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Nukeygara Akeytsu v20


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Nukeygara Akeytsu v20.2.6 (x64)


Nukeygara Akeytsu v20.2.6 (x64) | 152 MB | Language: English

3D animation. Reinvented. Disruptive & Intuitive. Akeytsu disrupts the status-quo with its simplicity, velocity and ergonomics. With its focus on the artist's needs, Akeytsu does away with the dated and complex technical constraints of the traditional 3D animation toolset. Designed by animators, it offers a brand new approach to skinning, rigging and animation. Built from meticulous feedback and testing, the UI design and intuitive and accessible features meet every artist's expectations.

Fast & Easy
Akeytsu simplifies the rigging workflow by doing away with traditional control rigs and manipulators and instead lets the artist handle directly the mesh and skeleton. The Akeytsu 3D animation toolset is designed for both the aspiring artist and the professional animator to produce large volumes of high quality animation quickly and easily. Dedicated solely to rigging and animation, Akeytsu has one of the fastest learning curves of any software in the 3D industry. It provides flexible and intuitive functionalities that are easy to use, without making compromises on the quality of the content that can be produced.

Innovative & Comfortable
Create a pose in a quick time with the Akeytsu Spinner, a smart 2D manipulator. Manage keyframing with the Akeytsu Stacker, the most efficient keyframe editor in its class. Edit the F-Curve in the 3D viewport and manipulate the IK solvers through the FK skeleton. Akeytsu optimizes your creative control and allows you to switch seamlessly between rigging and animation.

Efficient & Stable
Akeytsu has been perfected over an extensive twelve beta version history and is already widely used by indie game developers and animators before it's much anticipated release. During this long, deliberate period of unlimited free beta access, Akeytsu has amassed a ton of user feedback from a variety of sources. This information has been used to develop, not only a very stable software, but one with proven gains of productivity within different game workflows. Production ready, reliable and stable Akeytsu is perfect for any creator of animation.

3D animation made simple
The dedicated animation toolset bringing creativity back into your workflow. Designed by and for animators, akeytsu is the most accessible and effective rigging and animation software solution to breath life into your 3D characters.

Light & Focused
At its core akeytsu relies on solid keyframe foundations to bring artistry back into 3D animation. With professional needs in mind, it revisits the traditional animation workflow to deliver impeccable user experience at every step of the way and offer the most accessible 3D animation suite.

No set-up time needed or plug-ins to look for to achieve what you want. From the refined interface to the natively integrated tools, everything is there at first boot to let you unleash your creativity. Load your 3D model or one of the included rigged characters and get started.

Simple & Intuitive
Thanks to its intuitive UX, the akeytsu toolset will appeal to trained animators as well as aspiring artists easing the pain of professionals while making animation look easy to beginners. With its fast learning curve, akeytsu is quick to get familiar with and implement into one's workflow.

With our Light Rig System, rigging and posing has never been easier. Every joint you create embarks basic transform tools including compensated rotation and toon scale. IK, RF and blendshapes controls are just a few clicks away.

System Requirements:
- Memory: 4 GB
- Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 5450
- akeytsu Indie 2020 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
- File Size: 1 GB
- OS: Windows Vista x64 or higher

Home Page -

Größe: 152 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






Nukeygara Akeytsu v20.3.1 (x64)


Nukeygara Akeytsu v20.3.1 (x64) | 78 MB | Language: English

3D animation. Reinvented. Disruptive & Intuitive. Akeytsu disrupts the status-quo with its simplicity, velocity and ergonomics. With its focus on the artist's needs, Akeytsu does away with the dated and complex technical constraints of the traditional 3D animation toolset. Designed by animators, it offers a brand new approach to skinning, rigging and animation. Built from meticulous feedback and testing, the UI design and intuitive and accessible features meet every artist's expectations.

Fast & Easy
Akeytsu simplifies the rigging workflow by doing away with traditional control rigs and manipulators and instead lets the artist handle directly the mesh and skeleton. The Akeytsu 3D animation toolset is designed for both the aspiring artist and the professional animator to produce large volumes of high quality animation quickly and easily. Dedicated solely to rigging and animation, Akeytsu has one of the fastest learning curves of any software in the 3D industry. It provides flexible and intuitive functionalities that are easy to use, without making compromises on the quality of the content that can be produced.

Innovative & Comfortable
Create a pose in a quick time with the Akeytsu Spinner, a smart 2D manipulator. Manage keyframing with the Akeytsu Stacker, the most efficient keyframe editor in its class. Edit the F-Curve in the 3D viewport and manipulate the IK solvers through the FK skeleton. Akeytsu optimizes your creative control and allows you to switch seamlessly between rigging and animation.

