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Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 1 (MacOSX)


Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 1 (MacOSX) | 1.53 GB

Intel Software is pleased to announce the availability of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 1. This release includes functional and security updates, also all tools updated to the latest version.

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 1 - Release Notes
- Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 1 includes functional and security updates. Users should update to the latest version.
Intel IMPI:
- Implemented dynamic processes support in OFI/mlx provider
- Added PMI2 support
Intel Math Kernel Library:
- ScaLAPACK introduced distributed nonsymmetric eigensolver functionality
Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library:
- New algorithms implemented: Elastic Net and Probabilistic classification for Decision Forest
Intel Advisor:
- Integrated Roofline feature preview added First Bottleneck visualization and single kernel view and guidance
- Advisor Python API support moved to Python 3

Intel VTune Profiler:
- Microarchitecture Exploration analysis is now supported on Intel processors formerly code-named Icelake.
This file () lists all the new and updated features and also bug fixes that are available in this release.
Intel Parallel Studio XE is a development suite that boosts application performance by taking advantage of the ever-increasing processor core count and vector register width available in Intel Xeon processors, Intel Xeon Phi processors and coprocessors, and other compatible processors. Intel Parallel Studio XE simplifies the design, development, debugging and tuning of parallel code while boosting application performance. The suite of software enables software engineers from high performance compute (HPC), machine learning, and data analysis applications to productively increase performance on hardware. The Intel Parallel Studio XE tools integrate into your development environment, allowing you to leverage existing code.

Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition
The Composer Edition of the Intel Parallel Studio XE helps you build faster code, using compilers, libraries and a data analytics library. Deliver high performance applications for HPC, enterprise and cloud solutions with industry-leading Fortran and C++ compilers, accelerated Python distribution, and performance libraries. Simplify development using standards-based parallel models. Drop advanced libraries, optimized for the latest hardware, right into your code.

Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition
The Cluster Edition of the Intel Parallel Studio XE includes the Professional Edition and adds an MPI cluster communications library, MPI error checking and tuning, as well as a cluster diagnostic expert system, providing an even more robust toolset for software engineers. Future-proof high performance, scalable cluster applications that take full advantage of multicore and many-core power. Scale development efforts with standards-driven compilers, programming models, and tools. Profile MPI applications to quickly find bottlenecks, achieving high performance for parallel cluster applications. Verify that cluster components continue working together throughout the cluster lifecycle.

Intel Corp. is the brains of the operation. One the biggest computer chip companies, the company controls 80% of the market for microprocessors that act as the brains of desktop, notebook, and server computers. It has dominated the PC chip market from the early x86 processors to Pentiums to today's Core technology. Intel also makes chips for smartphones, and tablets as well as embedded semiconductors for the industrial, medical, and automotive markets. The company develops its chips and makes most of them itself in one of the industry's biggest manufacturing systems.

Product: Intel Parallel Studio XE
Version: 2020 Update 1 (version 20.1(24)085) Cluster Edition **
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: macOs
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 1.53Gb
** The Cluster Edition contains all the tools plus MPI cluster tools including a standards based MPI Library, MPI communications profiling and analysis tool, MPI error checking and tuning tools and cluster checker.

Systems based on Intel 64 architecture:
- Intel Core processor family or higher
- Intel Xeon E5 v5processor families recommended
- Intel Xeon E7 v5processor families recommended

NOTE: It is assumed that the processors listed above are configured into homogeneous clusters.
Disk Space Requirements
12GB of disk space (minimum)on a standard installation. Cluster installations require an additional 4 GB of disk space.

NOTE: During the installation process, the installer may need up to 12 GB of additional temporary disk storage to manage the intermediate installation files.
Operating System Requirements
All components in Intel Parallel Studio XE support these operating systems on an Intel 64 architecture. Individual component tools may also support additional operating systems and architecture configurations. See the release notes for individual components for full details.
- macOS 10.14
- Xcode 10.2
The Intel MPI Library and Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector are supported on Intel Cluster Ready systems and high-performance computing (HPC) versions of the listed versions of Windows Server. These components are not supported on Ubuntu non-long-term support (LTS) systems. Installation on IA-32 hosts is no longer supported by anytools.
Memory Requirements
- 2 GB RAM (minimum)
Additional Software Requirements
On macOS, the Intel C/C++ Compiler and Intel Fortran Compiler require a version of Xcode to be installed. The following versions are currently supported:
- Xcode 9, 10


Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 2 (MacOSX)


Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 2 (MacOSX) | 1.56 GB | Language: English

Intel Parallel Studio XE has three editions: Composer Edition, Professional Edition, and Cluster Edition.
Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition provides a software tools environment for developing Fortran, C, and/or C++ code using Intel Compilers. Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition also includes Intel Math Kernel Library, Intel Integrated Performance Primitives, Intel Threading Building Blocks, and Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel DAAL).

Intel Parallel Studio XE Professional Edition adds Intel VTune Profilerfor performance analysis, Intel Inspectorforcorrectness analysis, and Intel Advisorfor parallelism discovery.
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition adds support for distributed memory computing via Intel MPI Library, Intel MPI Benchmarks, and Intel TraceAnalyzer and Collector. Intel Cluster Checker provides cluster health monitoring tools.

