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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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The Foundry MODO 15


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

The Foundry MODO 15.0v1 (MacOSX)


The Foundry MODO 15.0v1 (MacOSX) | 1.26 GB | Language: English

MODO is your starting point for creative exploration. Whether you're creating addictive real-time experiences, innovative product designs, compelling advertising images, or engaging film and video content, MODO's artist-friendly tools let you iterate freely to realize your ideas' full creative potential.

Modo features:

Modo® offers a unique combination of best-in-class direct modeling tools working hand-in-hand with a highly robust and flexible procedural modeling system. Additionally, Modo features the award-winning MeshFusion Boolean tools, integrated sculpting and retopology functionality.

UV workflows
Take the drudgery out of tedious UV creation tasks, with a highly efficient built-in toolset that offers many automated options, supports UDIM workflows, and-unlike some other 3D content creation tools-integrates fully with modeling and selection workflows.

Bring your artistic expression to 3D modeling, as you use Modo's integrated brush-based sculpting tools to intuitively rough out volumes and add multiple levels of fine detail with speed.

Streamline your workflow with fast, flexible layer-based and nodal shading systems for building sophisticated, convincing materials with ease. Drag-and-drop presets let you quickly develop the look you want, or simply select from a huge library of highly realistic physically-based materials.

Enjoy photorealistic rendering at amazing speeds and limitless resolutions-even network rendering is free. Modo's production-proven, physically-based renderer offers a rare blend of speed and quality.

Review textures as you bake and watch them refine progressively. Modo also allows you to tweak settings and make surface changes without waiting for a final render, and it accurately bakes to Unity or Unreal standards with no extra tools required.

Featuring a non-destructive, non-linear toolset and fully-integrated modular workflow, Modo's flexible node-based rigging system lets you easily create, edit, manage and reuse complex character rigs.

Incorporating traditional animation techniques applied in innovative ways, Modo's 3D animation framework is highly customizable to meet the most demanding of production challenges.

Modo's rule-based, directable particles work together with the fully-integrated rigid and soft bodies, and procedural shattering, to let you create compelling dynamic simulations in less time.

Hair and Fur
Modo lets you create and manipulate realistic hair, fur, grass, feathers and other fiber-based effects as actual geometry that can be sculpted, shaded and rendered directly in your scene.

Größe: 1.26 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .dmg
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Mac Plattform: Intel


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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