (vs CPU engines) in the case of missing bitmaps. Various fixes making rendering consistent, as in the case of weighted+combined textures with missing bitmaps and layer weight textures with missing bitmaps.
-Crash fix upon loading model file, where surface proxy is empty.
-Fixed loading external model files with surface proxies.


Größe: 855 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






Thea Render For Rhino v2.2.124.1877 (x64)


Thea Render For Rhino v2.2.124.1877 (x64) | 861 MB | Language: English

Thea for Rhino integrated plugin takes full advantage of Thea Render functionality and allows you to create high-quality photorealistic renders within Robert McNeel & Associates Rhinoceros® 6. With advanced features such as interactive render, true physically-based materials, innovative material layering, IES & HDRI light support along with a versatile rendering system comprised of biased, unbiased and GPU engines, rendering within Rhino has become really powerful.

Viewport Rendering:
Thea for Rhino can be used for interactive rendering inside Rhino Viewports. Select the desired Viewport and simply let Thea Render engines give you an immediate visualization of your scene.

Advanced Material Editor:
The advanced Thea material editor has been fully integrated into Rhino, bringing all the advanced and unique features of Thea materials. The user interface has been redesigned from scratch making the creation of complex materials an easy task.

Content Browser with Online Repository:
The Online Repository [link] can now be accessed directly from the Thea content browser. It is now just a single click to download an online material and add it to the material list. On top of that, it is also possible to load materials in the Advanced Material Editor using the Content Browser and make use of the Interactive Preview functionality that allows you to interactively preview materials before making the final decision.

Darkroom Refreshed:
Darkroom has been refreshed with new features and a new modular user interface. Batch rendering can be started from within Darkroom using Rhino's Named Views allowing the user to define different render settings and termination criteria for each one.


Back face material support:
-The back face of any surface can have a different material and this makes it now possible to create advanced materials like labels, sheets of papers and tree leaves.

Enhanced Material Presets:
-Material presets have been enhanced with extra functionality that allows the creation of nearly every possible material. Plastic material has been enhanced with translucency, semi-transparent and coating options while the Metalling Paint preset, now supports Metallic Flakes too.

Faster Position Updates:
-Moving objects while rendering interactively is now times faster than the previous version allowing you to move, rotate and scale objects in the scene easily.

Stereoscopic Rendering:
-Stereoscopic image output exports two 360-degree images for both eyes, letting you see the model in 3D using simple red-cyan glasses or VR headset.

Batch Rendering:
-Batch Rendering makes it possible to bring all the Named Views straight into Thea Darkroom and render them one after the other. Also, custom properties can be defined per Named View.

New Tone Mapping Methods:
-Two new tone mapping operators have been added in Thea Render. Filmic allows the user to have complete control over Highlights and Shadows while Reinhard provides a robust way to automatically compress high dynamic range renders.

Additional Features:
-Geometry subdivision (on render time)
-Assign containers (medium)
-Native Rhino materials support
-Split frame functionality
-Custom light evaluation
-Clipping planes

Größe: 861 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





Thea For Rhino v3.0.165.1959 (x64)


Thea For Rhino v3.0.165.1959 (x64)

Größe: 741 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 8/8.1/10/11

Das integrierte Thea for Rhino-Plugin nutzt die Vorteile der Thea-Render-Funktionalität voll aus und ermöglicht Ihnen die Erstellung hochwertiger fotorealistischer Renderings in Rhino 6.

Mit erweiterten Funktionen wie interaktivem Rendering, echten physikalisch basierten Materialien, innovativer Materialschichtung, IES- und HDRI-Lichtunterstützung sowie einem vielseitigen Rendering-System, das aus voreingenommenen, unvoreingenommenen und GPU-ees besteht, ist das Rendering in Rhino wirklich leistungsstark geworden.

Thea für Rhino kann für interaktives Rendering in Rhino-Ansichtsfenstern verwendet werden. Wählen Sie den gewünschten Viewport aus und lassen Sie sich von Thea Render ees einfach eine sofortige Visualisierung Ihrer Szene geben.

