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    - Die Struktur des Threadtitels muss wie folgt umgesetzt werden: Herstellername - Softwarename - Versionsnummer
    - Unnötige Zusätze im Threadtitel wie "HOT", "NEW" oder Punkte zwischen den Wörtern sind nicht erlaubt.
    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
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    Software Suche

    - Für Suchanfragen haben wir das Unterforum "Suche" erstellt.
    - Auch hier sollte vorher die Suchfunktion benutzt werden, um Doppelthreads vorzubeugen. Sollte es bereits eine Suchanfrage geben, könnt ihr den Thread gerne mit einem "Danke" pushen.

    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

    - Falls Euer Virenscanner bei einem Angebot Alarm schlägt, solltet ihr zunächst Ruhe bewahren. Viele Virenscanner erkennen Cracks/Keygens oft fälschlicherweise als Bedrohung.
    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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HEX Editor


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
HEX Editor

Diese App wurde sowohl für das iPhone als auch für das iPad konzipiert
Kategorie: Dienstprogramme
Aktualisiert: 17.10.2014
Version: 5.2
Größe: 8.1 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Entwickler: aZeR DiLLs
© aZeR Dills
Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 7.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. Diese App ist für iPhone 5, iPhone 6 und iPhone 6 Plus optimiert.



HEX Editor iOS App allows you to view & edit the raw data contents of a file. The data of the file are represented in two columns; hexadecimal paired values & ASCII characters.

HEX Editor supports editing & viewing on all types of file (regardless of OS platform). With its simple UI yet packed with features, editing any type of files on-the-go will be effortless. Features include:

1. Supports editing in both HEX or TEXT mode concurrently.

2. Switch views between HEX only, TEXT only or both views anytime while editing a file.

3. Search function supports both for HEX & TEXT mode. Users are now able to select "Find Next", "Replace" once, or "Replace All". In addition, "Exact Match" or "Case Insensitive" search options are added.

Note** - replacing bytes will results in adding or removing of bytes IF number of bytes you are replacing is different from the number of bytes you are searching. i.e. if you search "00FF" & replace with "AA01FF", this will automatically insert the additional byte to the file. If you search "editor" & replace with "edit", this will automatically delete the unwanted 2 bytes.

4. Move easily between bytes while editing via the "Prev" & "Next" buttons on the keyboard.

5. Insert & delete any number of bytes at any given locations are supported.

6. "Jump to.." any location of the file easily by specifying the byte number to go to.

7. "Save" or "Save as" edited files are supported.

8. Export files via email or Dropbox instantly within App.

9. File manager allows user to rename, delete, and preview all files inside the App's document folder.

10. From the preview view, users will have the options to export or open the files via any other installed App that supports that particular type of files or do other useful supported actions for example.. if the file is "PDF", user can export & open this file in iBooks, print to any air print printer, email file, export to Dropbox, export to PDF Assembler, etc.

10a. iOS 7 & above users will be able to use AirDrop feature to share files with others or to import files from other iOS device!

11. Theme selector will allow you to choose the color theme while in edit mode. This will help many users to choose colors that are best for their eyes only i.e. black background with white text, etc.

12. Web downloader will allow users to download files from the internet or LAN.

13. Media importer will allow users to import photos & videos from the photo library.

14. Uploader will allow users to upload files to the App's document folder via the built-in web based file-server. You can switch on this service on your device & point your PC or Mac web browser to the given IP address & start uploading your files.

15. Import any files from your Dropbox account instantly is also supported.

16. Import any files from your email attachments or any other installed Apps that supports file sharing via the "Open in.." feature.

Please email us for suggestions, comments or any bug reports at [email protected] & kindly spare some time to rate this App in the App Store to show your support. We appreciate if user can contact us directly at the email above for any issues rather than posting in the comments section in the App Store as we have no way to reply to it & we for sure needs all the information in order for us to troubleshoot the issues.




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