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Jennifer Stevenson - Coed Demon Sluts: Omnibus: books 1-5


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Title: Coed Demon Sluts: Omnibus: Coed Demon Sluts: books 1-5
Author: Stevenson, Jennifer

Published: 2017
Publisher: Book View Cafe
Extension: MOBI
Size: 2 MB
Subjects: fantasy women's fiction humor feminist demons adventure

Aren't you tired of doing everything right? Wouldn't you like a second chance to go back and do it wrong? Coed Demon Sluts: There's always room on the team.
FIVE novels under one cover. This series of radically feminist women's fiction novels features shoes and shopping, massive quantities of food and controlled substances, all-girl hot tubbing, riot-grrl rage, rollicking, revenge, renewal, and rejoicing. Six women find out what they're made of by making themselves into something totally other.
BETH Beth is fifty, dumped by her husband for the babysitter, jobless, skill-less, homeless, cashless. She's about to jump in front of a bus when she meets Delilah, recruiter for the "Regional Office" and receives an offer she can't refuse: become a succubus for the Second Circle of Hell.
Heartbroken, Beth decides to use the powers of her new sex demon body and the remains of her thrown- away life to track down her ex-husband and find out why he dumped her.
JEE Only a few years ago, Jee was a slave in a Bangkok whorehouse. When her rageful teenage rebellion endangered her life, Hell's recruiter came along with an offer she couldn't refuse: become a succubus, with an invincible body, a great paycheck, and a loft in Chicago.
Reg answered an ad in Craigslist to become the onsite manager of the coed demon sluts. But the succubi weren't putting up with a pimp. Jee got him under control immediately. Reg has found bliss in his new home, even if it means eating his dinner from a dog bed in the kitchen. Then his worst enemy recaptures him and drags him back to a darker slavery in her basement...his mom.
Jee's childhood scars won't begin to heal until she lets her succubus team under her skin. She thinks she's too tough for that, until she takes pity on the unlikeliest teammate of all. And Reg will someday be grateful that he can morph into a child-protecting monster.
MELITTA You're short, round and unpopular, oh and you are back for a fifth year of high school. Your mom is the school shrink and your stepfather is a predator. Things are looking up though, you just signed a deal with the devil. Melitta finds friends just when she needs them.The Sluts are the kind of friends you need when you are already in hell.
AMANDA Cricket's family may be ready for their 98-year-old great-grandma to go gently into the good night, but she sure as hell isn't. So when hell comes calling in the form of Delilah, she's ready to sign on the dotted "succubus" line.
Army brat Amanda has spent her life letting everyone else call the shots. With a shiny new contract, and a shape-shifting body as tough as titanium, she's ready to call some shots of her own-on the basketball court.
Now roommates at the Lair, this odd couple are ready to set the Regional Office on its ear with history's first coed demon basketball tournament-and to discover that you're never too old or too shy to find new friendships-or love. ____________________________
POG As a child, Pog ("Person Of Girth") was her wealthy parents' little angel until she started gaining weight. They gave her an ultimatum: lose the weight, or be kicked out of the family. Ten years later she was a fat, broke whore-and then Delilah offered her a chance to be a thin, rich whore for hell. Today, Pog is the coed demon sluts' team leader, taking guff from no one, not even her supervisor Ish Qbybbl.
Ish Qbybbl has happily supervised his field ops via Skype from his private cubicle at the Regional Office. But when they win the Demonic Intramural Basketball Tournament and put him in danger of a promotion, Ish panics and goes into hiding with his coed demon sluts.
Can Pog save Ish from his jealous demonic boss? Or will their secret history crack her open and leave her defenseless in hell's prison?

Download Jennifer Stevenson - [Coed Demon Slut 01-05] - Coed Demon Sluts- Beth; Jee; Melitta; Amanda; Pog

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