Erweiterter Materialeditor:

Der fortschrittliche Thea-Materialeditor wurde vollständig in Rhino integriert und bietet alle fortschrittlichen und einzigartigen Funktionen von Thea-Materialien. Die Benutzeroberfläche wurde von Grund auf neu gestaltet, wodurch die Erstellung komplexer Materialien zu einer einfachen Aufgabe wird.

Inhaltsbrowser mit Online-Repository:

Auf das Online-Repository [Link] kann jetzt direkt über den Inhaltsbrowser von Thea zugegriffen werden. Es ist jetzt nur ein einziger Klick zu einem Online-Material und füge es der Materialliste hinzu. Darüber hinaus ist es auch möglich, Materialien im erweiterten Materialeditor über den Inhaltsbrowser zu laden und die interaktive Vorschaufunktion zu nutzen, mit der Sie Materialien interaktiv anzeigen können, bevor Sie die endgültige Entscheidung treffen.

Dunkelkammer aktualisiert:

Darkroom wurde mit neuen Funktionen und einer neuen modularen Benutzeroberfläche aufgefrischt. Batch-Rendering kann aus der Dunkelkammer heraus gestartet werden, indem Rhinos benannte Ansichten verwendet werden, die es dem Benutzer ermöglichen, verschiedene Rendering-Einstellungen und Bearbeitungskriterien für jede einzelne zu definieren.

Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload|Uploaded


Thea for Rhino v2.5.173.1970 (x64)



Das integrierte Thea for Rhino-Plugin nutzt die Vorteile der Thea-Render-Funktionalität voll aus und ermöglicht Ihnen die Erstellung hochwertiger fotorealistischer Renderings in Rhino 6.

Mit erweiterten Funktionen wie interaktivem Rendering, echten physikalisch basierten Materialien, innovativer Materialschichtung, IES- und HDRI-Lichtunterstützung sowie einem vielseitigen Rendering-System, das aus voreingenommenen, unvoreingenommenen und GPU-ees besteht, ist das Rendering in Rhino wirklich leistungsstark geworden.

Thea für Rhino kann für interaktives Rendering in Rhino-Ansichtsfenstern verwendet werden. Wählen Sie den gewünschten Viewport aus und lassen Sie sich von Thea Render ees einfach eine sofortige Visualisierung Ihrer Szene geben.

Erweiterter Materialeditor:
Der fortschrittliche Thea-Materialeditor wurde vollständig in Rhino integriert und bietet alle fortschrittlichen und einzigartigen Funktionen von Thea-Materialien. Die Benutzeroberfläche wurde von Grund auf neu gestaltet, wodurch die Erstellung komplexer Materialien zu einer einfachen Aufgabe wird.

Inhaltsbrowser mit Online-Repository:
Auf das Online-Repository [Link] kann jetzt direkt über den Inhaltsbrowser von Thea zugegriffen werden. Es ist jetzt nur ein einziger Klick zu einem Online-Material und füge es der Materialliste hinzu. Darüber hinaus ist es auch möglich, Materialien im erweiterten Materialeditor über den Inhaltsbrowser zu laden und die interaktive Vorschaufunktion zu nutzen, mit der Sie Materialien interaktiv anzeigen können, bevor Sie die endgültige Entscheidung treffen.

Dunkelkammer aktualisiert:
Darkroom wurde mit neuen Funktionen und einer neuen modularen Benutzeroberfläche aufgefrischt. Batch-Rendering kann aus der Dunkelkammer heraus gestartet werden, indem Rhinos benannte Ansichten verwendet werden, die es dem Benutzer ermöglichen, verschiedene Rendering-Einstellungen und Bearbeitungskriterien für jede einzelne zu definieren.

Platform: x86/64
System: Windows 7+
Format: .exe
Paket: .rar / .zip
Größe: 545 MB
Sprache: English
Update: 07042022



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