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ScanScore Professional 2.5.4


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
ScanScore Professional 2.5.4


Languages: English, German
File Size: 40.35 MB

Scan, play and edit sheet music quickly and easily with ScanScore. Simply download ScanScore and use your smartphone, tablet or a scanner to scan your sheet music and play it back to you. And you can just as easily transpose your score, export your notes to almost any music program and edit them further.

Wouldn't it be fantastic if every piece of sheet music had a play button?
Now with ScanScore, it has!

- Scan printed and digital sheet music
- Play back your score
- Make edits and corrections to the notes
- Transpose notes, staves or the whole score
- Export your score for further processing in another program*
* Like MuseScore, Dorico, Sibelius, FORTE, Capella, Notion or Finale

Scan your sheet music and listen to it.
- Scan the sheet music with your preferred scanning method
- Let it play the notes for you
- Practice your voice or your instrumental solo before an orchestra, ensemble or choir rehearsal

Scan your sheet music and transpose it.
- Transpose the whole score or just single staves directly in ScanScore
- Change the key and make it easier to play or sing along
- Adapt the score to another instrument
- Print your transposed score with just a few clicks

Scan your sheet music and edit it.
- Edit your score easily with ScanScore's correction tools
- Export your notes (at the click of a button) to almost any music app via MusicXML or MIDI
- There you can simplify, add staves, change the layout and much more!

What makes ScanScore the right music scanning software for you...

User-friendly - scan sheet music and get fast results
- The user interface is very easy to understand
- You can digitize your sheet music within a few minutes, without frustration

Extensive, convenient correction and editing options
- The correction of scanning errors is extensive and convenient
- The playback feature makes finding errors easy

Flexible import possibilities with recognition of PDF files
- You can scan or read in files that you have digitally on your computer
- Even PDF files, for example from the IMSLP library, are no problem for ScanScore.

Significantly improved note recognition
ScanScore 2 works with the newest detection algorithms to produce excellent results.

Export to all programs as MusicXML or MIDI
You can export your notes (at the click of a button) to almost any music program via the MusicXML or MIDI interface.

Release Notes
What's New in ScanScore 2?
ScanScore 2 has several new functions and improvements compared to ScanScore 1.

Here is an overview of the most important new features
- Recognition of notes, lyrics and chords
- ScanScore 2 now recognizes not only notes but also song text and chords. All recognized elements can be intuitively edited afterwards and corrected in case of recognition errors.
- Transposing scores or staves
- Now it is possible to transpose partitures or selected staves of scores directly into another key after scanning. This saves the detour via another notation program. If the score is then in the desired key, it can be listened to or printed out.
- Improved PDF import
- When importing multi-page PDF files, you can now specify exactly which pages are to be imported. It is also possible to import several PDF files into one ScanScore document.
- Improved playback feature
- ScanScore 2 now has a mixer which lets you select an individual instrument sound and adjust the volume. You can also set the panorama. Another feature is the adjustment of the pitch. This allows you to set up the sound output for transposing instruments.
- Improved export of scores
- ScanScore 2 can export scores as a MusicXML file or MIDI file. Both modules have been improved and allow the import into other notation and music programs such as: Dorico, Sibelius, Finale, Capella, FORTE and DAWs.

System Requirements
ScanScore can be used with Windows 8 and 10. Windows 7 is not supported any longer by the publisher.


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