Efficient & Stable
Akeytsu has been perfected over an extensive twelve beta version history and is already widely used by indie game developers and animators before it's much anticipated release. During this long, deliberate period of unlimited free beta access, Akeytsu has amassed a ton of user feedback from a variety of sources. This information has been used to develop, not only a very stable software, but one with proven gains of productivity within different game workflows. Production ready, reliable and stable Akeytsu is perfect for any creator of animation.

3D animation made simple
The dedicated animation toolset bringing creativity back into your workflow. Designed by and for animators, akeytsu is the most accessible and effective rigging and animation software solution to breath life into your 3D characters.

Light & Focused
At its core akeytsu relies on solid keyframe foundations to bring artistry back into 3D animation. With professional needs in mind, it revisits the traditional animation workflow to deliver impeccable user experience at every step of the way and offer the most accessible 3D animation suite.

No set-up time needed or plug-ins to look for to achieve what you want. From the refined interface to the natively integrated tools, everything is there at first boot to let you unleash your creativity. Load your 3D model or one of the included rigged characters and get started.

Simple & Intuitive
Thanks to its intuitive UX, the akeytsu toolset will appeal to trained animators as well as aspiring artists easing the pain of professionals while making animation look easy to beginners. With its fast learning curve, akeytsu is quick to get familiar with and implement into one's workflow.

With our Light Rig System, rigging and posing has never been easier. Every joint you create embarks basic transform tools including compensated rotation and toon scale. IK, RF and blendshapes controls are just a few clicks away.

System Requirements:
- Memory: 4 GB
- Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 5450
- akeytsu Indie 2020 CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
- File Size: 1 GB
- OS: Windows Vista x64 or higher

Home Page -

Größe: 78 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






Nukeygara Akeytsu 20.3.8 (x64)


Nukeygara Akeytsu 20.3.8 (x64)

3D-Animation. Neu erfunden. Disruptiv & Intuitiv. Akeytsu durchbricht den Status Quo mit seiner Einfachheit, Geschwindigkeit und Ergonomie. Mit seinem Fokus auf die Bedürfnisse des Künstlers beseitigt Akeytsu die veralteten und komplexen technischen Einschränkungen des traditionellen 3D-Animationstoolsets. Entworfen von Animatoren, bietet es einen brandneuen Ansatz für Skinning, Rigging und Animation. Das UI-Design und die intuitiven und zugänglichen Funktionen wurden aus sorgfältigem Feedback und Tests entwickelt und erfüllen die Erwartungen jedes Künstlers.

Sprache: English | Größe: 84 MB | Format: RAR, EXE | Plattform: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64Bit)

UploadGig.com | RapidGator.net | DDownload.com



Nukeygara Akeytsu 20.3.10 (x64)


Nukeygara Akeytsu 20.3.10 (x64)

3D-Animation. Neu erfunden. Disruptiv & Intuitiv. Akeytsu durchbricht den Status Quo mit seiner Einfachheit, Geschwindigkeit und Ergonomie. Mit seinem Fokus auf die Bedürfnisse des Künstlers beseitigt Akeytsu die veralteten und komplexen technischen Einschränkungen des traditionellen 3D-Animationstoolsets. Entworfen von Animatoren, bietet es einen brandneuen Ansatz für Skinning, Rigging und Animation. Das UI-Design und die intuitiven und zugänglichen Funktionen wurden aus sorgfältigem Feedback und Tests entwickelt und erfüllen die Erwartungen jedes Künstlers.

Sprache: English | Größe: 81 MB | Format: RAR, EXE | Plattform: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64Bit)

UploadGig.com | RapidGator.net | DDownload.com



Nukeygara Akeytsu v20.3.11 (x64)


Nukeygara Akeytsu v20.3.11 (x64) | 81 MB | Language: English


Größe: 81 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Present
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7
Bit depth: 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)






Nukeygara Akeytsu 20.3.12 (x64)


Nukeygara Akeytsu 20.3.12 (x64)

3D-Animation. Neu erfunden. Disruptiv & Intuitiv. Akeytsu durchbricht den Status Quo mit seiner Einfachheit, Geschwindigkeit und Ergonomie. Mit seinem Fokus auf die Bedürfnisse des Künstlers beseitigt Akeytsu die veralteten und komplexen technischen Einschränkungen des traditionellen 3D-Animations-Toolsets.

Sprache: English | Größe: 81 MB | Format: RAR, EXE | Plattform: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64Bit)

UploadGig.com | RapidGator.net | DDownload.com


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