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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Graitec Advance Design 2022


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Graitec Advance Design 2022.0 (x64)


Graitec Advance Design 2022.0 (x64) | 10.5 GB | Language: English

GRAITEC, an International software developer for AEC, is delighted to announce that Advance Design 2022 has been released. Based on the needs and requests of the ever-growing communities that have gathered around each software developed by Graitec, we have developed exciting new features to enhance all your structural projects.

Graitec Advance Designis 3D FEM structural analysis software for structural engineers operating in BIM Environment. It fully designs and details any type of structure, with any kind of loads, mixing reinforced concrete, timber and steel members and connections. It includes major code standards (Eurocodes / Canadian American).

GRAITEC is very pleased to present the latest version of the leading structural analysis software - Advance Design 2022, part of the Graitec Advance suite. GRAITEC has continuously strived to provide first-rate advancements for innovative software solutions to its valued customers, and the recent launch of its new and upgraded product range for 2022 is no exception, proving they are still top of their game in terms of providing top-level Construction, AEC and Building Design software solutions worldwide. Last release enhanced with lots of new functionalities with high benefits for the end-user.

Discover Advance Design 2022
Founded in 1986, GRAITECis an international group helping construction and manufacturing professionals successfully achieve their digital transformation by providing BIM and Industry 4.0 software and consultancy. Graitec is a developer of high-performance BIM applications as well as an Autodesk Platinum Partner in Europe and Gold Autodesk Partner in North America and Russia. Operating throughout 48 offices across 13 countries worldwide, GRAITEC offers its clients an extensive range of established software solutions combined with the full portfolio of Autodesk products and BIM suites which help address the most demanding projects needs and maximize productivity, efficiency, and performance. With more than 550 employees amongst which there are 200 BIM consultants, GRAITEC is an innovation focused company whose products are used by more than 100,000 construction professionals worldwide.

Product: Graitec Advance Design
Version: 2022.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 10.5 Gb

GRAITEC Advance Design is capable of performing highly advanced modeling tasks and finite elements calculations, while also conducting several automated post-processing methods and recordings of graphical animations, among other functions. Therefore, the BIM software requires a minimal system configuration to function under optimal conditions.
Find out here below both the minimal and the GRAITEC-recommended system requirements for ensuring optimal Advance Design usage.

System requirements:
Due to the wide variety of projects handled by GRAITEC users, it is difficult to suggest a unique system configuration to fit all cases. The minimal requirements described below allow the software to run under acceptable conditions for average sized projects. This might not be enough for handling all projects under the best conditions.

Minimal system requirements:
Hardware & Software
- Windows 8 - 64-bit version
- Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
- PC with Intel Core i3 latest generation Processor (or AMD equivalent)
- 8 GB RAM. Depending on the project's size and complexity, additional RAM is highly recommended
- Minimum 50 GB free disk space on the hard disk
- Windows compatible graphics adapter (1GB MB video RAM), with the latest video driver (recommended by the manufacturer), with support for OpenGL 3.0 and DirectX 12 and with the latest drivers installed (for best performance, we don't recommend onboard graphics cards)
- 19" display or higher with 1680 x 1050 resolution
- Network adapter, Keyboard, Mouse, USB port
- Internet connection or an alternate solution for activating the license
Recommended system requirements
In addition to the minimal configuration, here is the hardware and software recommended by GRAITEC:
- PC with Intel Core i5 or i7 latest generation Processor
- 16 GB RAM - According to the project size and complexity, additional RAM might be required
- SSD with 50 GB free space or more
- 22" display or higher with 1920x 1080 resolution
- Graphics card with DirectX 12 or higher and OpenGL 3.0 compliancy
- Installed operating system: Windows 10 64-bit version
- Windows and AutoCAD compatible printer or Descriptionter


Größe: 10.5 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1
Bit depth: 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)





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