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Tecplot 360 EX 2020


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Tecplot 360 EX 2020 R2 v2020.2.0.110596 (x64)


Tecplot 360 EX 2020 R2 v2020.2.0.110596 (x64) | 355 MB | Language: English

Scientists and Engineers who are looking to cut time in understanding computational fluid dynamic (CFD) results look to Tecplot 360, a visual data analysis tool that improves productivity with integrated XY, 2D and 3D plotting. It's fast, easy to use, memory efficient and produces visually powerful output to help you communicate your results to others.

Tecplot 360 2018 includes extended capability
Design space exploration with Chorus.
Workflow automation with our Python API PyTecplot.
Remote data access with SZL Server.

Analyze Complex Results
Load your data with support for 27 CFD, FEA, structural analysis, and industry-standard data formats.
Unique multi-frame environment with multiple pages for reporting and comparing solutions.
Understand XY, Polar, 2D and 3D plots using unique linking capabilities.
Animate and step through transient solutions with video player-style controls like forward, backward, loop, bounce, and throttle control.

Explore with interactive slicing, iso-surface, and streamtrace tools.
Automatically extract key flow features such as vortex cores, shock surfaces.
Explore Billion Cell Models with SZL Technology

Leverage multi-core desktop systems with multi-threaded capability.
Dramatic performance improvements for large finite-element dаta:
Load times up to 23 times faster.
Peak memory usage reduced up to 93%.
Files sizes compressed up to 70%.
Analyze large finite-element data sets quickly and easily on a typical engineering laptop.
Verify Engineering Designs

Assess your grid quality with 28 grid quality functions including aspect ratios, Y+, skewness, orthogonality, and stretch factors.
Validate computational output with experimental data in by a single plotting environment.
Estimate the order of accuracy of your numerical solutions with Richardson extrapolation analysis.
Interactively explore and sweep through flow field to check that flow features align with the grid.
Compare multiple models simultaneously, including Fluid-structure Interaction (FSI) visualization.
Communicate and Publish Reports

Copy and paste images directly into Microsoft Office applications.
Export professional, presentation-quality vector and raster formats.
Present multiple, time-linked views of your plots with Tecplot 360's unique multi-frame layout workspace.
Optimize animations for PowerPoint and the Web.
Create reports using unique multipage layouts.
Automate Routine Tasks

Instantly apply a plot's style attributes and layouts to a different set of data with layout and style files.
Leverage over 180 macro functions to automate common analysis and plotting tasks.
Create human readable text based macros by recording on screen actions.


Größe: 355 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






Tecplot 360 EX with Chorus R2 m1 2020.2.1.112919 (x64)


Tecplot 360 EX with Chorus R2 m1 2020.2.1.112919 (x64) | 378 MB | Language: English

Scientists and Engineers who are looking to cut time in understanding computational fluid dynamic (CFD) results look to Tecplot 360, a visual data analysis tool that improves productivity with integrated XY, 2D and 3D plotting. It's fast, easy to use, memory efficient and produces visually powerful output to help you communicate your results to others.

Tecplot 360 2018 includes extended capability
Design space exploration with Chorus.
Workflow automation with our Python API PyTecplot.
Remote data access with SZL Server.

Analyze Complex Results
Load your data with support for 27 CFD, FEA, structural analysis, and industry-standard data formats.
Unique multi-frame environment with multiple pages for reporting and comparing solutions.
Understand XY, Polar, 2D and 3D plots using unique linking capabilities.
Animate and step through transient solutions with video player-style controls like forward, backward, loop, bounce, and throttle control.
Explore with interactive slicing, iso-surface, and streamtrace tools.
Automatically extract key flow features such as vortex cores, shock surfaces.
Explore Billion Cell Models with SZL Technology

Leverage multi-core desktop systems with multi-threaded capability.
Dramatic performance improvements for large finite-element data:
Load times up to 23 times faster.
Peak memory usage reduced up to 93%.
Files sizes compressed up to 70%.
Analyze large finite-element data sets quickly and easily on a typical engineering laptop.
Verify Engineering Designs

Assess your grid quality with 28 grid quality functions including aspect ratios, Y+, skewness, orthogonality, and stretch factors.
Validate computational output with experimental data in by a single plotting environment.
Estimate the order of accuracy of your numerical solutions with Richardson extrapolation analysis.
Interactively explore and sweep through flow field to check that flow features align with the grid.
Compare multiple models simultaneously, including Fluid-structure Interaction (FSI) visualization.
Communicate and Publish Reports

Copy and paste images directly into Microsoft Office applications.
Export professional, presentation-quality vector and raster formats.
Present multiple, time-linked views of your plots with Tecplot 360's unique multi-frame layout workspace.
Optimize animations for PowerPoint and the Web.
Create reports using unique multipage layouts.
Automate Routine Tasks

Instantly apply a plot's style attributes and layouts to a different set of data with layout and style files.
Leverage over 180 macro functions to automate common analysis and plotting tasks.
Create human readable text based macros by recording on screen actions.


Größe: 378 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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