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Graitec ArchiWizard 2022.1 10.1.0 (x64) Multilingual


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Graitec ArchiWizard 2022.1 10.1.0 (x64) Multilingual


File size: 267 MB

GRAITEC announces the release of ArchiWIZARD. This solution provides accurate thermal, light, solar gains and shadows analysis, renewable energy simulation (photovoltaic & thermal solar systems).

About Graitec ArchiWIZARD. ArchiWIZARD is a real-time 3D analysis software based on BIM model directly connected to the architectural CAD solutions. ArchiWIZARD provides accurate thermal, light, solar gains and shadows analysis, renewable energy simulation (photovoltaic & thermal solar systems). It embeds EnergyPlus v8.1 building energy simulation program (STD) to combine even more accurate building performance analysis still with the advanced usability of ArchiWIZARD user interface and interoperability capacities. ArchiWIZARD has been evaluated for french regulation RT2012 compliance by CSTB. From the sketch, for new constructions and refurbishment, ArchiWIZARD informs you about the relevance and performance of your architectural and technical choices regarding to energy performance, thermal and visual comfort, and bioclimatic quality. It comes with numerous building elements libraries and easy-to-use configuration, results visualization and reports production tools.

About GRAITEC. Founded in 1986, GRAITEC is an Autodesk Platinum Partner in Europe and America and a long standing international Autodesk Partner and independent developer of high performance BIM Solutions for the AEC industry.

Operating throughout 29 offices across 12 countries worldwide, GRAITEC offers its clients an extensive range of established software solutions combined with the full portfolio of Autodesk products and BIM suites which help address the most demanding projects needs and maximize productivity, efficiency and performance. GRAITEC is an innovation focused company whose products are used by more than 40,000 construction professionals worldwide.

Whats new
Addition of the RE2020 Energy module

Addition of the RE2020 Carbon module

Bug fixes
Fixed a crash observed when solar protections are added

Fixed a bug to load libraries when their original locations are changed

Bug fixes
Fixed a bug causing a crash when a cold generation is added

Correction of a bug in the calculation of the Aepenr coefficient

Integration of the Energy module respecting the new environmental standards (RE2020)

Integration of the RE2020 calculation engine

Calculation of Th-B, ThDC, Th-DBC

Calculation of regulatory indicators: Bbio, Cep, Cep nr, DH

Integration of the Life cycle Analisis module respecting the new environmental standards (RE2020)

Calculation of regulatory indicators: Ic construction et Ic énergie

Calculation of pedagogical indicators

Version intégrée dans Revit
Addition of LCA and Energy RE2020 modules

Bug fixes
Fixed a bug preventing the use of ArchiWIZARD in Revit 2020/2021


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