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Fortran
Intel Corp. is the brains of the operation. One the biggest computer chip companies, the company controls 80% of the market for microprocessors that act as the brains of desktop, notebook, and server computers. It has dominated the PC chip market from the early x86 processors to Pentiums to today's Core technology. Intel also makes chips for smartphones, and tablets as well as embedded semiconductors for the industrial, medical, and automotive markets. The company develops its chips and makes most of them itself in one of the industry's biggest manufacturing systems.

Product: Intel Parallel Studio XE
Version: 2020 Update 2 Cluster Edition
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: MacOSX
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 1.56 Gb

Processor Requirements
Systems based on IA-32 architecture are supported as target platformson Windows and Linux. Systems based on Intel 64 architectures below are supported both as host and target platforms.
Systems based on Intel 64 architecture:
- Intel Core processor family or higher
- Intel Xeon E5 v5processor families recommended
- Intel Xeon E7 v5processor families recommended
NOTE:It is assumed that the processors listed above are configured into homogeneous clusters.
Disk Space Requirements
12GB of disk space (minimum)on a standard installation. Cluster installations require an additional 4 GB of disk space.
NOTE: During the installation process, the installer may need up to 12 GB of additional temporary disk storage to manage the intermediate installation files.
Operating System Requirements
All components in Intel Parallel Studio XE support these operating systems on an Intel 64 architecture. Individual component tools may also support additional operating systems and architecture configurations. See the release notes for individual components for full details.
- macOS 10.14
- Xcode 10.2

The Intel MPI Library and Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector are supported on Intel Cluster Ready systems and high-performance computing (HPC) versions of the listed versions of Windows Server. These components are not supported on Ubuntu non-long-term support (LTS) systems. Installation on IA-32 hosts is no longer supported by anytools.
Memory Requirements
- 2 GB RAM (minimum)
Additional Software Requirements
On macOS, the Intel C/C++ Compiler and Intel Fortran Compiler require a version of Xcode to be installed. The following versions are currently supported:
- Xcode 9, 10



Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 4 (MacOSX)


Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 4 (MacOSX) | 1.2 GB | Language: English

Intel Software is pleased to announce the availability of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 4. This release includes functional and security updates, also all tools updated to the latest version.

Intel Parallel Studio XE has three editions: Composer Edition, Professional Edition, and Cluster Edition.

Intel Parallel Studio XE ComposerEdition provides a software tools environment for developing Fortran, C, and/or C++ code using Intel Compilers. Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition also includes Intel® Math Kernel Library, Intel Integrated Performance Primitives, Intel Threading Building Blocks, and Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel DAAL).

Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition provides a software tools environment for developing Fortran, C, and/or C++ code using Intel Compilers. Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition also includes Intel Math Kernel Library, Intel Integrated Performance Primitives, Intel Threading Building Blocks, and Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel DAAL).
Intel Parallel Studio XE Professional Edition adds Intel VTune Profilerfor performance analysis, Intel Inspectorforcorrectness analysis, and Intel Advisorfor parallelism discovery.
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition adds support for distributed memory computing via Intel MPI Library, Intel MPI Benchmarks, and Intel TraceAnalyzer and Collector. Intel Cluster Checker provides cluster health monitoring tools.

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Fortran
Intel Corp. is the brains of the operation. One the biggest computer chip companies, the company controls 80% of the market for microprocessors that act as the brains of desktop, notebook, and server computers. It has dominated the PC chip market from the early x86 processors to Pentiums to today's Core technology. Intel also makes chips for smartphones, and tablets as well as embedded semiconductors for the industrial, medical, and automotive markets. The company develops its chips and makes most of them itself in one of the industry's biggest manufacturing systems.

Product: Intel Parallel Studio XE
Version: 2020 Update 4 (build 2020.4.311) Cluster Edition *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: macOs
Size: 1.2 Gb

- Intel C++ Compiler
- Intel Fortran Compiler
- Intel Distribution for Python
- Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP)
- Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL)
- Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (DAAL)
- Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
- Intel-provided Debug Solutions
- Intel Advisor
- Intel Inspector
- Intel VTune Profiler
- Intel Cluster Checker (For Linux only)
- Intel MPI Benchmarks
- Intel MPI Library
- Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector

Processor Requirements:
Systems based on Intel 64 architectures below are supported both as host and target platforms.

Systems based on Intel 64 architecture:
- Intel Core processor family or higher
- Intel Xeon E5 v5processor families recommended
- Intel Xeon E7 v5processor families recommended

NOTE: It is assumed that the processors listed above are configured into homogeneous clusters.

Disk Space Requirements:
12GB of disk space (minimum)on a standard installation. Cluster installations require an additional 4 GB of disk space.
NOTE: During the installation process, the installer may need up to 12 GB of additional temporary disk storage to manage the intermediate installation files.

Operating System Requirements:
All components in Intel Parallel Studio XE support these operating systems on an Intel 64 architecture. Individual component tools may also support additional operating systems and architecture configurations. See the release notes for individual components for full details.
- macOS 10.15, 10.14
- Xcode 10.2
The Intel MPI Library and Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector are supported on Intel Cluster Ready systems and high-performance computing (HPC) versions of the listed versions of Windows Server. These components are not supported on Ubuntu non-long-term support (LTS) systems. Installation on IA-32 hosts is no longer supported by anytools.

Memory Requirements:
- 2 GB RAM (minimum)

Additional Software Requirements:
On macOS, the Intel C/C++ Compiler and Intel Fortran Compiler require a version of Xcode to be installed. The following versions are currently supported:
- Xcode 9, 10

Größe: 1.2 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .dmg
Mac Plattform: Intel


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