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Gforce M-tron Pro v3



GForce M-Tron Pro v3.0.0 WiN | 31 Mb
M-Tron Pro Library v3.0.0: 8.53 Gb



Gforce Software M-Tron Pro v3.0.4 WiN.OSX


Gforce Software M-Tron Pro v3.0.4 WiN.OSX | Inc KeyMaker-R2R | 9.5 GB | Language: English

GForce M-Tron Pro - it is an imitation of the legendary, vintage instrument like a mellotron, developed in the early 60-ies of XX century. Mellotrons sound production is due to compounds each instrument keys with tape transport mechanism which causes the tape to move. On the tape, respectively, recorded the sound of the corresponding note.

Mellotron can assume one of the first, if not the first sampler. Hardware mellotron extremely capricious and unreliable tool to constantly deteriorating sound quality. Deterioration in the quality of sound digital library fortunately not threatened and it will allow you to recreate the sounds of this legendary tool on your computer. The M-Tron sound library includes a variety of tools, not just the usual "string" Mellotron sounds.

The tool was used The Beatles, Yes, Led Zeppelin and The Moody Blues.

Nearly 200 total tape banks (sample sets), including:

45 brand-new tape banks not found in the original M-Tron
19 tape banks from the original M-Tron virtual instrument, remastered at London's legendary Abbey Road Studios
Over 40 looped tape banks
Over 3.5GB of samples total
700+ patches including many created by world-class recording artists and programmers
Up to 35 notes, each individually sampled
Dual layer and split keyboard operation
Programmable MIDI CC response via MIDI Learn
29 parameters per layer including synth parameters
Vintage-style ensemble and delay effects
Low-pass, band-pass and high-pass resonant filter section
Tape reverse
Tape half speed
Flywheel 'Brake'
Dynamic keyboard control, including filter aftertouch

Year / Release Date: 10.2020
Version: 3.0.4
Developer: Gforce Software
Format: VSTi, AUi
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Medicine: Present | R2R
System requirements: Windows XP SP2, Intel Pentium IV 1GHz with 1GB RAM | OS X 10.7.x, Intel Mac.


Größe: 9.5 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / VSTi, AUi
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)







Gforce Software M-Tron Pro 3.0.4 Inc KeyMaker-R2R
WIN/MAC | 9.53 GB


Language: English
Format before unpacking: .rar
Format after unpacking: exe/VSTi, AUi
Platform: Windows 32bit, 64bit
Size: 9.53 GB
Hoster: DropApk, UploadGIG, NitroFlare, RapidGator

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